Women: What percentage of you wake up in the morning thinking about abortions and how cool it is that you can get one with ease? Dems are banking on U

What we know of creepy moralizers like Vance. Always with something to hide.
hahaha…More of the same.
So in your backwards Twilight Zone one who conducts themself as moral isn’t moral at all while these types are likely moral?
You’re speaking gibberish…Are you saying you degenerates are the self appointed arbiters of dissent?
View attachment 1006361
I'm saying your OP is fucking stupid. I'm saying that you don't have to wake up every day wishing for an abortion to support abortion any more than you need to wake up everyday wishing for violence to support a right to self defense but whatever language I said that in you would be too fucking stupid to comprehend it. :lol:

Also, it's only in the participation trophy winning reality of Sad White Boys where knowing fewer languages is taken as a sign of superiority. You lot would need backwards fantasies like that to help you cope with the inadequacies of your reality. :lol:
hahaha…More of the same.
So in your backwards Twilight Zone one who conducts themself as moral isn’t moral at all while these types are likely moral?
View attachment 1006369

No, many who conduct themselves as moral, many times are. Mother Theresa pops quickly into mind.

It's those constantly judging others that are usually hiding something.
These Marxists are always trying to sell "rape, incest, or the life of the mother." But reality is that well over 90% of abortions are committed for financial reasons. I saw that stat from the Alan Guttmacher Institute. They are a pro-abortion group.

Here's the problem.

Once you've accepted the notion that Globby The Fetus has more rights than the woman it is inside, then you can't kill it for rape or incest or even the mother's health. Maybe for her life.

If you accept that a non-viable, non-aware Globby should have less rights than the woman it is inside, then it really doesn't matter WHY she is getting the abortion.
I'm saying your OP is fucking stupid. I'm saying that you don't have to wake up every day wishing for an abortion to support abortion any more than you need to wake up everyday wishing for violence to support a right to self defense but whatever language I said that in you would be too fucking stupid to comprehend it. :lol:

Also, it's only in the participation trophy winning reality of Sad White Boys where knowing fewer languages is taken as a sign of superiority. You lot would need backwards fantasies like that to help you cope with the inadequacies of your reality. :lol:
I’ll play along.
You make a false assumption in direct conflict with the premise of the thread….You see, everybody sane and paying attention knows the Dem Party can only win elections when they compartmentalize the electorate into a bunch of single issue voters. They can’t win if their constituents become well rounded educated voters.
Their manufactured factions are as follows….
Negroes (your faction…the hate whitey voter)
Free shit beggar (Mexicans)
Abortion lovers
Faggots and rug munchers
Chicks with dicks
Hate America
Love Mexico’s people / Hate sovereignty
Gun / 2A hater

You probably fit well within several of their factions….right?
I’ll play along.
You make a false assumption in direct conflict with the premise of the thread….You see, everybody sane and paying attention knows the Dem Party can only win elections when they compartmentalize the electorate into a bunch of single issue voters. They can’t win if their constituents become well rounded educated voters.
Their manufactured factions are as follows….
Negroes (your faction…the hate whitey voter)
Free shit beggar (Mexicans)
Abortion lovers
Faggots and rug munchers
Chicks with dicks
Hate America
Love Mexico’s people / Hate sovereignty
Gun / 2A hater

You probably fit well within several of their factions….right?

Holy shit

Just wow
They seem to believe abortions are all you think about…they don’t want you to care about foreign policy and affairs, REAL economics, energy policy, public safety, immigration policy, education, healthcare, inflation….etc etc.
They need you to be a single issue voter…Are you?
polls indicate Americans want a better economy and a border, whether male or female
They seem to believe abortions are all you think about…they don’t want you to care about foreign policy and affairs, REAL economics, energy policy, public safety, immigration policy, education, healthcare, inflation….etc etc.
They need you to be a single issue voter…Are you?

Dunno what women think...but when I wake up, I got titties on my mind. Just not as much as when I was young. I'm old now, but once a spell I may have some small amount of lumber going on.


This is what a filthy, dem commie thinks about...

trans mom.png
My wife is too old to need an abortion but it pisses her off how Republican men talk about women.

She voted (R) in every election from 1984 through 2012 but hasn't since then.

She didn't vote (D) either but creepy Republican men lost her vote for the Republicans.
I largely don't care if a woman chooses an abortion, however...."too old to have an abortion?" What the heck??? A woman can have an abortion at any "age," until she reaches menopause, then doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant anymore because THEN she can't get pregnant without IVF.
They seem to believe abortions are all you think about…they don’t want you to care about foreign policy and affairs, REAL economics, energy policy, public safety, immigration policy, education, healthcare, inflation….etc etc.
They need you to be a single issue voter…Are you?

Abortion is a matter of life or death for women. A pregnancy gone wrong can lead to the life of a woman being threatened. It should be a major issue. However Trump also loses on every other issue. In addition, he threatens our democracy to keep himself in power and wants to subvert the Constitution's checks and balances on a President.
The media and democrats won't admit it but there are probably lots of pregnant women who wake up and say "thank God they repealed Roe v Wade" because they can't be forced by an angry man to sign the papers to end the life inside them and face symptoms of PTSD and guilt for the rest of their lives.
There it is Curried Goats
They want lib whores to believe that all that matters is their right to abortion.
Gee, I wonder what kind of a nation we could have built around these fucked in the head degenerates?
So all women who value their right to choose are “lib whores” huh?

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