Will the Electoral College screw up another election?

The Electoral College keeps the big blue states from running the table over the less populated states....
That IS, after all, the goal, to put the power of electing the president in the hands of a few large population centers. If they can do away with the EC, the next step will be to do away with the Senate, because each state has the same number of Senators with the same power, and they don't like that at all.
Agreed. Two EC votes to the winner of the overall State totals via the 2 Senate seats, and each other EC by Congressional district.
I would like that, but since it would dilute the power of the big states, it will never happen. The goal is to INCREASE the power of the big population centers.
The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy! It must be terminated, which I'll never see in my lifetime - but it must be terminated. Presidential elections should be based on PEOPLE - not ACREAGE.

What do you think?

It's time to abolish the Electoral College

5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College

Outgrowing the Electoral College

Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

Be honest. By "screw up another election" you mean elect a Republican.
I had plenty, looks like you have nothing for a response. You stupid Simps have been taught for so long to toss Slaver salad that you don't even think to question their 200+ year old beliefs. Amazing. :lol:
It has nothing to do with slavers, you retard. Its pathetic how stuck on them you are. All you do is talk shit about our founders, but here you are. A disgusting, perverted immigrant trying to pussify everyone with your feelz and ignorance.
I am referring to ochlocracy. IE popular vote. This country doesnt have a collective IQ high enough to do shit like that. You are a perfect example.
Your obsession with hating on your betters is typical, yet its still hilarious. Jealous chump.
For the last time, good day.
It has nothing to do with slavers, you retard. Its pathetic how stuck on them you are. All you do is talk shit about our founders, but here you are. A disgusting, perverted immigrant trying to pussify everyone with your feelz and ignorance.
These aren't feelings you moron. It's just a pain old fact that they were slavers. You're the one getting all in your feelings over it.
I am referring to ochlocracy. IE popular vote. This country doesnt have a collective IQ high enough to do shit like that. You are a perfect example.
So you think elite people should rule over people you deem unworthy. Thats exactly what i said from jump my guy, why are you being such a bitch about something you clearly believe in? :dunno:
Your obsession with hating on your betters is typical, yet its still hilarious. Jealous chump.
You're only better than anyone else in your own imagination. You're too frail and ignorant though to understand the objective truth of that statement. :itsok:
The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy! It must be terminated, which I'll never see in my lifetime - but it must be terminated. Presidential elections should be based on PEOPLE - not ACREAGE.

What do you think?

It's time to abolish the Electoral College

5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College

Outgrowing the Electoral College

Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

Without the EC, our presidents would be chosen by LA, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Chicago, no one else's vote would count. The founders understood that and created the EC, it's too bad the so many Americans, like you, are ignorant to the reasons for the EC.
Be careful about wanting to throw it to the House.

You know that if the House is tasked with selecting the President, individual House members don't get to vote right?

They vote by state delegation. That would favor the Republicans.

Again, that would only happen if the president elect didn’t get both the 270 EVs as well as the plurality of the popular vote. Meaning, for example, that if Harris gets 270 EVs and the most popular votes overall (whether it’s is 50% or less), she becomes the president elect.

I’m not thinking from a political stand point in this case. Its simply bizarre that, in no way for this one elected office, the will of the governed isn’t taken into account. The Electoral College is a genius system compared to all others. But, like anything else, it can be improved.
Without the EC, our presidents would be chosen by LA, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Chicago, no one else's vote would count. The founders understood that and created the EC, it's too bad the so many Americans, like you, are ignorant to the reasons for the EC.
Not Lakookta's fault, he just wants to ensure continuation of all his free stuff. Trump is a threat to freeloaders.
Without the EC, our presidents would be chosen by LA, NYC, Miami/Dade, and Chicago, no one else's vote would count. The founders understood that and created the EC, it's too bad the so many Americans, like you, are ignorant to the reasons for the EC.
You're a just a moron. Eliminating the EC would only make it so the person who won the most votes would win. What the Founders understood was that without giving slave states more representation based on the number of slaves they had that slave states would be out voted by non slave states. That's why the number of slaves you had is what added to your electoral college count and not the size of your population as compared to others.
The electoral college voting is a disaster.

A remarkable GOP admission: Undermining the electoral ...​

The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com › politics › 2021/01/04

Jan 4, 2021 — The last two Republicans to win a majority of the popular vote in a presidential contest were father and son: George HW Bush in 1988 and George W. Bush in 2004.

2024 will mark 20 years since Republicans last won ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › opinion › campaign › 3830161-20...

Jan 26, 2023 — Where does the Republican Party go to replace those 34 electoral votes? Good question. GOP presidential candidates dream about turning back the ...

The Trump cult loves it.
535 electors deciding for 325 million people sounds fair.
You're a just a moron. Eliminating the EC would only make it so the person who won the most votes would win. What the Founders understood was that without giving slave states more representation based on the number of slaves they had that slave states would be out voted by non slave states. That's why the number of slaves you had is what added to your electoral college count and not the size of your population as compared to others.
It had nothing to do with slavery, it was set up so that the small population states would have a voice in national elections. The founders did not want small densely populated states and cities to control the national elections. They got it right. We do not have a pure democracy we have a representative republic. As a minority, you liberals would not like a pure democracy where your far left views could be voted down by the majority, but in our republic even you fools have a voice and that is how it should be. All viewpoints given equal time and volume. Sadly, our media no longer practices free speech.
It had nothing to do with slavery, it was set up so that the small population states would have a voice in national elections. The founders did not want small densely populated states and cities to control the national elections. They got it right. We do not have a pure democracy we have a representative republic. As a minority, you liberals would not like a pure democracy where your far left views could be voted down by the majority, but in our republic even you fools have a voice and that is how it should be. All viewpoints given equal time and volume. Sadly, our media no longer practices free speech.
It's right there in your constitution you dumb fearful Simp. The calculations for electoral college votes had nothing to do with comparing population sizes between smaller and larger states but in adding up populations and then adding 3/4s for every slave. History is what is guy. Try not to be such a little bitch about it.
It's right there in your constitution you dumb fearful Simp. The calculations for electoral college votes had nothing to do with comparing population sizes between smaller and larger states but in adding up populations and then adding 3/4s for every slave. History is what is guy. Try not to be such a little bitch about it.
actually it was 3/5ths. Because the people in those days were all ignorant as to human values. The EC concept is valid no matter how slaves were counted in the 1700s.
It's right there in your constitution you dumb fearful Simp. The calculations for electoral college votes had nothing to do with comparing population sizes between smaller and larger states but in adding up populations and then adding 3/4s for every slave. History is what is guy. Try not to be such a little bitch about it.
and your juvenile insult attempts fail as usual.
actually it was 3/5ths. Because the people in those days were all ignorant as to human values. The EC concept is valid no matter how slaves were counted in the 1700s.
Yep. 3/5s, that's a typo and what's invalid was your ignorant defense of it which was historically inaccurate and bit Snowflakey. You right wingers are always trying to carve out these safe spaces where you pretend history was something other than what it was.
I always enjoy when brainwashed leftists believe they know better than the founding fathers that laid the groundwork for the greatest country the world has ever known.

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