Alleged Apalachee Shooter Was Known to FBI, Made Threats Last Year

Please, tell us what they should have done with the 13 year old child to have stopped this.

It's not a "gotcha". I am genuinely curious what action everyone thinks should have been taken with a 13 year old making threats.

My idea for preventing school shootings is simple. Metal detectors and body cavity searches at the door of schools to make sure the kids aren't packing heat. We already have this system at federal courthouses and penitentiaries. Why shouldn't the children be as valued and protected as our bureaucrats and imprisoned paedophiles doing time?
This happened 20 miles from me.

With that said, the FBI is a farce now. They ushered out their best long ago to keep the status quo among the elite intact.
This matter was turned over to local you don't blame them. Or the fact we are awash in guns and a murder culture.
Isnt making murder threats a crime in Georgia?

If the FBI has evidence of murder threats the kid can certainly be locked up and/or sent to s shrink
The FBI wouldn't be doing state law enforcement jobs if it were illegal in Georgia.

I think the kid being 12 or 13 had a lot to do with it...and why the dad was relied on as providing supervision? You would think the parents would have sought mental health care, for their kid imo.... Or spied on his internet posts, or simply talked with their kid? Something is amiss here with the family imho....
I'm a human being, Sarada. It's too bad you're so firmly entrenched in your political hatred to see that I'm just a human being.

And I will blame the FBI anytime they screw up this badly.
To my understanding, the kid was making social media posts last year with his dad’s guns threatening to kill people or something. People reported it to the FBI.

The FBI interviewed him and his dad. Dad said his kid would not have unsupervised access to the guns. The FBI continues to monitor the kid for suspicious activity.

A year later, this happens.

What exactly would you like the FBI to do in situations like this?
The FBI wouldn't be doing state law enforcement jobs if it were illegal in Georgia.

I think the kid being 12 or 13 had a lot to do with it...and why the dad was relied on as providing supervision? You would think the parents would have sought mental health care, for their kid imo.... Or spied on his internet posts, or simply talked with their kid? Something is amiss here with the family imho....
If someone makes death threats online the DOJ can get involved

The FBI should have done more
I see no need for body cavity searches

Just give children the same level of security that fat ass judges and mayors get at city hall
Okay, but it wouldn't help in the case the shooter gains entry another way. Like in the Uvaldi shooting.

Typically they don't walk through the front door with guns strapped on their backs.

Some schools use them already. But they might just be a security blanket.
This sounds like the Ethan Crumbley shooting.

Parents were aware of their son’s erratic behavior and still allowed him to get access to guns to murder people.

Time to throw the dad in prison.
I did. Law enforcement matter. I don't disagree that he should be held accountable. It's at least something.

Then the child gets out. Probably pretty quickly.
You seem to have as much confidence in the mental health quacks as I do

Which is zero

But that is the proper procedure nevertheless

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