Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

No where did the Families request photos at the grave sites. You are just making shit up again. And tRump and his entourage committed a Felony that he needs to be held accountable for.

But won't be, because every time Trump gets into trouble with the law, they say it shouldn't happen, it's politically motivated, which means he's less likely to get into trouble for fear of what will happen.
The inconvenient truth is that it was the most successful evacuation of a defeated army in the history of warfare.

Is everybody missing the reason why it can't be accepted as that?

It's simple: 13 is worse than zero and it has to be pretended that America really wanted to rescue the Afghan traitors.
The Army was already evacuated. The failure was trying to evacuate civilians who should have been evacuated through Bagram Air Force base. Instead Biden and Harris turned Bagram over to Isis and tried to evacuate the civilians through a civilian airport surrounded by Baghdad which was controlled by Isis with predictable results. when Biden did it it was Okay......but when Trump did it.....he was breaking the law,

Fuk off.
Biden did it when he was the president and was not running for office at the time. He also invited 2 other former presidents Obama and Bush to the event. That is the proper way to do it.

Even Trump did the Arlington visit while he was president and there were plenty of photos

So being president at the time is not the issue

The issues is rules and know what they are
The Army was already evacuated. The failure was trying to evacuate civilians who should have been evacuated through Bagram Air Force base. Instead Biden and Harris turned Bagram over to Isis and tried to evacuate the civilians through a civilian airport surrounded by Baghdad which was controlled by Isis with predictable results.
You actually pointed out the problem.
The army was already evacuated Which means there were fewer soldiers left to evacuate the civilians from Kabul, than they have police officers in Miami Fl.
Trump purposefully left a situation to screw the incoming administration. He pulled out 90% of the troops, and 0% of the civilians.
The Army was already evacuated. The failure was trying to evacuate civilians who should have been evacuated through Bagram Air Force base. Instead Biden and Harris turned Bagram over to Isis and tried to evacuate the civilians through a civilian airport surrounded by Baghdad which was controlled by Isis with predictable results.
Yes I think military assets had to temporarily remain at Karzai International? It was so stupid not to to evac by Bagram
Biden wanted an orderly withdrawal on Sept 11. He wound up with gross incompetence leading to needless exposure to Haqqani
It should never of happened.

That's still not an ad, that's some pics and video someone took at Arlington when Trump was invited.

With that said, I agree..."it should never of happened"

What else shouldn't of happened was the deplorable way that Harris and dembots attacked the Gold Star familes for having this memorial and inviting Trump
What else shouldn't of happened was the deplorable way that Harris and dembots attacked the Gold Star familes for having this memorial and inviting Trump
Dembots are deplorable too? Well yes but in a truly...deplorable way

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