Trump trying to shift blame for Arlington visit

What's disgraceful is that gold star families would lie about meeting the president.

Just because they're a gold star family, or an ex-president, doesn't stop them from telling lies, and when they do, we call them on it.
hahaha how pathetic, and disgraceful of you to attack gold star kameltoe dembots are beyond vile.
First your premise that after Trump pulled out 90% of our forces, and 0% of the civilians. He should have done another escalation. That he should choose to put in 12,000 troops, before he chose to withdraw 12,000 troops.
He had a choice, Simp.

He chose to kill 13 American soldiers.
you are very sad. you have no knowledge to make that statement.

post the evidence of it happening then?
I don't have to post the evidence because it's been posted dozens of times, starting with coyote's original citation.

The reason you liars weren't called out earlier is that we couldn't find any proof that Biden called the gold star families. But that's because they were all invited for a personal meeting with the president.

Which, unless you're a total moron, confronting the president face to face is much better, than talking to a voice on the other side of a telephone.
First your premise that after Trump pulled out 90% of our forces, and 0% of the civilians. He should have done another escalation. That he should choose to put in 12,000 troops, before he chose to withdraw 12,000 troops.
So every other trump policy creepy did an end to it, and for this he couldn't is your explanation? How did he do all the other ones?
If it's in section 60 of Arlington, or in a SCIF, or at NSA headquarters, photographs aren't allowed.
An outdoor photo can be taken anywhere, anytime in Arlington
This is the family of the deceased
Now it’s possible that I alone could not wander around taking random pictures.
That’s not close to what happened
you're wrong. photos have always been taken there. you can't change history fkwad
They're been taken by the press pool, who have doing it for years, and know the rules and regulations. That they have to get the permission of the family before releasing a photograph that contains their relatives gravesite.

They're professionals who know the rules, and follow the rules. Why do you think there isn't pool photo's of the altercation between the Trump staffer, and the ANC employee. We had thousands of photographs of the Trump attempted assassination, but none at Arlington section 60.

Let that sink in for a moment.
I don't have to post the evidence because it's been posted dozens of times, starting with coyote's original citation.

The reason you liars weren't called out earlier is that we couldn't find any proof that Biden called the gold star families. But that's because they were all invited for a personal meeting with the president.

Which, unless you're a total moron, confronting the president face to face is much better, than talking to a voice on the other side of a telephone.
ahhh the demofk classic, already been posted, and yet, you can't direct anyone to that post. Hilarious how fking willfully dishonest you really are. Internet cowboy huh? What fking loser cuck
They're been taken by the press pool, who have doing it for years, and know the rules and regulations. That they have to get the permission of the family before releasing a photograph that contains their relatives gravesite.

They're professionals who know the rules, and follow the rules. Why do you think there isn't pool photo's of the altercation between the Trump staffer, and the ANC employee. We had thousands of photographs of the Trump attempted assassination, but none at Arlington section 60.

Let that sink in for a moment.
trump had an invitation and permission of the families as we already pointed out. you made our position stand and fact.
hahaha how pathetic, and disgraceful of you to attack gold star kameltoe dembots are beyond vile.
Let me ask you? If a gold star family came at you with a knives and guns and tried to shoot and stab you. would it be disgraceful for you to attack the gold star family?
hahahahaahahahahahahaha apples and ships.
Not at all. Why do you think thousands of victims of child sexual rape and abuse never reported it to the authorities?

Your demand that unless they came forward, the abuse didn't happen is total bullshit.
An outdoor photo can be taken anywhere, anytime in Arlington
This is the family of the deceased
Now it’s possible that I alone could not wander around taking random pictures.
That’s not close to what happened
You're right that permission can be granted as an exception to the rule. But in granting such an exception, whether to the news pool, or the families, they are specifically told the rules under which the photographs can be taken, and the limits to how they can be used.

Photography is allowed in most areas of a Navy ship, but there are some restrictions:

Personal cameras
The officer in command has the discretion to allow personal cameras and related equipment on Navy ships.

Flash photography
Flash photography is not permitted on the flight deck for safety reasons.

Official Navy photos
Photos taken by naval personnel can be designated as "Official Navy Photos" if it's considered to be in the Navy's best interests.

Sensitive spaces
There is a ban on personal electronic devices aboard submarines to prevent sailors from photographing sensitive spaces.

National defense
The President can define certain military and naval installations as requiring protection against the general dissemination of information. In these cases, it is unlawful to take photographs.

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