Donald Trump IS America! Strong, Able, Intelligent, Confident. I Wanted to Be Like Him as a Young Man.

BS. Fred Trump was never worth that amount in his life. But I'll wait for your documentation of your claims.
Fred gave Donald 100 million by 1976. Upon his death in 1999 he was worth $300 million trump got the bulk of that too. Looked it up , you can too. It's simple , you should be able to do it. Those figures add up as he stated. I don't have to prove anything to you but you can try to disproven it if you wish. Maybe there are alternatives / fake facts out there too. Just for you and people like you. Most of that money was property , Fred never had much cash on hand, you're right about that. Looks like $100 million at the tops in cash. He listed $100 million bequeathed to his family at that time ( 1976 ).

That's absolutely what I believe, as well. I don't know what the psychological term for this is, but he appears to be one of those people who will just say something on the fly, and his conscious mind completely believes it the instant it leaves his mouth. Yeah, I think it's entirely possible that he really does believe this stuff, at least at a conscious level.

Then, combine that with a predatory instinct for using, manipulating and taking advantage of people, sprinkle in the celebrity he has achieved on teevee, add in some abject neediness and shamelessness, drop it all into a national political context, and you have something that's just poison. The actual individual issues are irrlevant. This is about something else.
I don't think Trump believes it when it leaves his mouth... He says it, and sees if he gets away with it... You see him in rallies just rifting stuff out and see what sticks. Like a stand-up comedian trying out new stuff in a small venue before his Netflix show.
It then goes into the RW media mixer (e.g. Fox News...). They pundit it out and then add some spurious example... Trump see this and then thinks it must be true (because it is on TV and he is a genius to say it first.
If the pundits don't like, it is buried quick and fast and not spoken about...

Couple all of this with a girl running around after him with a printer, printing out just good news stories... The guy is living in fantasyland enabled by all the people around him, (handlers, media...) . No one in his orbit want or can tell him the truth, Fox News v Dominion court case was clear evidence of that.

So what Harris should do is just bring him on stage and don't get angry at his fantasies. Just example to him that it fantasy and you are not being exposed to reality... This makes you WEAK.
Then explain that a leader who can take reality is very weak.

Harris then gives a clear choice of a person who will accept reality and want to make it better, or a weak leader living in fantasy..

Ona side note:
Run a an add showing Trump with Pink Floyd 'Hey You'playing

But it was only fantasy
The wall was too high, as you can see
No matter how he tried, he could not break free
And the worms ate into his brain

Trump is triggered by being made to look WEAK.
Most importantly a person like that has no place in politics. Politicians can only serve us if what they believe is based on reality. That might include most of the new republican extremists as well as several Democrats that are extremists.
Of course you are right but he has a large section of the media in with him which is highly dangerous... This is not too indifferent to Putin Russia in certain way (Putin has 100% while Trump has 40%~ of the New Media)...

So they are running a confirmation bias... If you want to speak to Trump you get yourself on a News Meida of his choice (i.e. Fox News) and you propose stuff and inject into Trump brain... Then Trump might repeat in rally or interview, goes through a couple of cycles of Fox Pundit to Trump's mouth and then it is considered fact on that side...


Here is it being explained really well last week:

It's 25 min but it is so well explained. It got so bad that Biden and other Democratic leaders (while they might not believe it ) were legislating for it.. Even though it was all factually wrong.

That is the power of the Right Wing media spin cycle...

Immigration (Migrant Crime) is the second highest topic for the election. It is built on BS. US economy is suffering from a lack of workers espeically low skilled low paid

I could post all day... But the constant fear of the non existent Migrant Crime has convinced even people on the left.
Just like Trump, this thread has not aged well. Carry on fruit loops. You guys are a gas!

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