Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

There are mobs of 13 and 14 year olds running and gunning in our shithole cities every day, and in DC there are 2 of 5 middle school girls on trial for beating a 65 year old man to death and then celebrating. Do you really want the FBI or locals dragging people out of their houses at night because they might be a threat? Would you really trust them to not abuse that? Our society is falling apart due to cultivated anger and manipulated emotions, but the total handover of your lives to a central power will not end in the results you think it will. Trial starts Thursday for two teens accused of murdering 64-year-old man
How much freedom are you willing to give up for this protection?

As weve said before, lock down the schools. Keep the lunatics offsite. Same a worthless Congress gets. Actually they get 24-7 in many cases. Bullet proof caravan travel too.

Now the kids may end up shot qued up to get in the gate but they have to think that thru too. Its’ possible. In Texas they left the one door open the kid randomly had to use to get in? Why? For smoking? Then the two unlocked classroom doors he knew about? WTH?
Cant blame the FBI for not having omnipotent powers. You can blame the people that gave that kid access to weapons: Republicans and his father.

Recent 10 for fun shootings on their radar yet they did nothing? Not to mention all the burglary, murders etc. with illegal guns held by repeat Felons? What do the deep state get paid massive lifetime fortune to do?
The FBI is too busy nowadays harassing people who speak up at school board meetings, those who deny their assertation that the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation and conducting raids in Palm Beach so their G-man can gratify themselves with the First Lady's underwear.

Thirteen DC staff sent to ALA for the garage pulldown noose on the poor crybaby hal black drivers stall.
I read nothing of an AR-15 used in the shooting. Only one report of an "AR style platform". That means what?
Given the wide variety of "AR platforms" - not a lot.

AR Platform:

Can they prove in a court of law whether the 13 year old posting, was serious, meant it??? I doubt it.
How did he get into the school after threats? Maybe an ankle bracelet tied to local law enforcement? Not my job to figure it out. Lock up the school. Protect the kids. Priority #1 about 5-10 years ago.
Why not send the kid to a shrink and try to find out whats bothering him?

I dont like red flag laws, but in view of the online threats the authorities could at least verify that all the firearms are locked away
Woulda coulda shoulda.... the police investigators should have followed up, without any notice to check on the situation....if that is even legal to do?

And no, they could not force a psychological exam on the kid, in the state of Georgia....

The daddy took responsibility, the daddy is partly responsible for not doing so....imo. Blood is on his hands too!
Woulda coulda shoulda.... the police investigators should have followed up, without any notice to check on the situation....if that is even legal to do?

And no, they could not force a psychological exam on the kid, in the state of Georgia....

The daddy took responsibility, the daddy is partly responsible for not doing so....imo. Blood is on his hands too!
Isnt making murder threats a crime in Georgia?

If the FBI has evidence of murder threats the kid can certainly be locked up and/or sent to see a shrink
This happened 20 miles from me.

With that said, the FBI is a farce now. They ushered out their best long ago to keep the status quo among the elite intact.
Please, tell us what they should have done with the 13 year old child to have stopped this.

It's not a "gotcha". I am genuinely curious what action everyone thinks should have been taken with a 13 year old making threats.
Interviews with employers, neighbors, and family, to start with. If they are college students, check with their schools (this would have stopped Joker Holmes and the VA Tech Shooter, whose mental problems were well known to their schools).
A thorough check of background, not just punch a name into a computer.

And here's the big one. ANYONE WHO IS THE VICTIM OF GUN VIOLENCE CAN SUE THE GUN STORE! I promise you, once you have real liability for the gun industry, they will clean up their act.

Any. I would prohibit even people suffering from depression from owning a gun.

Except that never happens. What happens is that the person was bonkers for years, everyone in his life knew it, and they were still able to walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

Sure it would. The Germans, Japanese, Brits, have all figured this out. When you make owning a gun hard, the wrong kind of people won't get them.

If you make it almost impossible for people to buy Legal Firearms by licensed dealers, they will go elsewhere for their self protection needs.

They will buy their weapons from unlicensed gun dealers operating out of the back rooms of taverns and cocktail lounges, or out of the trunks of their cars. Those dealers don't do any background checks at all.

Remember that some of the highest crime areas of the world- from Congo to Chicago, have some of the most Draconian rules on the planet.

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