Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

Yeah, that “something stupid” could be interpreted by lefties as anything they don’t agree with. It isn’t a stretch, we have already seen it in action.

yep. And righties as well.
This happened 20 miles from me.

With that said, the FBI is a farce now. They ushered out their best long ago to keep the status quo among the elite intact.
Here is the fun part. Without red flag laws (which Tennessee doesn't have and are just communism !!! I am told), what could the FBI or local have done except interviewing, which they did?
We have background checks, unless purchasing at a gun show. What things should be included in such a check that aren’t already included.

Interviews with employers, neighbors, and family, to start with. If they are college students, check with their schools (this would have stopped Joker Holmes and the VA Tech Shooter, whose mental problems were well known to their schools).
A thorough check of background, not just punch a name into a computer.

And here's the big one. ANYONE WHO IS THE VICTIM OF GUN VIOLENCE CAN SUE THE GUN STORE! I promise you, once you have real liability for the gun industry, they will clean up their act.

Mental health, but what mental health issue would disqualify someone from owning a weapon for personal protection?

Any. I would prohibit even people suffering from depression from owning a gun.

How would this prevent mass shootings? What if a person who legally owned a gun just went bonkers one day?

Except that never happens. What happens is that the person was bonkers for years, everyone in his life knew it, and they were still able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

None of these measures would prevent criminals from having guns.
Sure it would. The Germans, Japanese, Brits, have all figured this out. When you make owning a gun hard, the wrong kind of people won't get them.
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Looks like the little psycho, got unsupervised access, somehow.
You would think, the school resource officer, could have simultaneously put a round or two in the psycho, whole "yelling hold it, asshole!"
I have not been able to find where. Anything on how the 14 year old got a hold of a rifle?
Its illegal for a 14 year old to purchase a rifle. Where did he get it? Why does Tennessee not have red flag laws?

Every state has "red flag" laws.

If someone is going nuts and poses a danger to themselves they can be involuntarily committed to the lunatic asylum for like 48 or 72 hours, which can be extended. While they are being observed in the Rubber Room, they are not permitted possession or use of their firearms.
Let's put the blame where it belongs -- The edumucashun system in this Country SUCKS ASS. It does. It really, really, really, REALLY does.

Teachers want to make $100k+ a year, oh yes, many of them do, and not do a GODDAMNED thing for it.

Parents can bust their asses, do all the right things, spend time with their kids, teach them all the right things and when they go off to school...... those scumbags just let them run wild.

"We are not here to raise your children!"

Fuck them. They should not be around them, then. They should be scraping the dirt off the potatoes they just harvested, then. It's all those closed-minded pieces of shit are good for.


I have been preaching this for 50 years and it does no good.

The Teachers Unions exist to serve the Unions first and foremost, secondly they take care of the Teachers.

And where do the kids fall in this system? Last. Dead fucking last.

Teachers and School systems need to be brought to task. Prosecuted, not sued. Sue them and what happens is they pay you off with your own money. goobermint has no money, they steal it from the taxpayer. Suing a goobermint agency is just a money-grab. It does absolutely no good at all.

I've said my piece and it will do no good. Again. The fat ass lesbo teachers will get in their Lesbo-Special Subaru and drive home without a care other than where they're going to meet with their other fat lesbo Teachers for Wine and Cheese later on.

People that can afford it send their kids to Private schools where the Teachers make MUCH LESS money but do a MUCH Better job. Why is that, you think??

My boy is paying $25k a year for his son to go to private school but it's worth it. Been there. done that, sold the T-shirt.

People that don't want to accept that I'm right can keep their heads stuck firmly in their asses.
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Every state has "red flag" laws.

If someone is going nuts and poses a danger to themselves they can be involuntarily committed to the lunatic asylum for like 48 or 72 hours, which can be extended. While they are being observed in the Rubber Room, they are not permitted possession or use of their firearms.
First, that's not true. Only 19 states have Red Flag Laws

Secondly the ones that have them rarely enforce them.

For instance, I live in a state where we have a Red Flag Law. Back in 2011, my next-door neighbor shot out his patio window with his gun. When the police showed up, he said someone shot at him but was quickly caught in the lie. The police did not confiscate his gun at that time.

A few weeks later, he killed himself. (He had cancer, so it was probably to end the pain.)
Interviews with employers, neighbors, and family, to start with. If they are college students, check with their schools (this would have stopped Joker Holmes and the VA Tech Shooter, whose mental problems were well known to their schools).
A thorough check of background, not just punch a name into a computer.

How long would this take? Just imagine the resources it would require for such an exhaustive investigation. What if my neighbor was a card carrying Democrat anti-gun nut who just decided to make up stuff to prevent me from getting a gun?

And here's the big one. ANYONE WHO IS THE VICTIM OF GUN VIOLENCE CAN SUE THE GUN STORE! I promise you, once you have real liability for the gun industry, they will clean up their act.

That would shut down all gun stores so all guns sales would then be private. Are we going to allow people to sue knife manufacturers if a nut stabs somebody?

Any. I would prohibit even people suffering from depression from owning a gun.

Wacko. A person with depression should not lose their second ammendment right to own a gun. They have a right to protect themselves against other people with guns.

Except that never happens. What happens is that the person was bonkers for years, everyone in his life knew it, and they were still able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

Sure it happens. You haven’t heard of parents who go nuts and kill their families?

Sure it would. The Germans, Japanese, Brits, have all figured this out. When you make owning a gun hard, the wrong kind of people won't get them.

They haven’t figured anything out. They are all second rate to the US by every reasonable measure. Regardless, we have far too many people and far too many guns in this country to keep them out of the hands of criminals. Just curious, how would we keep illegals from walking across our border with guns?
Every state has "red flag" laws.

If someone is going nuts and poses a danger to themselves they can be involuntarily committed to the lunatic asylum for like 48 or 72 hours, which can be extended. While they are being observed in the Rubber Room, they are not permitted possession or use of their firearms.
This is untrue. Many states - like Tennessee - have no such laws. You are also angrily against them when they are proposed.

We have a mental healthcare crisis. Red flag laws help when someone is identified.
Can they prove in a court of law whether the 13 year old posting, was serious, meant it??? I doubt it.
I’ll take that as a confession that the kid made the death threats online

If so they could have and should have done more
This is untrue. Many states - like Tennessee - have no such laws. You are also angrily against them when they are proposed.

We have a mental healthcare crisis. Red flag laws help when someone is identified.

Actually, Tennessee can and does involuntarily commit psychotics who are nutting out, and has a whole protocol for that.

Guns are not permitted in Tennessee's lunatic asylums.

How long would this take? Just imagine the resources it would require for such an exhaustive investigation. What if my neighbor was a card carrying Democrat anti-gun nut who just decided to make up stuff to prevent me from getting a gun?

No problem. The investigation cost will be born by the person applying for the gun.

I had to pay $4000 to get a permanent visa for my wife and submit 200 pages of documentation to prove it was a real marriage and not a green card scam. It took eight months for them to check all the boxes.

When I applied for a mortgage, it took 30 days and they investigated every aspect of my finances to make sure I was good for it. (even though I had an 800+ credit score AND had previously paid off two mortgages on previous homes.)

I just can't get worked up that you might be slightly inconvenienced in getting a gun.

If you can't get on with your neighbors at the trailer park, that's your problem.

That would shut down all gun stores so all guns sales would then be private. Are we going to allow people to sue knife manufacturers if a nut stabs somebody?

Then we hold the private gun sellers accountable. That would probably be even easier to do a life-ruin on those guys.

Knives aren't designed to kill people, guns are.

Wacko. A person with depression should not lose their second ammendment right to own a gun. They have a right to protect themselves against other people with guns.

The Second Amendment is about Militias. If someone was depressed in the Militia, they'd be put on restrictive duty and their access to weapons would be limited.

Sure it happens. You haven’t heard of parents who go nuts and kill their families?

Which is why we need red flag laws.

They haven’t figured anything out. They are all second rate to the US by every reasonable measure. Regardless, we have far too many people and far too many guns in this country to keep them out of the hands of criminals. Just curious, how would we keep illegals from walking across our border with guns?

Actually, they are beating America in many key metrics. Americans are the dumbest and most backwards society in the industrialized world. The only thing that keeps us "ahead" is our size.

Here's how we stop illegals from crossing with guns. We shut down the shitheads on the border who are smuggling guns into Mexico. Most guns in Mexico start their lives in US Gun stores.

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