A Bunch of Rightwing Republican YouTubers Get Caught Up In Russian Scandal

This is the type of claptrap Russia was paying for...

This corrupt MFer ended w/a nice flourish...that the US should APOLOGIZE to Russia.

That's right...APOLOGIZE!


I hope his bald-headed ass has this much vim and vigor in court.

And he reaps all the just rewards of kissing Russia's ass.
^^^ believes Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation

WEF/Democrats are now claiming that Americans who say Ukraine is corrupt and the open border is bad are spreading Russian disinformation.

WEF/Democrats say people like Tim pool are spreading Russian disinformation, but won't say what that is.
The WEF/Democrat shillbots and NPCs here still believe that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation.

Anyone who believes a word WEF/Democrat shills say is retarded.

The WEF/Democrats are preparing for a crackdown on the net. Anything they oppose will be labeled russian disinformation and removed.
Seems like, much, if not all of this anti-Ukrainian rhetoric from the likes of Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, Lauren Chen and others may have been payola.

Check this story out...

Glenn Beck has already started running from this crap show...

So not only are these people likely spreading lies, but are being paid to spread lies, and are being paid by unAmerican sources, namely Russia.

If you prefer to digest it in video form, here you go...

I wonder if we have any local USMB posters taking this payola.


I have to agree with others that your use of bolding makes your posts more difficult to read.

But as for the subject, Putin has always found investing in propaganda for the consumption of useful idiots here in the US is money well spent.

We can see that in this very topic.
So Ukraine doesn't have soldiers that sport swastikas?
Did someone say Nazis?

Worse Than Nazis – PMC Wagner’s Role in Ukraine

Is it possible to surpass the brutality of Nazi war criminals – it seems the Private Military Company Wagner is out to do just that.

Even the name is no coincidence – Richard Wagner was Hitler’s favorite composer. Word has it that the head of the Wagner group, Dmitry Utkin, is a fan of the Third Reich, and, therefore, gave the group this name.

The Wagner PMC mercenaries have been involved in a long list of crimes during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine – atrocities in Bucha; the recent attack on Azov war prisoners in the Olenivka correctional colony. Even the militant that castrated a Ukrainian prisoner with a clerical knife in the latest video could also be a member of the Wagner group.

PMC Wagner is a Russian private military organization that, according to journalistic investigations, is financed through Yevgeny Prigozhin – a member of Putin’s “inner circle”. PMC Wagner took part in military operations in Ukraine in 2014, in Syria, Lybia, and in African countries.

Who Are The Neo-Nazis Fighting For Russia In Ukraine?

The video, published in December 2020, showed two nattily dressed Russian men -- waistcoats, pocket squares, silk ties – sipping American whiskey in brandy snifters and discussing killing Ukrainians.

"I'm a Nazi. I’m a Nazi,” said one of the men, Aleksei Milchakov, who was the main focus of the video published on a Russian nationalist YouTube channel. “I'm not going to go deep and say, I’m a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I’ll say it outright: I’m a Nazi.”

“You have to understand that when you kill a person, you feel the excitement of the hunt. If you’ve never been hunting, you should try it. It’s interesting,” he said.


Along with members of the Russian Imperial Movement, a white supremacist group that was designated a "global terrorist" organization by the United States two years ago, Rusich is one of several right-wing groups that are actively fighting in Ukraine, in conjunction with Russia’s regular armed forces or allied separatist units.

According to a confidential report by Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, which was obtained by Der Spiegel and excerpted on May 22, numerous Russian right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis are fighting in Ukraine.

German analysts wrote that the fact that Russian military and political leaders have welcomed neo-Nazi groups undermines the claim by Putin and his government that one of the principal motives behind the invasion is the desire to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, Spiegel said.

Signs of Neo-Nazi Ideology Amongst Russian Mercenaries

Instances of far-right leanings among some members of the armed forces is not unheard of in many other parts of the world, including Europe and North America. This is an increasingly common problem in Russia as well. Even more, the type of far-right ideology expressed in Russian mercenaries is showing homage to Nazi ideology.

This type of ideology espoused by Russian mercenaries remains anathema in a country where millions died fighting Nazis during World War II. The slogan “to fight fascism” was one of the rallying points inviting Russian volunteers to fight in Donbas against “Ukrainian Fascists”. Russian President Putin has called Ukraine a fascist country numerous times, yet the numerous mercenaries who went to fight in Donbas, Syria and Libya are neo-nazis themselves. This article analyses some of the available open source evidence, shedding light on Russian mercenaries’ extreme ideology.

Dmitry Utkin (Wagner)

In 2016, Utkin was invited at a Hero of the Fatherland reception in the Kremlin, where he was photographed wearing his medals. This event was attended by more than 300 soldiers and civilians, who have “demonstrated particular courage and heroism” and were personally thanked for their service by Putin himself. At the event he was awarded with the Order for Courage, allegedly for his services in Ukraine.


A photo recently surfaced of Utkin with Nazi tattoos, giving additional proof of his ideological leanings. For those who been following Wagner group for some time this photos was not surprising, as his and a lot of Wagner fighters’ ideological inclinations were already known. The photo originally surfaced on Russian VK accounts and a Telegram group affiliated with the mercenaries, but received interest by media outlets just recently.

Taking a closer look at the photos, Nazi collar tabs with Waffen SS bolts on the left and military rank on the right can be identified. Lower on the chest, a Reichsadler Eagle, can be seen. All three of these tattoos are symbols found Waffen-SS military uniforms, which was the military branch of the Nazi Party’s SS organization.


Here are the REAL Nazis in the house:

A country whose president is Jewish is a Nazi country.


These tards really don't think. At all.

They just parrot what Putin tells them to.
That Ukraine is corrupt, as if Russia isn't exponentially more corrupt. As if that justifies Putin's invasion and mass murder and war crimes.

Look at you, parroting that very talking point, useful idiot comrade.
^^^ The MSM could tell democrats like this that Republicans are colluding with Aliens and they'd believe it.

Ukraine and Russia are both extremely corrupt.

Saying "Ukraine is corrupt" isn't "Russian disinformation", it's reality. Tard.
Did someone say Nazis?

Worse Than Nazis – PMC Wagner’s Role in Ukraine

Is it possible to surpass the brutality of Nazi war criminals – it seems the Private Military Company Wagner is out to do just that.

Even the name is no coincidence – Richard Wagner was Hitler’s favorite composer. Word has it that the head of the Wagner group, Dmitry Utkin, is a fan of the Third Reich, and, therefore, gave the group this name.

The Wagner PMC mercenaries have been involved in a long list of crimes during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine – atrocities in Bucha; the recent attack on Azov war prisoners in the Olenivka correctional colony. Even the militant that castrated a Ukrainian prisoner with a clerical knife in the latest video could also be a member of the Wagner group.

PMC Wagner is a Russian private military organization that, according to journalistic investigations, is financed through Yevgeny Prigozhin – a member of Putin’s “inner circle”. PMC Wagner took part in military operations in Ukraine in 2014, in Syria, Lybia, and in African countries.

Who Are The Neo-Nazis Fighting For Russia In Ukraine?

The video, published in December 2020, showed two nattily dressed Russian men -- waistcoats, pocket squares, silk ties – sipping American whiskey in brandy snifters and discussing killing Ukrainians.

"I'm a Nazi. I’m a Nazi,” said one of the men, Aleksei Milchakov, who was the main focus of the video published on a Russian nationalist YouTube channel. “I'm not going to go deep and say, I’m a nationalist, a patriot, an imperialist, and so forth. I’ll say it outright: I’m a Nazi.”

“You have to understand that when you kill a person, you feel the excitement of the hunt. If you’ve never been hunting, you should try it. It’s interesting,” he said.


Along with members of the Russian Imperial Movement, a white supremacist group that was designated a "global terrorist" organization by the United States two years ago, Rusich is one of several right-wing groups that are actively fighting in Ukraine, in conjunction with Russia’s regular armed forces or allied separatist units.

According to a confidential report by Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, which was obtained by Der Spiegel and excerpted on May 22, numerous Russian right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis are fighting in Ukraine.

German analysts wrote that the fact that Russian military and political leaders have welcomed neo-Nazi groups undermines the claim by Putin and his government that one of the principal motives behind the invasion is the desire to “de-Nazify” Ukraine, Spiegel said.

Signs of Neo-Nazi Ideology Amongst Russian Mercenaries

Instances of far-right leanings among some members of the armed forces is not unheard of in many other parts of the world, including Europe and North America. This is an increasingly common problem in Russia as well. Even more, the type of far-right ideology expressed in Russian mercenaries is showing homage to Nazi ideology.

This type of ideology espoused by Russian mercenaries remains anathema in a country where millions died fighting Nazis during World War II. The slogan “to fight fascism” was one of the rallying points inviting Russian volunteers to fight in Donbas against “Ukrainian Fascists”. Russian President Putin has called Ukraine a fascist country numerous times, yet the numerous mercenaries who went to fight in Donbas, Syria and Libya are neo-nazis themselves. This article analyses some of the available open source evidence, shedding light on Russian mercenaries’ extreme ideology.

Dmitry Utkin (Wagner)

In 2016, Utkin was invited at a Hero of the Fatherland reception in the Kremlin, where he was photographed wearing his medals. This event was attended by more than 300 soldiers and civilians, who have “demonstrated particular courage and heroism” and were personally thanked for their service by Putin himself. At the event he was awarded with the Order for Courage, allegedly for his services in Ukraine.


A photo recently surfaced of Utkin with Nazi tattoos, giving additional proof of his ideological leanings. For those who been following Wagner group for some time this photos was not surprising, as his and a lot of Wagner fighters’ ideological inclinations were already known. The photo originally surfaced on Russian VK accounts and a Telegram group affiliated with the mercenaries, but received interest by media outlets just recently.

Taking a closer look at the photos, Nazi collar tabs with Waffen SS bolts on the left and military rank on the right can be identified. Lower on the chest, a Reichsadler Eagle, can be seen. All three of these tattoos are symbols found Waffen-SS military uniforms, which was the military branch of the Nazi Party’s SS organization.


Here are the REAL Nazis in the house:

Holy shillbot response Batman...

Like they had that one ready to go.
Now let's talk about Putin's talking point being parroted by tards that Ukraine is a corrupt country.

On EVERY list of corrupt countries, Russia ranks higher than Ukraine. If you doubt me, look it up. Pick any list, idiots.

KGB Putin, who actually does rig elections, has been dictator for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. He even had the Russian constitution rewritten so he could continue his reign.

KGB Putin, who has journalists poisoned, murdered, or imprisoned for daring to speak out against him.

KBG Putin, the communist thug who commandeered the Russian economy and sold off its pieces to the highest bidders who to this day have to give him a cut of their profits, like a mob boss. This has made him the wealthiest human on the planet.

KGB Putin, whose critics in government have a bad habit of falling out of windows to their deaths, or falling off boats and drowning.

KGB Putin, who poisoned a Ukrainian candidate for president in 2004 in an attempt to install a Russian stooge at the head of Ukraine's government.

KGB Putin, who allows only token candidates to run against him in elections.

KGB Putin, who had an attorney beaten and tortured FOR A YEAR, and then killed, for daring to expose the corruption and misconduct in Putin's government. This led to the enactment of the Magnitsky Act in the US which sanctions corrupt Russian officials.

So when some dumb ignorant useful idiot parrots KGB Putin's talking point about corruption in Ukraine, the only proper response is BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

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