Trump Hammers Biden Over Troops Killed In Afghanistan Pullout

Conditions set by Trump were never met by the Taliban! Biden pulled them against advice from his top advisors!

Silly thats a CREDIT to Biden.

We would have wasted a lot of resources and have many more soldiers dead in Afghanistan by today if he didn't have the conviction to withdraw 4 years ago.

Trump can't smile and thumbs up by the graves at Arlington that Biden's withdrawal prevented.
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Trump Hammers Biden Over Troops Killed In Afghanistan Pullout​

Where were our currenty commander and chiefs during this event?

So why did Benedict Donald not enforce the conditions of his so called conditional withdrawal? Why did he withdraw the vast majority of troops when the Taliban didn't follow through on any of the peace initiatives in the Doha Accords?

ISIS killed those soldier and civilian, but hasn't Benedict been bragging on how he wiped out ISIS?

Questions all Americans should be asking.

Under Biden we didn't lose a single soldier in combat, only in a terrorist attack. One of the conditions Benedict Donald ignored was the Taliban cracking down on ISIS and not letting them use Afghanistan to attack Americans.
So why did Benedict Donald not enforce the conditions of his so called conditional withdrawal? Why did he withdraw the vast majority of troops when the Taliban didn't follow through on any of the peace initiatives in the Doha Accords?

ISIS killed those soldier and civilian, but hasn't Benedict been bragging on how he wiped out ISIS?

Questions all Americans should be asking.

Under Biden we didn't lose a single soldier in combat, only in a terrorist attack. One of the conditions Benedict Donald ignored was the Taliban cracking down on ISIS and not letting them use Afghanistan to attack Americans.
LOL, ya and nixon was the one that got us into vietnam.
Conditions set by Trump were never met by the Taliban! Biden pulled them against advice from his top advisors!
The condition were to be met before we withdrew any troops. In 2020 Benedict Donald withdrew over 10,000 troops and left Biden and the Military a skeleton force of just 2,500. To enforce the conditions Trump Ignored in 2020, when the Doha timeline called for them, Biden would have had to go back to war, combat with the Taliban. Why else would Trump have blurted this braggadocios ditty?

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you."

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Silly thats a CREDIT to Biden.

We would have wasted a lot of resources and have many more soldiers dead in Afghanistan by today if he didn't have the conviction to withdraw 4 years ago.

Trump can't smile and thumbs up by the graves at Arlington that Biden's withdrawal prevented.
Caused you idiot The Taliban was not living up to the deal but Biden pulled anyway, Biden got people killed
Caused you idiot The Taliban was not living up to the deal but Biden pulled anyway, Biden got people killed

The timeline for the deal was 135 days. Our troops and the bases we controlled were our leverage to ensuring the Taliban complied. By removing over 10 thousand of our troops, abandoning 5 of our bases, forcing a 5 to 1 prisoner swap on the Afghan Government and not getting the Taliban to comply, sowed the seeds for the swift take over by the Taliban and the chaos in Kabul. Biden could have reinvaded to fix all Trumps fuck ups. How many young Americans were you willing to sacrifice?
They keep on harping over 13 killed in a terror attack while recommending we should have increased troop strength

That would have led to more soldier deaths

I don't recall Dems harping on the 241 (mostly Marines) killed in that suicide terrorist attack in Lebanon(83) during the 84 campaign......
I don't recall Dems harping on the 241 (mostly Marines) killed in that suicide terrorist attack in Lebanon(83) during the 84 campaign......

Lets cut to the chase…

After Bush allowed four separate 9-11 attacks killing 3000 Americans, Democrats refused to exploit it for the good of the country.

While Hillary was Sec State, 4 diplomats were killed in a riot.
13 were killed by a terrorist bomb under Biden

Republicans continue to rant about it
The condition were to be met before we withdrew any troops. In 2020 Benedict Donald withdrew over 10,000 troops and left Biden and the Military a skeleton force of just 2,500. To enforce the conditions Trump Ignored in 2020, when the Doha timeline called for them, Biden would have had to go back to war, combat with the Taliban. Why else would Trump have blurted this braggadocios ditty?

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you."

Wrong, Biden went through with the withdrawl after the Taliban were not upholding their end of the deal
Lets cut to the chase…

After Bush allowed four separate 9-11 attacks killing 3000 Americans, Democrats refused to exploit it for the good of the country.

While Hillary was Sec State, 4 diplomats were killed in a riot.
13 were killed by a terrorist bomb under Biden

Republicans continue to rant about it
Wrong, Biden went through with the withdrawl after the Taliban were not upholding their end of the deal

Aaand? The compaint against Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan has nothing to do with Taliban upholding their end of the deal.

Taliban didn't attack our soldiers. Our soldiers were killed by ISIS bombing.
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Aaand? The compaint against Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan has nothing to do with Taliban upholding their end of the deal.

Taliban didn't attack our soldiers. Our soldiers died from ISIS bombing.
Hmm, did it happen because we were withdrawing troops and they were all in the same place
Wrong, Biden went through with the withdrawl after the Taliban were not upholding their end of the deal

Biden is not responsible for any withdrawals made in 2020. Benedict Donald withdrew over 10 thousand troops knowing full well the Taliban was not complying with the condition.

Biden made the decision to not redeploy the 10's of thousands new troop it would take to roll back the Taliban gains. These were the effects of Benedict Donald's dereliction of duty with his near unconditional withdrawals in 2020.

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