Ret, Naval Intelligence Chief: There's a 60% chance of War with China. Chinese military build-up is fastest in history

I know

Look what happened when Putin sent his tanks storming across the border into Ukraine. We will capture Kyev in a week

Now, envision China launching an amphibious assault on Taiwan.

Interesting thing about China, the last time they were engaged in a real conflict was 1979.

Since then the US military has been involved in...

Gulf War 1990+
Controlling Iraq airspace 1991-2003
Somali civil war
Iraq again
I believe Russia is whithering


I see Russia whithering as they deplete their military without the means to replace it.

They have no answer to Ukrainian drones on land or at sea

They have 100,000 plus deaths and 300,000 casualties. It is just not a case of drafting new troops. They can’t replace NCOs, trained tank crew, helicopter pilots…..

They have lost over 3000 tanks and are not replacing them.

With the invasion of Russia, Putin is losing his protection
Russia's military has been proven to be a paper tiger. If not for their nukes nobody would think twice about Russia

That's plain absurd!

First they had no intention EVER of blitzkrieging into Ukraine. Their initial Biden approved "limited invasion" was to put NATO on notice that moving an inch East was indeed a big red line

Second, they are in territories with people that voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. Again, no blitz forthcoming

Third, what's the latest with our Abrams tanks, German Leopards or any of the other advanced weapons systems we gave Ukraine? The only effective ones have been the long range arty (the ones that weren't counterbatteried) -- and we're out of ammo

Russia is now the most effective conventional fighting force, probably in the world.

Our DEI military should just zip it
That's plain absurd!

First they had no intention EVER of blitzkrieging into Ukraine. Their initial Biden approved "limited invasion" was to put NATO on notice that moving an inch East was indeed a big red line

Second, they are in territories with people that voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia. Again, no blitz forthcoming

Third, what's the latest with our Abrams tanks, German Leopards or any of the other advanced weapons systems we gave Ukraine? The only effective ones have been the long range arty (the ones that weren't counterbatteried) -- and we're out of ammo

Russia is now the most effective conventional fighting force, probably in the world.

Our DEI military should just zip it
Look everyone

Frankie is spouting Putin propaganda
Russia is now the most effective conventional fighting force, probably in the world.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I just spit coffee all over my keyboard.

Russia has had their supply lines proven to be weak and open to attack, limiting their ability to project power outside of their own borders.

They have been held in a stalemate by a country will less people than the state of California
Interesting thing about China, the last time they were engaged in a real conflict was 1979.

Since then the US military has been involved in...

Gulf War 1990+
Controlling Iraq airspace 1991-2003
Somali civil war
Iraq again
Good point. We go around trying to bully people.

The Chinese are going in and helping build ports and roads.
What book was this, I would like to read it

I can't give you the name as it would expose another account I have on the internet.

There are many books, you can surely find one.

I also read a nearly 1000 page biography on Mao. Fascinating man but very dishonest to his people.

I've always had an interest in Asian culture. Originally the Japanese as I respected their ability to go from an agrarian society on a little island to a technological powerhouse. The samurai spirit and shinto was also of interest to me, I even took a class in university that covered multiple religions.
I can't give you the name as it would expose another account I have on the internet.

I do not care about any of your sock accounts on here.

If such a book exist you should not be scared to name it

I've always had an interest in Asian culture. Originally the Japanese as I respected their ability to go from an agrarian society on a little island to a technological powerhouse. The samurai spirit and shinto was also of interest to me, I even took a class in university that covered multiple religions.

I have the same interest. Living in the region helped to stoke the interest.
I do not care about any of your sock accounts on here.

If such a book exist you should not be scared to name it

I have the same interest. Living in the region helped to stoke the interest.

I know the name of the book, I don't have another account on this site, it is another channel.

For my own reasons I prefer to keep the book name undisclosed. It was a glowing review of Chinas rise, a book I was given in my first year of my MBA.
I know the name of the book, I don't have another account on this site, it is another channel.

For my own reasons I prefer to keep the book name undisclosed. It was a glowing review of Chinas rise, a book I was given in my first year of my MBA.

Whatever. I say you are full of crap and just making excuses because no such book exist.

What is your MBA in?

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