Women: What percentage of you wake up in the morning thinking about abortions and how cool it is that you can get one with ease? Dems are banking on U

I’ll play along.
You make a false assumption in direct conflict with the premise of the thread….You see, everybody sane and paying attention knows the Dem Party can only win elections when they compartmentalize the electorate into a bunch of single issue voters. They can’t win if their constituents become well rounded educated voters.
Their manufactured factions are as follows….
Negroes (your faction…the hate whitey voter)
Free shit beggar (Mexicans)
Abortion lovers
Faggots and rug munchers
Chicks with dicks
Hate America
Love Mexico’s people / Hate sovereignty
Gun / 2A hater

You probably fit well within several of their factions….right?
You dumb white Simps still haven't figured out that the way to win elections is to appeal to voters? :dunno: :lol:

Let me guess, you think crying like a bitch about election fraud is the ticket? :itsok:

Also those dont have to be singular issues to voters, they could just be important ones. When you add them all up what you have assembled against you is a diverse coalition of people who've been made aware that you dont care to address their concerns. I'm glad you dumb Bingos think that's smart politics. :lol:
There it is Curried Goats
They want lib whores to believe that all that matters is their right to abortion.
Gee, I wonder what kind of a nation we could have built around these fucked in the head degenerates?
I think respect also matters to voters, maybe dont call them whores if you want their vote or don't cry like a bitch when they vote against you. :dunno:
I largely don't care if a woman chooses an abortion, however...."too old to have an abortion?" What the heck??? A woman can have an abortion at any "age," until she reaches menopause, then doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant anymore because THEN she can't get pregnant without IVF.

Yeah, she is 59. Not sure why that is controversial.
You cannot address this question without its compulsory follow-on: Are you aware that under current Constitutional Law (which will not change in the next generation), neither the President nor Congress has ANY POWER to implement any abortion policy whatsoever (other than for active duty military)?

In other words, are you stupid enough to buy the Left's bizarre "promises" with respect to your non-existent abortion "rights"?

You are one sick SOB.
You dumb white Simps still haven't figured out that the way to win elections is to appeal to voters?
hahahaha…You dumb black plantation dwellers telling whites how to vote…that’s comical. You haven’t been able to vote yourselves out of the shitter while Mexicans, Asians and every other faction has ran right past you…You sit there begging with your hand out and never improve yourselves….Why?
Let me guess, you think crying like a bitch about election fraud is the ticket?
Nah, your ilk begging for reparations is the ticket.
Also those dont have to be singular issues to voters, they could just be important ones. When you add them all up what you have assembled against you is a diverse coalition of people who've been made aware that you dont care to address their concerns. I'm glad you dumb Bingos think that's smart politics.
Why do you think Libs are so against voter id and closing the border? They want and need the worlds most ignorant, illiterate, desperate and weird to vote. What sane person would want the worlds shittiest people forging their way?
I think respect also matters to voters, maybe dont call them whores if you want their vote or don't cry like a bitch when they vote against you.
Respect huh? Like when you black beggars receive your EBT card from me and still cry systemic racism?
Nope…just the ones you’ve conned into believing ease of abortion is all that matters.
That’s most of em… and they weren’t conned.

I’m sure they love the MAGA characterization of them
That’s most of em… and they weren’t conned.

I’m sure they love the MAGA characterization of them
If true that’s fucking sad…The result of you purple hairs teaching impressionable children that abortion is more important than economics and all the shit that should matter.
No wonder the suicide rate among young purple hairs is so high, no wonder they’re all on anxiety and depression meds. SAD

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