Kamala Is Losing And Democrats Are In A Panic

She is currently ahead in:

Ignore that at your own peril.

There has to be accurate statistical adjustment made to constantly left-skewed data...and when it is applied....
She is currently ahead in:

Ignore that at your own peril.
Where is any true statistical analysis and/or correction applied to these skewed results??

There has to be accurate statistical adjustment made to constantly left-skewed data...and when it is applied....

I've seen that partisan BS before. Look, I'm on your side. I just want to be realistic about it. If we bury our heads in the sand, Harris is going to win and our lives will revolve around "the election was stolen". I want the other side screaming the election was stolen because Trump won.
Where is any true statistical analysis and/or correction applied to these skewed results??
The fact is, the polls showed Trump was bashing Biden badly two months ago and now those very same polls show Harris with a slight lead in a basically tied race. They are the very same polls. They didn't purposely start skewing them since Harris became the nominee.
The fact is, the polls showed Trump was bashing Biden badly two months ago and now those very same polls show Harris with a slight lead in a basically tied race. They are the very same polls. They didn't purposely start skewing them since Harris became the nominee.
What else could the dimtard polls say after Poopeypants crashed and burned the debate? Any other idiot the Dims brought out was going to be fresh meat for the fake polls to propagandize and they have. If you poll only dimtards of course they will choose the dimtard...that's why actual research and statistical analysis of these leftist trends must be identified and corrections applied to have something believable.
I've seen that partisan BS before. Look, I'm on your side. I just want to be realistic about it. If we bury our heads in the sand, Harris is going to win and our lives will revolve around "the election was stolen". I want the other side screaming the election was stolen because Trump won.
Not burying my head, and not taking anything for granted. This isn't the only analysis like this and look to Rasmussen if you want, the most accurate poll around. There has to some realism in the midst of all the baloney.
What else could the dimtard polls say after Poopeypants crashed and burned the debate? Any other idiot the Dims brought out was going to be fresh meat for the fake polls to propagandize and they have. If you poll only dimtards of course they will choose the dimtard...that's why actual research and statistical analysis of these leftist trends must be identified and corrections applied to have something believable.
I implore you not to take this election for granted.
Not burying my head, and not taking anything for granted. This isn't the only analysis like this and look to Rasmussen if you want, the most accurate poll around. There has to some realism in the midst of all the baloney.
In the past, a lot of those voting for Trump were too embarrassed to admit they were voting for Trump, which skewed the polls. I'm not so sure that is the case anymore. I have a strong feeling that those supporting Trump this time around are not embarrassed to admit it anymore. If so, that makes the polls more accurate than previous years.
In the past, a lot of those voting for Trump were too embarrassed to admit they were voting for Trump, which skewed the polls. I'm not so sure that is the case anymore. I have a strong feeling that those supporting Trump this time around are not embarrassed to admit it anymore. If so, that makes the polls more accurate than previous years.
How can any real American be embarrassed to fight for our country and remove the evil cancer currently infesting it?
Nate Silver just posted that Trumps chances are contiually improving.

Someone said that Nate indicated Trump was over 50% chance of winning.

While I don't see that, his chances of winning have improved by 5 or 6% and that will continue to increase.
In the past, a lot of those voting for Trump were too embarrassed to admit they were voting for Trump, which skewed the polls. I'm not so sure that is the case anymore. I have a strong feeling that those supporting Trump this time around are not embarrassed to admit it anymore. If so, that makes the polls more accurate than previous years.
Embarrassed ?

Disgusted maybe....that would be me.

But when I catch flack for voting for him I just say:


And the conversation is over.
I certainly am not.....but I believe in the truth of actual statistics and we certainly know that Harris is a blithering idiot with a horrible reputation.
I have faith in real America coming through.
But, the truth of the actual statistics shows Harris ahead (slightly). The right knows that Harris is a blithering idiot with a horrible reputation but the left do not and they are voting for her.
How can any real American be embarrassed to fight for our country and remove the evil cancer currently infesting it?
Just saying. That was indeed the case in previous years. Many voted for Trump but would not admit it to those around them like friends and family and even pollsters. Now I'm not so sure that is the case anymore and that there are few Trump supporters in the closet.
But, the truth of the actual statistics shows Harris ahead (slightly). The right knows that Harris is a blithering idiot with a horrible reputation but the left do not and they are voting for her.
Those are poll "results" with high degrees of error and skewed audiences....not legitimate statistics, just as they were not legitimate when they had Trump way ahead in all of them.
Skewed is skewed and not reality.
If you are correct, it is amazing trumpers were so stupid as to fall for it, commit crimes of that nature, and even film themselve doing it, posting it, and providing all the video proof needed to be convicted of almost every charge indicted for. And, the majority were not out of work dufuses, or day to day radical, but business owners, managers, even law enforcement and other supposedly normal modestly intelligent nut balls, that should have known better.

You, I understand, whether agree with or not, and am actually confident, you would not participate or fall for traps of that nature, if that is what it was.
Not everyone has my experiences.
Many of them thought they were going to get a free tour of the Capital.
Some of them were even escorted by Capital Police around the Capital.
And once they got the pictures they needed...they hatched the trap. This is textbook entrapment.

First they started shoving people around who they let inside. Then they started shooting tear gas rounds behind the crowd to cause a panic. Then they started shooting them with rubber bullets and throwing grenades they use on prison inmates to disable prison riots.

Eventually they murdered an unarmed woman who was trying to stop planted ANTIFA from vandalizing windows in the Capital. Some MAGA folks outside saw all of the damage their BLM & ANTIFA cohorts were doing and begged the Capital Police to stop them. Cops just stood around and did nothing. The people they arrested weren't arrested because they did something wrong. They were arrested to silence them. Anyone who had a cell phone on the Capital grounds was paid a visit by the FBI. Some of them have been thrown in jail waiting on charges. Only a few have been charged and sentenced. None of them were charged with insurrection. They were charged with assaulting cops, preventing the operation of the government, and trespassing.

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