Trump says if he wins, this will be last election.

Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

Good we will march you to the sea ala Franco!!!
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.
But not after Day one and for two purposes only. Then he will be just the president. For his final time in fact. Biden was dictator all day long when he was sworn in.
and yet they follow the will of the people in the gop .. did you stand in a long line voting for Briben in this yrs primary .. I hope you did !:auiqs.jpg:
Irrelevant. If Trump dropped dead tomorrow, the GOP would not hold primaries. You sound like an idiot.

Trump has turned you all into 12 year old trolls. Embarrassing.
If you support Trump you are the one who has lost your mind.
You can vote for Trump but it doesn't mean you have to support him. You can vote for Harris but it doesn't mean you have to support her. People vote for a million and one different reasons, incase you didn't know.

Owning two hands a penis doesn't mean that person supports rape.
are you or are you not a homosexual ?? if memory serves me on another thread you admitted that you were .. so calling you a homo is a correct description of you ..
Like I said... a retarded 8 year old...

If I had my choice, I would put your dumbass on every TV show every day until the election. Wear the MAGA hat. Thanks.
Like I said... a retarded 8 year old...

If I had my choice, I would put your dumbass on every TV show every day until the election. Wear the MAGA hat. Thanks.
says the idiot that voted for Briben .. will you support the next candidate that replaces Commie La if she starts tanking in the polls and your dem masters replace her too ??
no, it is not. while he may not be able to make himself king for life, he can still do lots of damage
How? You realize he was already president once right? What did then President Trump do that had an actual affect on your life to the negative. Which policy? Which EO? What action did he take that was so destructive?
did this part of his post confuse you?

That doesn't speak the meager odds of him succeeding and doesn't have to do so.
You fuck tarda want everyone to believe Trump is going to somehow make himself a dictator or “end democracy” but can’t articulate any scenario in which that happens.
You need to start paying attention to what's going on instead of sitting there with your ears stuffed shut and your eyes closed.

Trump is attempting to "finish the coup" he started on January 6th. He's been very clear in saying it. The Heritage Society is being very clear in saying it, too. They published a 900 page manifesto.

You need 90 days observation.

The Supreme Court is busy deconstructing the Administrative State.


Courts will now decide regulations, medical treatments, and every facet of American life, not scientists, doctors or experts, and certainly not individual Americans based on their own beliefs of needs/

But keep pretending it's not happening. That's working really well for you fools.

Better courts than unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats. (You, of course, WANT government by bureaucratic fiat.)

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