How is Israeli Prime minister allowed to address U.S. Congress.?!?During slaughter of Palestinians civilians?!?!!

Politico is a leftist source by a Canadian liberal couple who will down play the massacre committed by Muslims against Jews. There is PLENTY of evidence of such barabaric torture that people have fainted upon seeing it.

But like the antisemite you are, you downplay it. Sickening how you libs downplay and deny Hitler-style antisemitism while making up lies about systemic racism.
They did not behead a bunch of babies

Quit being a cuck
From your own link…

“The National Center for Forensic Medicine, part of Israel’s Ministry of Health, allowed journalists to view bodies of Hamas attack victims. The Media Line, an American news agency covering the Middle East, reported Oct. 20 that Dr. Chen Kugel, the center’s director, said the victims ranged in age from 3 months to 90 years old, and many bodies are without heads.

"Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, ‘whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,’ he explained," the Media Line reported. (RPG stands for rocket-powered grenade.)”
Some of the barbarians sawed off heads with a rudimentary knife, extending the time and depth of the torture, as well.

What is disgusting is that liberals were all supportive of taking Aunt a Jemima logo off the selves because it “offended” blacks - and these are the same liberals who are denying the most subhuman display of prejudice, when it’s against Jews.

WE CANNOT AFFORD OBAMA TO WIN A FOURTH TERM. He will have Harris making excuses for HAMAS and their supporters, and will import millions of the Jew-hating Gazans. Jews will not be safe in blue cities.

Does anyone know of a Republican city with a decent Jewish population?
From your own link…

“The National Center for Forensic Medicine, part of Israel’s Ministry of Health, allowed journalists to view bodies of Hamas attack victims. The Media Line, an American news agency covering the Middle East, reported Oct. 20 that Dr. Chen Kugel, the center’s director, said the victims ranged in age from 3 months to 90 years old, and many bodies are without heads.

"Asked if they were decapitated, Kugel answered yes. Although he admits that, given the circumstances, it’s difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death, as well as how they were beheaded, ‘whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,’ he explained," the Media Line reported. (RPG stands for rocket-powered grenade.)”
😂 did you read it?

“‘whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,’ he explained," the Media Line reported. (RPG stands for rocket-powered grenade.)”

Biden and the media reported that they decapitated 40 babies

It’s a lie
They did not behead a bunch of babies

Quit being a cuck
They sawed off a lot of heads. Headless, bloodied torsos everywhere. There is only one reason you downplay the horrors perpetuated on innocent Jews - and that is because you are a deranged, antisemitic HAMAS supporter, and probably a Muslim living in England.
😂 did you read it?

“‘whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,’ he explained," the Media Line reported. (RPG stands for rocket-powered grenade.)”

Biden and the media reported that they decapitated 40 babies

It’s a lie
They intentionally hunted down, set houses on fire to drive the hiding Jews out into the open, and then tortured them to death in the most barabaric, savage ways possible.

And you’re stuck on whether it was 34 or 40 babies tortured to death by having their heads cut off with a dull knife by Muslim animals, as opposed to being burned to death?

The antisemitic Muslims and their supporters can ONLY get away with or abuse of Jews if they deny it.

(There will be no tolerance for such blatant racism against any minority, other than Jews.)
Not gonna happen. Trump is a far better ally to Israel than Biden, and leftists ever thought of being.
That’s what I thought, but that video would seem to indicate otherwise. Biden does whatever Bibi tells him, but that’s not good enough for you Zionist fools.
War is hell.

Israel didn’t ask to be attacked last October, but they were. And now, those who attacked must pay the price.
Genocide is not war. Try to get informed. Stop accepting propaganda as news.
Any one who speaks of Jews who support Israel the way you do is an antisemite - who is apparently willing to vote for a self-loathing Jew.

Typical Jew-hating liberal. They like Jews only if they support their own destruction.
You don't know what you're talking about lady. "Anti-Semite" is what a person calls another when the person calling has no credible argument. It's name-calling that reveals an appeal to emotion.
You don't know what you're talking about lady. "Anti-Semite" is what a person calls another when the person calling has no credible argument. It's name-calling that reveals an appeal to emotion.
She’s called every poster here who opposes the genocide an anti-Semite. She claims to be an American, but her true allegiance is to the Zionist regime.
I ask everyone, how is the Israeli Prime minister allowed to address the U.S. congress, while innocent Palestinian men women and children are being slaughtered in the middle east.??!!? The entire world is watching, and this man comes to the United States of America, with blood on his hands to address the U.S. Congress.!!?? Is this happening in America today.??!!Who invited him to address the U.S. congress.!!??This is a global disgrace. America rep is ruinied.!!??
Some are just treating it like Oct. 7th I guess.
😂 did you read it?

“‘whether cut off by knife or blown off by RPG,’ he explained," the Media Line reported. (RPG stands for rocket-powered grenade.)”

Biden and the media reported that they decapitated 40 babies

It’s a lie
So, it was fine if it was an RPG, is that what I’m getting from you?

Look, the bottom line was that these people were innocent, and were killed. And, you think that doesn’t warrant a response?

F*** you!
That’s what I thought, but that video would seem to indicate otherwise. Biden does whatever Bibi tells him, but that’s not good enough for you Zionist fools.
Ah, the ‘ole gipper trademark…use a highly edited clip, then call names…what a punk.

There's 3 or 4 moonbats pushing that garbage on here
There's way more than 3 or 4 who are in denial about what's going on there. The entire US Congress believes that the Devil's Work being done by the Israeli State is a good thing, worthy of money, weapons and standing ovations.

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