Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Asians kick everyone’s ass in academics and test scores. The Asian culture puts a premium on excelling in academics. How many Asians do you see standing in line for tennis shoes? How many Asians do you see in gangs?

Asians outperformed whites, blacks, and Latinos in academics and now, they are being pulled down so that Blacks and Latinos can be pulled up.

Asians in gangs??? Lots of them. Asian gangs are a bigger problem here than black gangs.
The white racists adopted Asians. They buttered them up calling them the model minority. In any argument about race or racism, the white racist pointed out Asians to use against other people of color. They used Asians as mascots hoping to end equal opportunity policies. White racists and Asians in forums like this argued against Affirmative Action as if Asians were not admitted or hired because of the policy. So now one year after the policy was ended because Asians got used by a white racist named Edward Blum, Asains fucked around and found out that they will never be white.
According to the first-year class profile released by the admissions office, 14 percent of the class of 2028 identifies as African American, 24 percent as Asian American, 19 percent as Hispanic or Latino, 3 percent as Native American and 46 percent as white.

Okay. So Asians are 6% of the population and got 24% of the seats; that's pretty good. Hispanics and blacks seem to match their percentages of the population. Whites are 70% of the population and only got 46% of the seats, so what are you complaining about, exactly?

Sounds like Cherry Picking to me. As a counter point, MIT saw the following after it checked Affirmative Action to the side.

Among the class of 2028, just 5% identify as Black or African American, a sharp decline from 16% in the class of 2027. The institution also recorded a drop in Hispanic or Latino student enrollment from 16% to 11%. Native American and Pacific Islander students made up 1% or less of the incoming cohort.

Simultaneously, the percentage of Asian American students rose from 40% last year to 47% in the new class. The total enrollment remained about the same in the classes of 2027 and 2028. (These figures do not include international students.)

As the saying goes OP, "when white supremacy is DONE with their tools, it BREAKS their tools."

It's only going to get worse for Asians going forward.
No, it won't.

Here's the thing about Asians... they follow the American Model. You immigrate here, you work hard, you have success.

My family emigrated from Germany in the 1920s. My wife's family emigrated from China in whatever we are calling the last decade.

They've built businesses; they have nice homes, and they are welcomed into what you would call white communities.
Yeah OK. Then you should understand that Asians were a protected group under Affirmative Action and that becuse Asians listened to racists, they shot themseves by opposing the policy.
Asians were a protected group because of AA? HAHAHAHA.. You're funny. Have you heard about affirmative action bake sale? Look up the images.
As the saying goes OP, "when white supremacy is DONE with their tools, it BREAKS their tools."

It's only going to get worse for Asians going forward.

FYI, Asians are the ones buying up expensive properties in Silicon Valley. Asians are pricing out blacks and Hispanics. You should be angry at Democrats for handling free money to illegal aliens so they can buy a house. Citizens are excluded.

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