Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

Embarrassed ?

Disgusted maybe....that would be me.

But when I catch flack for voting for him I just say:


And the conversation is over.
Yeah, but that is because you are not embarrassed to vote for him. And, I'm saying that this time around there are few who are embarrassed to vote for him. But, in other elections, there seemed to be a large number of people who voted for Trump and didn't want friends, family, or pollsters to know. Maybe embarrassed is a bad word. Bottom line, I think that skewed the polls away from Trump in 2016 and even in 2020 but I'm getting a sense that this year people are not embarrassed (for lack of a better word) to vote for Trump, which, if true, translates into the polls actually being more accurate this year and not skewed as much against Trump and I'm warning us on the right not to just assume the polls are skewed against Trump this time around.
Yeah, but that is because you are not embarrassed to vote for him. And, I'm saying that this time around there are few who are embarrassed to vote for him. But, in other elections, there seemed to be a large number of people who voted for Trump and didn't want friends, family, or pollsters to know. Maybe embarrassed is a bad word. Bottom line, I think that skewed the polls away from Trump in 2016 and even in 2020 but I'm getting a sense that this year people are not embarrassed (for lack of a better word) to vote for Trump, which, if true, translates into the polls actually being more accurate this year and not skewed as much against Trump and I'm warning us on the right not to just assume the polls are skewed against Trump this time around.
Your point is taken. But I think the same lefty bias is in the polls it has to be to feed the sheeple the fake news.
Still with the fake insurrection bullshit?

That's right up there with 50 million new jobs.

You dumbass leftards will believe ANYTHING.
It should not have happened in the first place. It turns out, Trump knew he lost and has admitted he lost. That means he just took the suckers for a ride. Some idiots still riding the train.
It should not have happened in the first place. It turns out, Trump knew he lost and has admitted he lost. That means he just took the suckers for a ride. Some idiots still riding the train.
But as it turns out, Trump didn't lose, only we Americans did.
It should not have happened in the first place. It turns out, Trump knew he lost and has admitted he lost. That means he just took the suckers for a ride. Some idiots still riding the train.
Well we sure agree there are some idiots on the TDS train, for sure.
Your point is taken. But I think the same lefty bias is in the polls it has to be to feed the sheeple the fake news.
I think that lefty bias makes the race a dead heat, which means that in most swing states it is too close to make a bet. They could all be split in the end or Trump could win most or Harris could win most. However, I did read somewhere recently that even Harris and the dems internal polling has them extremely worried about Pennsylvania, which I believe has the most electoral votes of all of the swing states.
I think that lefty bias makes the race a dead heat, which means that in most swing states it is too close to make a bet. They could all be split in the end or Trump could win most or Harris could win most. However, I did read somewhere recently that even Harris and the dems internal polling has them extremely worried about Pennsylvania, which I believe has the most electoral votes of all of the swing states.
She will win Illinois and Virginia but Trump will win Pennsylvania and the other swings.
Haven't seen a lefty on here say one good reason to vote for Harris other than she's not Trump.

OK….here is a good reason

Harris is not Biden. She is younger, more dynamic and is drawing more people to the party.

Harris has experience as a prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator and Vice President.

Her economic policy is focused on revitalizing the middle class

She strongly supports Ukraine and NATO

Now, this is the part where you claim…..Nobody can name a reason to vote for Harris other than she is not Trump
Every indicator shows that Kamala got no bump after the convention and she's losing the election.

If not for the black and latino vote she would be trailing by double-digits.

Most of the Middle-Class isn't buying this new reinvented version of VP Harris.

Not having a published platform is the biggest red flag for most voters.

Sure, she has the base or most of it but it's leaking like a sieve for all her hypocrisy and not doing well in the Democrats 2020 primary.

She is still dodging reporter questions and waffling on the debate she is going to lose.

More signs of a crap campaign.

Also having a turnover in her senior campaign staff wasn't helpful either. She was completely unprepared for this election. She never had any campaign staff that was loyal to her like all past successful candidates.

The convention was a massive flop as they usually have Hollywood elite and pop music stars performing. Instead three past Presidents showed up. Carter couldn't make it due to health issues. (He is turning 100 soon).
Kamama HAS to bus in "fake supporters" or paid supporters. She was a NOBODY for 4 years, still is a NOBODY with ZERO accomplishments and has the MEDIA building her up to a deluxe ham sandwich when she is just deviled spam on white bread...
She will win Illinois and Virginia but Trump will win Pennsylvania and the other swings.
She was always going to win Illinois. Trump had a chance in Virginia against Biden but does not against Harris. Right now RCP has Harris winning 273-265 with no toss ups but RCP also has Trump's betting odds at 50.5 to Harris's 48.2. Anyone would be a fool to make a large bet on either one.
She was always going to win Illinois. Trump had a chance in Virginia against Biden but does not against Harris. Right now RCP has Harris winning 273-265 with no toss ups but RCP also has Trump's betting odds at 50.5 to Harris's 48.2. Anyone would be a fool to make a large bet on either one.
I say 312 to 225 and the sound of the dimtard lamentations will be loud and long.
Not everyone has my experiences.
Many of them thought they were going to get a free tour of the Capital.
Some of them were even escorted by Capital Police around the Capital.
And once they got the pictures they needed...they hatched the trap. This is textbook entrapment.

First they started shoving people around who they let inside. Then they started shooting tear gas rounds behind the crowd to cause a panic. Then they started shooting them with rubber bullets and throwing grenades they use on prison inmates to disable prison riots.

Eventually they murdered an unarmed woman who was trying to stop planted ANTIFA from vandalizing windows in the Capital. Some MAGA folks outside saw all of the damage their BLM & ANTIFA cohorts were doing and begged the Capital Police to stop them. Cops just stood around and did nothing. The people they arrested weren't arrested because they did something wrong. They were arrested to silence them. Anyone who had a cell phone on the Capital grounds was paid a visit by the FBI. Some of them have been thrown in jail waiting on charges. Only a few have been charged and sentenced. None of them were charged with insurrection. They were charged with assaulting cops, preventing the operation of the government, and trespassing.
If true, it falls under the heading "Never give a Sucker, and Even Break".
Like I have said, they are now sadder but wiser people now, but with a record, for easier tracking and background.

I read somewhere, recently, only 4% of the entire US population, would even (rational/irrationally, take your pick) consider taking part in an attack on the Federal and less than 1% actually would. Donny's lies really speak to the one-percenters.
OK….here is a good reason

Harris is not Biden. She is younger, more dynamic and is drawing more people to the party.

Harris has experience as a prosecutor, Attorney General, Senator and Vice President.

Her economic policy is focused on revitalizing the middle class

She strongly supports Ukraine and NATO

Now, this is the part where you claim…..Nobody can name a reason to vote for Harris other than she is not Trump
I'll give you credit for taking a stab at it. Harris is not Biden is not a reason to vote for Harris. Neither is she is younger and more dynamic and drawing more people to the party. So what she has experience as a prosecutor and an AG? Are you saying she is personally going to prosecute cases against her opponent? Experience as a Senator or VP doesn't count either. Many Republicans have experience as senators and VP's. That's not a reason to vote for them. Would you vote for Tom Cotton? Would you vote for Mike Pence? So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris either.

The middle class? That's like a beauty contestant saying at the end that she is for world peace. So what? What exactly is Harris going to do for the middle class other than giving them lip service?

Ukraine and NATO? Well, we wouldn't have to support Ukraine if we hadn't gotten out of Afghanistan so badly. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine. So, now you want to give her brownie points for supporting Ukraine when her and Biden's policies caused Russia to invade them in the first place? Trump supports NATO, always has. He just wants to play hardball with them in order to get them to pay their fair share for their own defense. He uses harsh rhetoric to get them to pay their fair share.
I say 312 to 225 and the sound of the dimtard lamentations will be loud and long.

I say the Blue Wall holds and Harris takes Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
She also takes Georgia and N Carolina

Harris 295
Trump 242
I'll give you credit for taking a stab at it. Harris is not Biden is not a reason to vote for Harris. Neither is she is younger and more dynamic and drawing more people to the party. So what she has experience as a prosecutor and an AG? Are you saying she is personally going to prosecute cases against her opponent? Experience as a Senator or VP doesn't count either. Many Republicans have experience as senators and VP's. That's not a reason to vote for them. Would you vote for Tom Cotton? Would you vote for Mike Pence? So, that's not a reason to vote for Harris either.

The middle class? That's like a beauty contestant saying at the end that she is for world peace. So what? What exactly is Harris going to do for the middle class?

Ukraine and NATO? Well, we wouldn't have to support Ukraine if we hadn't gotten out of Afghanistan so badly. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine. So, now you want to give her brownie points for supporting Ukraine when her and Biden's policies caused Russia to invade them in the first place? Trump supports NATO, always has. He just wants to play hardball with them in order to get them to pay their fair share for their own defense. He uses harsh rhetoric to get them to pay their fair share.

Harris’s experience as a prosecutor, Senator and VP gives her experience in three branches of Government.

She is drawing people who did not want Biden/Trump Part 2

She answers the complaint that Biden is too old

Like it or not, she has reversed the race and Trump still does not have an answer
What happened to you? Somewhere along the way, you got twisted. Maybe after November, when Trump is in the rear view mirror, you will go back to supporting the Constitution, rule of law, and be willing to stand up for your country, rather than your twisted trumper viewpoint.
Sorry, bubba, but I have spent years training on communications security, crypto security, how to spot a spy, training on unconventional warfare, psychological operations.....etc,. I would never turn my back on the constitution and become a traitor to my country.

I held a Top Secret SCI clearance for years in the Army as a 36L Electronic Switch Repairer, till I volunteered for Special Forces to become an 18E, a Special Forces Communications SGT. The FBI does a background check on anyone who applies for that type of clearance. (Many of my classmates were paid a visit by the FBI asking them about what I was like in H.S. I found this out at my 20 anniversary class reunion back in my hometown in 1994.)

Because of my training, and my clearance, one of my assignments could have been working in the White House. I would have been working with LtCol Vindman if I was in the military as a 36L.

What he did was treason. He agreed to release TOP SECRET communications by President Trump to Rep Adam Schiff, who then used it as a predicate to bring impeachment proceedings against Trump. That is treason. They made up some story about Trump shaking down Ukraine's president to get him to investigate Hunter Biden. That was a total fabrication. Trump knew that Zeninsky was into some pretty dirty sh*t and he warned him that he wouldn't be sending him any foreign aid till he cleaned up his act.

The reason they impeached Trump is because the Russian Collusion hoax blew up in their faces. Adam Schiff said he had absolute proof of it, and it turns out he lied about it.

These people you want to believe will do anything to get Trump. They've even attempted to murder him and that failed.

I really think you need to wise up and do some soul searching yourself.

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