USMB Coffee Shop IV

it is zozobra time again!
How in the world did you know about Zozobra? Last Friday, August 30, commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the tradition of burning Zozobra ('Old Man Gloom') to usher in the annual Santa Fe Fiesta, a weekend of food, music, craft shows and other stuff for sale, entertainment et al in the Santa Fe Plaza. When I was a teenager the event was free and great fun. We wouldn't have gone this year even though it is free--our nights of revelry of that sort are behind us--but we did see that the tickets for the burning of Zozobra were $30????? People would pay to see that? I suppose so.

Zozobra is a bigger than life figure with light firewood and kindling laced with pyrotechnical substances piled around him designed to make a spectacular fire and he writhes and groans when burned. And even though we had fun at the festival that particular aspect always seemed a bit grotesque and barbaric to me. But tradition is tradition. . .

This year's Zozobra:


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And welcome to the Coffee Shop Zebra. I believe this is you first visit? Remind me again what country you are in? We're happy you found us and keep right on joining in. We have Coffee Shoppers scattered across the globe.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage. Because it was one of my favorite drinks when we were still consuming alcohol, I'll make it a pina colada. :)
How in the world did you know about Zozobra? Last Friday, August 30, commemorated the 100th Anniversary of the tradition of burning Zozobra ('Old Man Gloom') to usher in the annual Santa Fe Fiesta, a weekend of food, music, craft shows and other stuff for sale, entertainment et al in the Santa Fe Plaza. When I was a teenager the event was free and great fun. We wouldn't have gone this year even though it is free--our nights of revelry of that sort are behind us--but we did see that the tickets for the burning of Zozobra were $30????? People would pay to see that? I suppose so.

Zozobra is a bigger than life figure with light firewood and kindling laced with pyrotechnical substances piled around him designed to make a spectacular fire and he writhes and groans when burned. And even though we had fun at the festival that particular aspect always seemed a bit grotesque and barbaric to me. But tradition is tradition. . .

This year's Zozobra:

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I am always interested in these kinds of ceremonies!
And welcome to the Coffee Shop Zebra. I believe this is you first visit? Remind me again what country you are in? We're happy you found us and keep right on joining in. We have Coffee Shoppers scattered across the globe.

First timers receive a complimentary beverage. Because it was one of my favorite drinks when we were still consuming alcohol, I'll make it a pina colada. :)
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Thank you very much!

And Dankeschön!

My home is Germany, I am from Baden-Baden.

Here are a few umlauts or Umlaute for you :


And our special s ….. ß

Schöööööön for you! 🎂🎂🎂🎂
I looked up Baden Baden on the map and saw Stuttgart in that area that reminded me that my mother worked for the government at a prisoner of war camp here in New Mexico during WWII. The only prisoners held there were German and they were mostly just folks and good people. When given opportunity to work for a bit of wages on farms around there, many jumped at the chance and enjoyed being out of camp doing familiar things.

My mom got really close with a couple of the boys who spoke some English and wrote to the one from Stuttgart for years before they finally lost touch. The other she wrote to was from east Berlin and that correspondence ended as soon as the 'Iron Curtain" went up.
I looked up Baden Baden on the map and saw Stuttgart in that area that reminded me that my mother worked for the government at a prisoner of war camp here in New Mexico during WWII. The only prisoners held there were German and they were mostly just folks and good people. When given opportunity to work for a bit of wages on farms around there, many jumped at the chance and enjoyed being out of camp doing familiar things.

My mom got really close with a couple of the boys who spoke some English and wrote to the one from Stuttgart for years before they finally lost touch. The other she wrote to was from east Berlin and that correspondence ended as soon as the 'Iron Curtain" went up.
Fine to hear!

Yes, both my town and Stuttgart are in the German land of Baden-Württemberg! :)

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