Russia Trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

A Year of Putin’s Wartime Lies

Every credible analyst of the invasion of Ukraine has been stunned by the scale of the Russian President’s folly—and his failure extends well beyond the battlefield.

Why The Kremlin Lies: Understanding Its Loose Relationship With the Truth

Russian leaders have used deception for strategic ends in ways that shed light on their geopolitical goals
I get it,,
you have no thoughts of your own and depend n others to do yur thinking for you,,

why all the hate??
Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
:oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8: :oops8:

Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Hey stupid, RT TV shut down it's US operations, so there are no veiwers.

What a dupe.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
I get it,,
you have no thoughts of your own and depend n others to do yur thinking for you,,

why all the hate??
I have no idea where all these invented ideas you get come from but I do suggest you get help from someone. You make statements that are ridiculous and misinformed and you state them as if they are absolute truths.

I am beginning to think this is you


if that is not you, then this could be the case

I have no idea where all these invented ideas you get come from but I do suggest you get help from someone. You make statements that are ridiculous and misinformed and you state them as if they are absolute truths.

I am beginning to think this is you

View attachment 1006870

if that is not you, then this could be the case

View attachment 1006877
I have no idea where all these invented ideas you get come from but I do suggest you get help from someone. You make statements that are ridiculous and misinformed and you state them as if they are absolute truths.

I am beginning to think this is you

Russia is trying to get Trump elected. Do you support that?

Why would a tyrant like Putin want Trump as president? They are against Democracy, are for invasion of other countries and killing innocent people in the process! How would they gain in their objectives if Trump was president?
Why do any world leaders meddle in foreign elections?

Who knows, but they do it. Obama fought against Brexit, and I bet you started no threads or had any gripes about that.

Iran supports the Democrats and hacked the RNC.. I don’t see you asking any questions there.

You have no standard or credibility
Why do any world leaders meddle in foreign elections?

Who knows, but they do it. Obama fought against Brexit, and I bet you started no threads or had any gripes about that.

Iran supports the Democrats and hacked the RNC.. I don’t see you asking any questions there.

You have no standard or credibility
Must be, if you say so!
I have no idea where all these invented ideas you get come from but I do suggest you get help from someone. You make statements that are ridiculous and misinformed and you state them as if they are absolute truths.

I am beginning to think this is you

View attachment 1006870

if that is not you, then this could be the case

View attachment 1006877

Sample of the Dunning-Kruger effect, the Peter principle, and epically poor sock puppeteering abilities.
Is that your answer? Garland is a liar? The man that all his life has done things "by the book" to the point that all parties get mad at him for not doing things faster?

You mean to say that these pictures are all fake?
View attachment 1006833

Oh and by the way, great use of words Ram Fan, unfortunately words are cheap and free and you certainly made use of them. Unfortunately (and as all Trumpers do), you never back up those words with facts.

I could just as easily say:

Trump is a pedophile that sells children into sex slavery for his own benefit. I know that because he was working with Epstein.

I also use great words doing that! Do you believe me? but, but, but, you want me to believe you? That is a mental illness that you have there. It is so easy to say "Fake News" but no one that says it can prove it. It is insane asylum fantasies.
Forums are of opinions as we know. Even if extreme for thankfully there could be conflict if all were in the same room with comments we see. Those photos though seem to be pure propaganda pushed from a psychiatric hospital. We all have opinions based any evidence. It is when we do it with the flimsiest evidence and/or any ways of a person proves that this person also did that due to knowing someone. So, if Trump is what you say, Progs a hundred times worse.
Kamala flunked her 1st Bar Exam. She has never been called"brilliant". We'll see how she does in the debate.
But then she passed it and was Attorney General in San Fransisco for 7 years and Attorney General for California for 15 years. Certainly not something that talks ill of her.
But then she passed it and was Attorney General in San Fransisco for 7 years and Attorney General for California for 15 years. Certainly not something that talks ill of her.
you mean when she hid evidence a person was innocent or when she kept inmates past their time of release for slave labor??

or are you talking about all the black people she locked up for smoking weed while she was also smoking weed??

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