Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

Ok winger, put up or shut up. Let's have a bet. If Harris wins I leave USMB for a year, if Trump wins you leave for a year. Put up or shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fool me once….

No , I don’t make bets with USMB conservatives

They always Welch
As a conservative Republican, Harris is winning right now. Not by much, but a little. If the election were held today she would win. We have to accept that or we are going to lose by being arrogant enough to deny the current reality. If we want to win we are going to have to work hard for it. Trump better have a good debate.
She is not winning anything, she has no swing states and the polls only interview dimtards.
Plenty of resarch available to show where she really stands outside the propaganda.
I'm not wrong. Arrogance in thinking we are already winning when we aren't is going to cause us to lose. We need to get past the mentality of allowing ourselves to lose and then screaming election fraud and focus on actually winning and let the other side scream election fraud.
Arrogance is much more prevalent from the Dimtard side than Trump. They think we are so stupid as to be influenced by whatever Reichbabble they throw out, and it is not true. The ho will get only 226 electoral votes no matter when the election is held.
She is not winning anything, she has no swing states and the polls only interview dimtards.
Plenty of resarch available to show where she really stands outside the propaganda.

Two months ago you were celebrating those polls
She is not winning anything, she has no swing states and the polls only interview dimtards.
Plenty of resarch available to show where she really stands outside the propaganda.
She is winning several swing states and many others are neck and neck. Yes, the polls are somewhat skewed toward the dimtards. Many voters don't care to do any research and many of those like how she stands on the issues. Every one of them knows she's not a MAGA on the issues and that's why they like her. I'm just saying if we want to win, we can't be taking this election for granted and think we're ahead when it is basically a coin flip. I would rather be a winner and let the other side claim the election was rigged. I get no joy in Harris being president and claiming myself that the election was rigged.
Arrogance is much more prevalent from the Dimtard side than Trump. They think we are so stupid as to be influenced by whatever Reichbabble they throw out, and it is not true. The ho will get only 226 electoral votes no matter when the election is held.
We aren't going to be influenced by the Reichbabble but the left are. We are making a mistake if we think they aren't. Remember, orange man bad. I've had two threads on this forum basically asking why those on the left would vote for Harris, other than orange man bad and not one could think of a reason. But they are voting for her anyway because they think orange man bad and is a convicted felon who will take democracy away. None of them really wanted to go out and vote for Biden but they will come out in droves to vote for Harris.
She is winning several swing states and many others are neck and neck. Yes, the polls are somewhat skewed toward the dimtards. Many voters don't care to do any research and many of those like how she stands on the issues. Every one of them knows she's not a MAGA on the issues and that's why they like her. I'm just saying if we want to win, we can't be taking this election for granted and think we're ahead when it is basically a coin flip. I would rather be a winner and let the other side claim the election was rigged. I get no joy in Harris being president and claiming myself that the election was rigged.

Republicans need to do the things that win elections

Get out the vote
Get people registered
Get mail in votes to people who may not show up to the polls

Instead, they spend campaign funds on

Paying Trump legal fees
Poll watchers
Fighting non existent voter fraud
I've had two threads on this forum basically asking why those on the left would vote for Harris, other than orange man bad and not one could think of a reason. But they are voting for her anyway because they think orange man bad

You keep getting peoples reasons for voting for Harris and you just ignore them and say…….See? They can’t explain why they are voting for Harris
We aren't going to be influenced by the Reichbabble but the left are. We are making a mistake if we think they aren't. Remember, orange man bad. I've had two threads on this forum basically asking why those on the left would vote for Harris, other than orange man bad and not one could think of a reason. But they are voting for her anyway because they think orange man bad and is a convicted felon who will take democracy away. None of them really wanted to go out and vote for Biden but they will come out in droves to vote for Harris.
Its not enough this time without all the fake leftyvirus ballots. And in person voting is not a popular thing for dimtard ilk.
She is winning several swing states and many others are neck and neck. Yes, the polls are somewhat skewed toward the dimtards. Many voters don't care to do any research and many of those like how she stands on the issues. Every one of them knows she's not a MAGA on the issues and that's why they like her. I'm just saying if we want to win, we can't be taking this election for granted and think we're ahead when it is basically a coin flip. I would rather be a winner and let the other side claim the election was rigged. I get no joy in Harris being president and claiming myself that the election was rigged.
She is not actually ahead in any swing state.

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