How is Israeli Prime minister allowed to address U.S. Congress.?!?During slaughter of Palestinians civilians?!?!!

Several factors are in play, to answer your question. In my experience the most fervent and outspoken supporters of Israel are Evangelical Christians including many Catholics, my poor sister being one of them. Also, it must be remembered that the Israelis are master propagandists. Through decades of experience, perhaps centuries, they know how to manipulate the human perceptive process. They start with the Old Testament fallacy that Jews are God's Chosen People. Because of their religion, many christians buy into that nonsense, no questions asked. Another factor is the way the Holocaust Narrative has been promoted over generations. Another factor is plain old-fashioned bribery as practiced by AIPAC and other pro Zionist organizations.
Agreed entirely. However, I suspect many Americans are waking up to the enormous political power Israel holds over our government. Our government’s full support of Israel’s actions in Gaza and the absurd servile response Congress gave Bibi the war criminal, has to open a few minds.
Another antisemite ^^^ who is fine with HAMAS keep killing Jews - torturing them to death - until Israel is wiped off the map, and the entirety of the Middle East is 100% Judenfree, instead of 99.5% Judenfree.
Oh brother. Like a broken record. Lies like her leader Bibi.

Agreed entirely. However, I suspect many Americans are waking up to the enormous political power Israel holds over our government. Our government’s full support of Israel’s actions in Gaza and the absurd servile response Congress gave Bibi the war criminal, has to open a few minds.
Yes, and many if not most humans are afflicted with cognitive dissonance on this matter. That is, they are aware of what you describe, but they are afraid to confront it and deal with it.
Another antisemite ^^^ who is fine with HAMAS keep killing Jews - torturing them to death - until Israel is wiped off the map, and the entirety of the Middle East is 100% Judenfree, instead of 99.5% Judenfree.
No ma'am, I'm not an anti-Semite. I have many good Jewish friends and I voted for the non-Zionist Jew Jill Stein in the last election, plan to vote for her again.

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