Kamala Said She Wouldn't 'Stay Silent' While Children Are Dying. Then Hezbollah Murdered 12 Israeli Kids

When 9-11-01 "happened" your colleagues were similarly
"baffled" as to how what happened, happened right under the
noses of the CIA------same islamo nazi sophist FILTH
And these agencies had all the information to bust things up before 9/11 happened and they didn't. We know why now.

Same applies to Israel's intelligence....however, last I looked, a 25x8 mile strip of land with a border fence/wall, is WAY less to surveil than a 3300 mile wide swath of land with 330 million people in it.
US State Dept - Biden’s- says Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.

Just validates she’s a terrorist lover and hater of innocent children.

Awwwwwwwwwwww, give them a break. If they weren't hypocrites, they wouldn't be anything.
Harris has criticised violence on both sides...

You ignore Israeli crimes and critise anyone that wants to stop IDF killing kids...

You are the only one accepting kids being killed.

If the Hezbos really wanted a ceasefire, they wouldn't have committed this past weekend's atrocities.

Why did Kamala not attend Netanyahu's speech, since apparently both sides want to fight it out.
Harris has criticised violence on both sides...

You ignore Israeli crimes and critise anyone that wants to stop IDF killing kids...

You are the only one accepting kids being killed.
Gaza hasn’t had a Jew in it since 2008.

What’s your fictional war crimes?

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