PBS Gets Citizen Question Wrong


Holy shit you are fucking stupid.

Pay attention:

It is a form of representative democracy.
It is also called a republic.

Both are true and synon have the same meaning. That meaning is "voters electing representatives that govern them"
can the people vote to ban all guns/arms??

can the people vote to execute people without trial or due process??

can the people vote to close all churches and seize all their assets??

can the people vote to search peoples houses without a warrants??

the answer is NO THEY CANT because we are a constitutional republic,,

in a representative democracy they can vote for those things
can the people vote to ban all guns/arms??

can the people vote to execute people without trial or due process??

can the people vote to close all churches and seize all their assets??

can the people vote to search peoples houses without a warrants??

the answer is NO THEY CANT because we are a constitutional republic,,

in a representative democracy they can vote for those things

Dumbass what part of "voters electing representatives that govern them" do you not get?

it doesnt mean voting on specific issues.
Its far from dumb... in fact its crucial to get the verbiage correct...

Is the United States a Democracy?​

The United States is a democracy, but it is not a true democracy. Instead, it is a representative democracy. The common forms of democracy are direct democracy and representative democracy. A direct democracy is a system of government in which the majority have their say on every matter concerning governance. Direct democracies hold referendums each time an issue has to be decided upon because there are no elective representatives. The United States is a representative democracy, as the public elects individuals to represent them at the government level. The United States is also a constitutional democracy, meaning that the functions and roles of the government are governed by the constitution that also protects the rights and privileges of the citizenry regardless of whether they are majority or minority.

Is the United States a Democracy?​

The United States is a democracy, but it is not a true democracy. Instead, it is a representative democracy. The common forms of democracy are direct democracy and representative democracy. A direct democracy is a system of government in which the majority have their say on every matter concerning governance. Direct democracies hold referendums each time an issue has to be decided upon because there are no elective representatives. The United States is a representative democracy, as the public elects individuals to represent them at the government level. The United States is also a constitutional democracy, meaning that the functions and roles of the government are governed by the constitution that also protects the rights and privileges of the citizenry regardless of whether they are majority or minority.
Wrong again. We are a constitutional Republic. You submit to lies.


Is the United States a Democracy?​

The United States is a democracy, but it is not a true democracy. Instead, it is a representative democracy. The common forms of democracy are direct democracy and representative democracy. A direct democracy is a system of government in which the majority have their say on every matter concerning governance. Direct democracies hold referendums each time an issue has to be decided upon because there are no elective representatives. The United States is a representative democracy, as the public elects individuals to represent them at the government level. The United States is also a constitutional democracy, meaning that the functions and roles of the government are governed by the constitution that also protects the rights and privileges of the citizenry regardless of whether they are majority or minority.
All of my life we have been referred to as a representative republic... I can't help it if some lib changed the words... libs change the meaning of words all the time so why not change what the founders called our system of government...
To me we will always be a representative republic...

Yes, the United States is a representative republic. This means that it combines elements of a republic and representative democracy:

  1. Republic: The U.S. is a republic because it has a government in which the power rests with the people, and their elected representatives govern according to established laws, specifically the Constitution. There is no monarch, and the head of state (the president) is elected rather than inheriting power.
  2. Representative Democracy: The U.S. is also a representative democracy because citizens do not make laws directly but instead elect representatives who make decisions and pass laws on their behalf. These representatives serve at local, state, and national levels, including members of Congress, state legislatures, and local councils.
No, I will defend the Constitution with my life.

Deal with it!

United States of America Constitution Article 1 Section 4​

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government​

Then you disagree with project 2025.

Or any president's ability to terminate parts of it.
Take a Citizenship Quiz | CONSTITUTION USA with Peter Sagal | PBS

One of the questions was: What type of government is America (something like that) and the 4 possible answers were:
  1. Monarchy
  2. Progressive Fascism
  3. Democracy, or
  4. Republican
The correct answer is that we are a Republican form of government, but the Progressive Fascists at PBS say that we are a "democracy"

It is what it is. How one party, or the other, presumes to describe or label it is irrelevant.
All of my life we have been referred to as a representative republic... I can't help it if some lib changed the words... libs change the meaning of words all the time so why not change what the founders called our system of government...
To me we ill always be a representative republic...

Yes, the United States is a representative republic. This means that it combines elements of a republic and representative democracy:

  1. Republic: The U.S. is a republic because it has a government in which the power rests with the people, and their elected representatives govern according to established laws, specifically the Constitution. There is no monarch, and the head of state (the president) is elected rather than inheriting power.
  2. Representative Democracy: The U.S. is also a representative democracy because citizens do not make laws directly but instead elect representatives who make decisions and pass laws on their behalf. These representatives serve at local, state, and national levels, including members of Congress, state legislatures, and local councils.
because a republic by its very existence is representative, to say representative republic is redundant,,

the accurate name is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC since its the constitution that establishes and guarantees us a republic form of government

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