FBI cannot be trusted to investigate the Trump attempted assassination

As been re[eated over and over... The US SS didn't try to kill Trump openly. The set the scenarios of slipshod protection of Trump allowing kooks the opportunibty to assassinate Trump.
Just as JFK was setup by the US SS that day in November....

And what has been (or should have been) asked time and again is why they would do such a thing in a way that brings such ridicule and resignations to their organization?

Here comes yet another conspiracy theory. Let's hear it.
Congress has full investigative powers under Article 1 and have been used in the past, although not as much as it should have been. They can subpoena witnesses, swear them in and prosecute or refer to the DOJ for prosecution. I think that the legislative branch and the executive branch feed at the same trough, so that really wouldn't be much of an improvement. Can Congress investigate or oversee the DOJ or DHS, or anyone else in reality? I don't think so. What happens behind that curtain pretty much stays behind the curtain, so anyone's theory is as good as anyone else's. The official "history" is now on display and the Mandela effect will soon enter it into our reality.

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