Asians Now Learn Just How Much Affirmative Action Helped Them

Indians are, because of the H1B Visa. Asians have the widest ethnic income and weath gap of all populations.
Why do you keep lying?

I agree, in principle; this should end.

In reality- these places are only kept afloat by the legacies, donors, and staff. What would Harvard be without their clubby alumni who have an outsized role in government and business in this country?

And this is the point. If black kids were really set on a college degree, they could go to UIC like I did. UIC was specifically built for the inner city demographic. But yet today, only 9% of the enrollment at UIC is black.

Are you saying UIC isn't a quality education?

the IVY league is desirable because a degree from one of these places is a golden ticket.

So you're fine with a cozy old boys' network because where would be without them? Never question the need for white privilege, especially for the rich people.

Poor kids aren't set on a college degree because it's never going to happen for them. The USA and Turkey are the only two first world nations that spend more money on educating poor children than they spend on the children of the rich.

This is the kind of systemic biases that are built right into all your economic structures, that enable the wealthy to increase their wealth and privilege and pass it on from generation to generation, by freezing everyone else out.
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So you're fine with a cozy old boys' network because where would be without them? Never question the need for white privilege, especially for the rich people.

I guess. I'm white. I would never have gotten into Harvard no matter how much privilege I had. I'm grateful for what I was able to achieve against the odds. Working class kid with dead parents who worked two minimum wage jobs to pay for college and got a military scholarship.

Poor kids aren't set on a college degree because it's never going to happen for them. The USA and Turkey are the only two first world nations that spend more money on educating poor children than they spend on the children of the rich.

But here's the thing. Most Asians off the boat won't have it happen for them, but they make damned sure it happens for their kids. They have strong families and put a strong emphasis on education.

This is the kind of systemic biases that are built right into all your economic structures, that enable the wealthy to increase their wealth and privilege and pass it on from generation to generation, by freezing everyone else out.

I guess. I frankly am annoyed that our leadership in this country is mostly made up of idiot elites like Trump and Biden. But that's the system we have.

So I go back to my point. If you can't get into Harvard, go to UIC and make a good life for yourself. Life isn't fair.
So we have an Asian speking to their experence and we see some whites here still trying to argue as if what they say is how things are.

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