Trump Set To Win The Electoral College & The Presidency In November (2024)

Only half a nation suicide pact. While the commies are jumping out of windows, I'll be jumping for joy.

The ultimate cosmic humor would be that:
  • Trump wins.
  • Studies show he would have lost had Biden just stayed in the race.
  • Democrats everywhere are suicidal because they forced Joe out.

Where, JohnDB, is the MAGA evidence?
I have no idea....
I'm not pro Trump.

I've just been relating what I've seen. You would likely call me a Democrat for some ideas I have....because I do not follow either party.

I do understand what wins elections and Kamala is not doing those things.

What a funny OP.

Just another MAGA allegation without evidence.

The only "evidence" anyone needs is what a total C-word Kamala Harris is, and the fact that she was involved in many of the failures of the Biden administration.

If you can't see that, you're stupider than you appear to be.
The only "evidence" anyone needs is what a total C-word Kamala Harris is,
Yes, we know shit-human misogynist losers hate Harris. No need to hammer on that fact.

Have you ever considered trying to not be such a disgusting loser? Sure, the Trump cult will kick you out, but at least you won't roast in Hell for eternity.
And back in reality, Harris is tied in GA and NC, ahead in all the other swing states.

And those are old polls, not taking into account her steady rise.

It won't be close. Blue wave.
Meanwhile Republicans stay in denial

Nothing to see here
Stay the course

MSNBC host rages after seeing polls showing Trump leading, calls Electoral College a ‘suicide pact’​

Chris Hayes called the Electoral College “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy'​

Published August 31, 2024 2:47pm EDT

MSNBC host Chris Hayes fumed over new poll results showing former President Trump as the favorite to win the Electoral College and therefore the presidency in November.

On his X account Friday, the "All in With Chris Hayes" anchor blasted recent poll results from famed pollster Nate Silver showing that Harris would most likely beat Trump in the national popular vote if the election were held today, though Trump would win the Electoral College.

"It’s clear as day the Electoral College is, to quote the great Justice Jackson a national suicide pact," Hayes posted.

No surprise to me. Trump should win in a landslide.

MSNBC host rages after seeing polls showing Trump leading, calls Electoral College a ‘suicide pact’​

Chris Hayes called the Electoral College “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy'​

Published August 31, 2024 2:47pm EDT

MSNBC host Chris Hayes fumed over new poll results showing former President Trump as the favorite to win the Electoral College and therefore the presidency in November.

On his X account Friday, the "All in With Chris Hayes" anchor blasted recent poll results from famed pollster Nate Silver showing that Harris would most likely beat Trump in the national popular vote if the election were held today, though Trump would win the Electoral College.

"It’s clear as day the Electoral College is, to quote the great Justice Jackson a national suicide pact," Hayes posted.

I don't put a lot of faith in polls, most especially those conducted by partisan media and other organizations. Even if they are polling honestly almost any little blip in the economy or other circumstances can shift opinions of voters who aren't informed and really don't have a clue what they are actually voting for.

When everybody with a pulse is registered and some are made up out of whole cloth, there will be millions of registrations turned in to be sorted out by people who might not be all that careful doing that. And they also might be somewhat arbitrary in what constitutes a legal registration. That provides huge opportunity for hanky panky by unethical operatives.

For sure when illegal voters, low information voters, etc. are crowded by the millions into several huge cities and encouraged or paid to vote which they probably wouldn't have otherwise done, it can skew the popular vote by a lot. When it is made extra easy for bad actors to be able to add phony ballots to the mix, you can be sure bad actors can likely do that. That can skew both the popular vote and th electoral college.

Those who want to make it almost impossible for a non eligible person to register to vote, who want it made much more difficult to cheat the vote are those who know that a free people must have confidence in the results of their elections in order for there to be confidence in their government.

Those who want everybody, even illegal migrants, to register to vote and who want it to be easy to cheat are just begging for a totalitarian government.

Meanwhile the Electoral College is all that we have to keep opportunists from stacking the deck in a few large population centers to get a majority of the vote from establishing totalitarian rule over all of us.
I don't put a lot of faith in polls, most especially those conducted by partisan media and other organizations. Even if they are polling honestly almost any little blip in the economy or other circumstances can shift opinions of voters who aren't informed and really don't have a clue what they are actually voting for.

When everybody with a pulse is registered and some are made up out of whole cloth, there will be millions of registrations turned in to be sorted out by people who might not be all that careful doing that. And they also might be somewhat arbitrary in what constitutes a legal registration. That provides huge opportunity for hanky panky by unethical operatives.

For sure when illegal voters, low information voters, etc. are crowded by the millions into several huge cities and encouraged or paid to vote which they probably wouldn't have otherwise done, it can skew the popular vote by a lot. When it is made extra easy for bad actors to be able to add phony ballots to the mix, you can be sure bad actors can likely do that. That can skew both the popular vote and th electoral college.

Those who want to make it almost impossible for a non eligible person to register to vote, who want it made much more difficult to cheat the vote are those who know that a free people must have confidence in the results of their elections in order for there to be confidence in their government.

Those who want everybody, even illegal migrants, to register to vote and who want it to be easy to cheat are just begging for a totalitarian government.

Meanwhile the Electoral College is all that we have to keep opportunists from stacking the deck in a few large population centers to get a majority of the vote from establishing totalitarian rule over all of us.
Thank you, and that was so well written and though-provoking. I believe the polls have always been showing Trump ahead by a tremendous margin every since that presidential attempted assassination. The reason Pelosi and the rest of the dems have been telling Kamala Harris to steal Trump's ideas on not taxing tips, building a border wall, etc... is because the true polls keep showing Kamala Harris losing.

The democrats hide the real polls that they themselves take; they hide the truth of those polls from their voters. Every time they do a poll their own voters choose Trump, and they hide it, skew it, or just our right lie about it and manipulate their own polls. However they are keeping track of the real data from each of their polls, and they know they have not had one poll show Kamala winning. Even after the DNC which ended up giving Trump a RFK Jr. endorsement no polls have had Kamala Harris winning anything.

To save face, to shield themselves from the humiliation of it all... the democrats hide the real polls from their low information voters. In hopes of grabbing some congressional seats they stir that pot of polling lies, yet they know they will all be vacating the White House in 2024.
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