Women prefer alpha males

Nor do I.

Well...yeah actually you do...

Amazing how many people here know more about me than I do. o_O

Again, we can just go by what you post on here.

Maybe you just post these things to troll people and do not really believe them.

Is that the case?
Again, we can just go by what you post on here.

Maybe you just post these things to troll people and do not really believe them.

Is that the case?
In this case I've said all that needs be said. I do try to be provocative regarding other topics, some for personal reasons, others to dig deeper into the subject. Most here are pretty shallow and very predictable.
In this case I've said all that needs be said.

Indeed you have, you have lumped all women together under a number of different traits.

Not sure if you are just trying to be provocative or if you honestly think that there are traits that every single women shares.
Indeed you have, you have lumped all women together under a number of different traits.
I'm looking at feminine submission from my point of view. Interesting that most writers on the topic are women and only see it from a woman's point of view.

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