Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

The arguments waged aginst AA in America are done by people who haven't looked at the facts and who got race hustled into what they believe.

Here is an Asian-American, (notice that Asians can hyphenate to show their ancestry without getting the whitebread lecture), who explains what blacks have known about why whites chose to make the claims they do about Asians. It is backlash against us for leading the movement to erase overt white supremacy.

Actually, I've never heard "Asian-Americans" call themselves Asian Americans. They usually identify by their nationality. If you talk to Mrs. B131, she won't describe herself as "Asian", she'll describe herself as Chinese. And I can say the same for Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese and Filipinos I know. (All of whom make more money than White folks do on average.)

Frankly, I look at this girl, and I wonder how disappointed her parents must be that after one or two generations, she's gone soft.

She talks like a college student, but she looks older judging by the gray hair and wrinkles. The lack of accent indicates she's about as far from the immigrant experience as I am.

The problem with AA is that is punishing people who didn't do anything wrong for the actions of people who are mostly dead now against other people who are mostly dead now. It becomes more absurdist when it limits Asian Americans, who clearly had nothing to do with the wrongs.
The arguments waged aginst AA in America are done by people who haven't looked at the facts and who got race hustled into what they believe.

Here is an Asian-American, (notice that Asians can hyphenate to show their ancestry without getting the whitebread lecture), who explains what blacks have known about why whites chose to make the claims they do about Asians. It is backlash against us for leading the movement to erase overt white supremacy.

In this video the lady points out that in 2021, college admissions rates for Asians was 60 percent, for whites 38 percent, and for blacks 37 percent. Yet we continue see whites lecturing us about how we need to be more like Asians and how we need to value eduction even though we have basically the same rate of college admissions as whites.

Instead the whites who do so start the white victimhood claiming they are getting passed over for blacks or that Asians are stealing their seats.

JoeB131 , I'd like you to comment on the TikToker's arguments.
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Okay, she's babbling out a lot of CRT crap she no doubt heard from her professors.

Okay, I just listened to her babble again.

First, the claim of the Model Minority did not pop up in the 1960's, it's more a product of the 1980's, so she got that one wrong to start with.

Secondly, I've never heard any white person complain when a more qualified Asian gets the job before them. OR the College Admission based on Academics.
No, it found that set-asides were unacceptable.

Now, if you want "fairness", advocate for eliminating privileges like Legacies, Children of Staff and Dean's Interest, and put an end to Title IX Athletic scams.

Then it will just be GPA and Test scores.
You mean set-asides for anyone that isn't white.
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Yeah OK. Then you should understand that Asians were a protected group under Affirmative Action and that becuse Asians listened to racists, they shot themseves by opposing the policy.

^^^This type of racist bullshit is why we keep seeing Asians randomly attacked by black people in blue cities across the country.
You mean set-asides for anyone that isn't white.
I mean, if you want to make college admission purely about academics, do that.

No AA. No legacies. No admissions for donor parents. No admissions for Athletics. No admission for children of staff. No foreign students until every American who wants a college degree gets one.

Are you saying American History is crap? Because that is what CRT is.

No, not really. It's putting emphasis on the parts to justify greivances.

I take the view that if you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.
I mean, if you want to make college admission purely about academics, do that.
That has never been what college admissions was based on.
No AA. No legacies. No admissions for donor parents. No admissions for Athletics. No admission for children of staff. No foreign students until every American who wants a college degree gets one.
No, not really. It's putting emphasis on the parts to justify greivances.

I take the view that if you are reading history to feel good, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.
Is that why folks hate CRT, because it doesn't make them feel good?
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That has never been what college admissions was based on.
No time like the present.

Is that why folks hate CRT, because it doesn't make them feel good?

Same reason guys like IM2 love it, it gives them someone to blame.

For instance, the history books go on and on about slavery, but won't talk about the almost as bad treatment of white immigrants in the industrial north, then that's being kind of selective.

And here we see the standrd white racist mumbo jumbo. So lets her from an actual Asian about this.
Let's not. She actually sounds kind of whiny.

Her babbling about Asian Americans not being the highest earners because Bill Gates exists is kind of stupid.

I've posted the data multiple times, showing that ALL Asians outperform white folks on average. For whatever reason, you pretend you didn't see it and then keep repeating the same DERANGED LIE that only Indian H1B holders are pulling up the average for Asians.

Because if Asians as any one of 20 disparate groups ALL outperform White people, it completely blows a hole in your theory that America is racist and black people can't make it unless the government gives you a big bag of my money.
You see, the problem with many of the whites in this thread who are in opposition, is that PROBABLY none of them have spoken to Asians about how they feel. I have, and Asians ain't too fond of what whites have done to them. The older Asians practiced a cultural thing called gaman. Gaman basically means shut up and take it. But todays Asian youth will not be practicing Gaman. In short time whites will stop acting like they are the spokespeople for Asians.

The arrognce of white racism shows in how they embrace Asians because whites would never take what they dish out to people quietly.
You see, the problem with many of the whites in this thread who are in opposition, is that PROBABLY none of them have spoken to Asians about how they feel. I have, and Asians ain't too fond of what whites have done to them. The older Asians practiced a cultural thing called gaman. Gaman basically means shut up and take it. But todays Asian youth will not be practicing Gaman. In short time whites will stop acting like they are the spokespeople for Asians.

The arrognce of white racism shows in how they embrace Asians because whites would never take what they dish out to people quietly.
You speak of arrogance while hiding behind 3/4 different screen names
The policy was not designed to keep minorities tthe bottom. White racists tell themselves that lie. The black community is better off than it was in 1974. And without Asians from India on the H1B Visa, which is a race based preference, Asians are no better off than blacks. So Asians did shoot themselves in the foot.
Asians are better off than whites.
You see, the problem with many of the whites in this thread who are in opposition, is that PROBABLY none of them have spoken to Asians about how they feel. I have, and Asians ain't too fond of what whites have done to them. The older Asians practiced a cultural thing called gaman. Gaman basically means shut up and take it. But todays Asian youth will not be practicing Gaman. In short time whites will stop acting like they are the spokespeople for Asians.

The arrognce of white racism shows in how they embrace Asians because whites would never take what they dish out to people quietly.
Um, I live with an Asian, I speak to her about how she feels a lot. She'd be a lot less sympathetic to your nonsense than I am.

Shut up and take it sounds like good advice for anyone, no matter what your race.

As far as your misuse of the word "Gaman" (The actual Japanese translation is "enduring the seemingly unbearable with patience and dignity". I doubt Chinese or Koreans would agree with anything the Japanese say.

Now, while I am sure that you've probably talked to an Asian or two who shares your "Woe as me" attitudes... most of the ones I know like White people and want to be more like us. I think they have a lot to teach us.

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