U.S. Accuses Russia of Using State Media Disinformation Ahead of November Election.

No offense to Biden but no shit.

Putin wants Trump to hand him Ukraine on a platter so bad he is probably spending more money trying to get Trump elected than he is in the war in Ukraine.
/—-/ Putin just endorsed Harris. I guess he wants her to hand him Ukraine.
If that was the case, then please explain why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office? Since, according to the left, Trump was trying to intentionally weaken NATO (by making them pay their fair share), wouldn't a weaker resistance worked in Putin's favor? It's not like Putin has to beg his generals or fight the Federal Assembly (Russia's version of Congress) to get approval.

Because Trump was withholding weapons from the Ukraine, and trying to get the Ukraine to "settle with" Putin. Trump was telling Zelensky that Putin wanted to settle and he could set up a meeting.

Trump was also attacking NATO Members and demanding they "pay up", and threatening to pull the USA out of NATO, which is one of Putin's main goals. Everything Trump was doing was advancing Putin's agenda.

Trump has publically said he'd pull out of NATO this time, and end the war in the Ukraine by ending all further military aid. Of course Putin is spending millions to get Trump elected. But it's also extending the war because Putin just has to hang on until Trump gets into office.

The people charged yesterday, are just the tip of the iceberg.
Notice nothing is said about Iran wanting to influence the election against Trump and even plotted to kill Trump. Where are Biden and the media on those? Nowhere in sight.
Trump was the one that took the Iran/U.S. nuclear deal off the table. Of course they do not want Trump back., Then again, Iran is not in a position to invade other countries nor they have the intention of doing so. Russia wants Trump in as president because he is for Russia invading, he is for Russia in general (respects Putin and probably is in Putin's pocket).

Neither Biden or Harris is in the pocket of Iran. They are just not presidents that will cause such damage to them as Trump did. Then again, who is more important and a larger peril to the world, Iran or Russia?
Biden Administration was fine with Russian disinformation when it supported their campaign but now that it's in opposition they are angry?

You believe Putin? Bwahaha.

Good grief. What happened to Republicans?

In a few short years they went from better dead then red to Putin's a genius.

Both parties have put their ideologies aside. They don't talk about them or debate them anymore. Most candidates don't even know what the core ideologies are anymore.

They simply want to win.
So they discuss short term hotbed issues focus group and pollster certified for what to say about it.

Ideologies? They don't have any.

The core concept of a few people having original ideas and better way of accomplishing tasks into a device or service they can sell which creates an economy....
the people demand products and purchase them which then causes someone to invent something Is solely responsible for the economy....

Rubik's cube vx bread.
Internet versus phone calls/letters.

Which is just one of several ideologies.

Peace through strength vx Peace through appeasement.

Make their economy linked to ours so they will never think to fight us. Great Britain vx China or Russia.

That's the ideologies....

Don't hear them discussed?
That proves that we don't need to fear the rising Artifial Intelligence near as much as the falling population's intelligence.

Chinese-linked online network is stoking U.S. political divisions: report​

The big picture: Americans have been inundated by media manipulated by China, Russia and Iran in recent years attempting to deepen stateside divisions as the election approaches.

  • The Chinese state-linked disinformation campaign known as "Spamouflage" has used increasingly aggressive tactics in its attempts to influence American online discourse, intelligence company Graphika reported.
  • Some of the most recent political content was "almost certainly AI-generated," the report found.
Chinese AI trying to sway voters to vote Democrat. But I guess that is ok?
Because Trump was withholding weapons from the Ukraine, and trying to get the Ukraine to "settle with" Putin. Trump was telling Zelensky that Putin wanted to settle and he could set up a meeting.
He wants ... a peace treaty? God forbid we do such a thing. We should just continue to drop billions and billions of dollars into a war that they're not likely to win. It's almost as though nobody learned a thing from the trillion dollars the US spent in Afghanistan. So, what did the US get after spending all that money? The Taliban runs the country, and they now have US equipment.

Trump was also attacking NATO Members and demanding they "pay up", and threatening to pull the USA out of NATO, which is one of Putin's main goals. Everything Trump was doing was advancing Putin's agenda.

Yes, he was making them to "pay up" because, in 2014, the heads of the member countries agreed to contribute 2% of their gross GDP to defense spending. There were countries not paying what they said they would pay. Hate Trump all you like, but Trump had every right to go after those countries and threatening them with if you're not going to honor your commitment, then we're going to leave. I thought the left believe in one paying their fair share.
Trump has publically said he'd pull out of NATO this time, and end the war in the Ukraine by ending all further military aid. Of course Putin is spending millions to get Trump elected. But it's also extending the war because Putin just has to hang on until Trump gets into office.

The people charged yesterday, are just the tip of the iceberg.
You have a link where Trump, himself, not former Trump people, has said that he'll put the US out of NATO if he's reelected? You have any evidence that Putin's spending any money trying to get Trump elected. Well, the allegations say that. True, I also remember that a Russian troll farm had several people indicted by Mueller after the 2016 election. When the troll farm company showed up with an attorney, those charges quietly went away without a trial. I think Zelensky thinks Trump is going to win also. Zelensky's presented a peace plan to Biden, Harris and Trump a few days ago. Sounds like he's done fighting with Russia and wants to end the war.
If that was the case, then please explain why Putin didn't invade Ukraine while Trump was in office? Since, according to the left, Trump was trying to intentionally weaken NATO (by making them pay their fair share), wouldn't a weaker resistance worked in Putin's favor? It's not like Putin has to beg his generals or fight the Federal Assembly (Russia's version of Congress) to get approval.
Hey 0311, try and actually use words to show how what I said was funny to you. I think it'll be funny to see you try.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration accused Russia on Wednesday of a far-reaching effort to influence the U.S. presidential election, including by promoting disinformation and enlisting unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda on Russian state media.

The actions taken by the U.S. government include sanctions against leaders of RT, a state media organization that was forced by the Justice Department to register as a foreign agent, as well as visa restrictions.
announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Intelligence agencies have previously charged that Russia was using disinformation to try to interfere in the election. But the anticipated announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved
I watched part of the testimony of Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray and they agreed that Russia is interfering in our elections and seems to prefer Trump while saying Iran is also interfering and is quite anti-Trump, pro Democrat.

That $10 million however was not election interference so much as used for pro Russia anti-Ukraine propaganda:

". . .One criminal case disclosed by the Justice Department accuses two employees of RT, a Russian state media company, of covertly funding a Tennessee-based content creation company with nearly $10 million to publish English-language videos on social media platforms including TikTok and YouTube with messages in favor of the Russia government’s interests and agenda, including about the war in Ukraine. . ."

However due to both Obama and Biden/Harris deliberately pushing the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax trying to implicate Donald Trump in some sort of illegal collusion that was proved entirely bogus. . .

and that the Hunter laptop scandal was all Russian disinformation, etc. . . .

Any thinking person wouldn't believe much this unethical and dishonest administration tells us about anything.

And as Trey Gowdy said this morning, Russia and Iran are the least influential players in disinformation. Our worst and most dangerous enemy is a dishonest and unethical MSM that is a Democrat propaganda and disinformation machine instead of a free and open press doing its job to inform the public of the facts.
/—-/ Putin just endorsed Harris. I guess he wants her to hand him Ukraine.

Of course he did. He also endorsed Clinton and Biden, publically.

Do you think hacking the DNC and publishing their emails was "helping Clinton"? Putin blamed the Clintons for his losing the Presidency while Clinton was in office. Or Hunter Biden's laptop was intended to help Joe Biden????

The whole point is to confuse the American people, and disrupt your elections. Russia did the same thing with the French Presidential elections, the original Brexit vote, and the Italian election. Canada just finished a Royal Commission investigation into Chinese interference in our elections.

It's happening all over the world. Western democracies are being undermined by anti-democratic dictatorships. Nowhere have they been more successful than the USA, and that's because their goals, and Trump's goals are aligned - destory your faith in the pillars of your democracy - elections, law enforcement, and the government.

Trump calls your elections "rigged", the FBI corrupt, and the government untrustworthy. And Putin's trolls amplify those lies, by posting on message boards like this one.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration accused Russia on Wednesday of a far-reaching effort to influence the U.S. presidential election, including by promoting disinformation and enlisting unwitting American influencers to spread propaganda on Russian state media.

The actions taken by the U.S. government include sanctions against leaders of RT, a state media organization that was forced by the Justice Department to register as a foreign agent, as well as visa restrictions.
announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved.

Intelligence agencies have previously charged that Russia was using disinformation to try to interfere in the election. But the anticipated announcement from Attorney General Merrick Garland is expected to show the depth of U.S. concerns and signal legal actions against those suspected of being involved
We see proof of Russian interference and disinformation on this forum daily, posted by conservatives.

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