Will the Electoral College screw up another election?


The electoral college is genius. Best idea we’ve had.

The better idea would be to strengthen the electoral college to include the popular vote.

Meaning that you have to get the 270 in the electoral college BUT you also have to win the plurality--not majority--of the popular vote. If you don’t get both, the House figures out who is the President. Meaning that of all the people who ran in the election, you have the will of the people embodied in the President elect either through their direct vote or through their elected representatives in the House.

Be careful about wanting to throw it to the House.

You know that if the House is tasked with selecting the President, individual House members don't get to vote right?

Be careful about wanting to throw it to the House.

You know that if the House is tasked with selecting the President, individual House members don't get to vote right?

I think they do to the extent that a majority of House member votes for a given state controls the EC votes for that state.

What happens if a state ties between Rs & Ds of House members?
It gives a voice to every state and to all of us.

Does it though?

Do the more than 2 million people in Illinois that voted for Trump really have a voice?

Do the more than 6 million people in California that voted for Trump really have a voice?
I think they do to the extent that a majority of House member votes for a given state controls the EC votes for that state.

Which is what I said. Individual votes are not counted, each state gets one vote in the House to the minority votes from one state don't get to be added with the majority votes of other states to impact overall totals.

Currently minority votes from individual states are ignored.

What happens if a state ties between Rs & Ds of House members?

Don't know, that isn't addressed in the Constitution.

In case of a tie? Does the state not get a vote? Does it go to a coin flip? That would probably (at this point) but up to the delegation to come to agreement on.


The problem isn't with the concept of the EC. The problem is with the implementation by states.

The problem is "winner take all" and how it boils down the election to a few "swing states".

I'd like to see something more along the lines of Nebraska and Maine. EC votes allotted by Congressional district with the two representing state US Senators being awarded based on the state vote.

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The problem isn't with the concept of the EC. The problem is with the implementation by states.

I'd like to see something more along the lines of Nebraska and Maine. EC votes allotted by Congressional district with the two representing state US Senators being awarded based on the state vote.


Yes, this is what we need. The COTUS does not mandate winner take all for the EC.

If Illinois awarded EC votes based on congressional districts instead of winner take all, Trump would have gotten 6 EC votes from the state out of the 20. And it gives those in those area more of a reason to come out and vote.
Which is what I said. Individual votes are not counted, each state gets one vote in the House to the minority votes from one state don't get to be added with the majority votes of other states to impact overall totals.
Currently minority votes from individual states are ignored.
Don't know, that isn't addressed in the Constitution.

In case of a tie? Does the state not get a vote? Does it go to a coin flip? That would probably (at this point) but up to the delegation to come to agreement on.

I'd say that in case of a tie that state's vote would be 1/2 for each candidate.
LOL, so a 25-25 vote is possible.
I'd say that in case of a tie that state's vote would be 1/2 for each candidate.
LOL, so a 25-25 vote is possible.

There are no fractional votes in the Constitution. It says each state delegation gets 1 vote. Not that some delegations can have two vote counting for 1/2 each.


Mob rule is just that. Mob rule.
Fuck that.
The EC is about the most fair way to run an election.
Of course, it wouldnt even matter that much if we had a constitutional government.

The problem isn't with the concept of the EC. The problem is with the implementation by states.

The problem is "winner take all" and how it boils down the election to a few "swing states".

I'd like to see something more along the lines of Nebraska and Maine. EC votes allotted by Congressional district with the two representing state US Senators being awarded based on the state vote.

No, the problem is with the electoral college itself. It was designed to protect the political viability of slave states and now it provides that special protection for rural states but it isn't clear to me why smaller states should be given any special protection against larger states at all. If that's going to be our guiding philosophy then why not special electoral advantages for black voting districts to protect them from white ones or any other number of special interest groups. We should count one person as one vote like we do with all our other elections.
Mob rule is just that. Mob rule.
Fuck that.
The EC is about the most fair way to run an election.
Of course, it wouldnt even matter that much if we had a constitutional government.
You dumb fucking morons never do question what aristocratic slavers meant by mob rule do you? Of course people intent on controlling the masses were afraid of the masses having any authority. :lol:
You dumb fucking morons never do question what aristocratic slavers meant by mob rule do you? Of course people intent on controlling the masses were afraid of the masses having any authority. :lol:
Their opinion has nothing to do with mine.
Most Americans are fucking idiots. They crave being controlled because they are weak. They are regressive.
Fuck mob rule.
Their opinion has nothing to do with mine.
Most Americans are fucking idiots. They crave being controlled because they are weak. They are regressive.
Fuck mob rule.
So you think only the elites should rule but we're the ones that want to be controlled...... great argument there Moron! :lol:
So you think only the elites should rule but we're the ones that want to be controlled...... great argument there Moron! :lol:
I didnt say that. Why do you keep making shit up?
You are boring me. Do you have an actual argument, or do you just want to play in your never never land like usual?
I didnt say that. Why do you keep making shit up?
You are boring me. Do you have an actual argument, or do you just want to play in your never never land like usual?
What are you saying then because you seem fucking confused. The mob to the elite land owning white males who wanted to limit voting to their class were the common folk who the elites thought were too incompetent to have a say in how society should be run. Sounds a lot like what you just said.
What are you saying then because you seem fucking confused. The mob to the elite land owning white males who wanted to limit voting to their class were the common folk who the elites thought were too incompetent to have a say in how society should be run. Sounds a lot like what you just said.
Ok, so you have nothing. Good day!
The Electoral College is a curse on American democracy! It must be terminated, which I'll never see in my lifetime - but it must be terminated. Presidential elections should be based on PEOPLE - not ACREAGE.

What do you think?

It's time to abolish the Electoral College

5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College

Outgrowing the Electoral College

Why We Should Abolish the Electoral College

Then get enough support to amend the Constitution to remove it from the process.
I think blue states should lead the way and get rid of the winner takes all electoral rules.
Divide up the districts into separate electoral districts.

Agreed. Two EC votes to the winner of the overall State totals via the 2 Senate seats, and each other EC by Congressional district.

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