School Shooting in Georgia, At Least 4 Reported Dead, Shooter Said to be a 14-Year-Old.

I am so Glad Worthless Congress and all their relatives have 24-7 armed security at work and many at home. Hunters girlfriends get armed SS to accompny her to Brazil Vacation. SS rents out the Malibu Beach house next door to Hunters Coke parties for $38K per month.

But the most vunerable Americans are left sitting ducks.
" Mutually Assured Destruction Is Necessary So Be Brave "

* Gun Control Whimpering Cowards *

Gun control would have prevented this shooting.
The gun control fanatics are cowards embracing authoritarians who want absolute ability to dictate without fear of accountability .

Harden the facilities and ensure individuals are able to defend themselves without government discretion .

* Stranger On Stranger Active Mass Shooters Should Not Be Able To Leave The Scene Alive *

A compelling question is why the police on site had shit for brains and did not put the fucker down , as now the parents have to endure the dog and pony show of a useless piece of shit that is still breathing .
So let me get this straight, when black or Hispanic kids are shooting and killing it is for sport, but when white kids are killing it's because of mental illness. The sad thing is you probably actually believe that stupid shit.
The ghetto mentality is different from lib white suburbia
Mist be different than the racist, redneck mentality.
Most of the white school shooters are soi boys

With different mental problems than a gangbanger in the hood spraying bullets at a rival gang member, most of whom are black
It's a possible preventative measure. Applying and absolute is unknown.
News is saying an AR Style firearm. That's a pretty broad brush. This could have been PCC that looked like and AR. It will be interesting to find out how the kid got the gun inside the school. If it was in his duffle bag, my guess a PCC, foldable stock that fit inside a bookbag. But I'm only speculating at this time.
An AR would have tripped a metal detector. I have no doubt about that.

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