Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

But he didn't.

"NATO countries agreed in 2014 to spend 2% of their GDP on defense,"

Who was president in 2014? Not Trump.

"with the goal of all members meeting that target within a decade. "

That decade is this year. What happened in 2014? Oh yeah, Putin annexed part of the Ukraine.

"Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, European allies have increased defense spending by 11%."

Yeah, let's pretend Trump annoying people by saying stupid stuff was the cause of all of this, instead of the agreement they had in 2014 and Putin playing his stupid games.

Hey, let's also pretend that Trump is Jesus too, and that he build the Great Wall of China.
With all due respect, Frigid? Agreeing to spend 2% of their GDP on defense doesn't mean they DID spend 2% on defense! That was the reason Trump called them out on their NATO spending...they hadn't been living up to the commitment that they'd made. They were letting us spend billions to protect them.
Trump was given his daddys businsess. He has coasted his entre life.
Hardly ... scumbagger personified.His Father did give him
seed money to get started in his own business.
You obviously forgot or never became aware of the
most prestigious business college in the U.S.
It was Wharton Business College where Trump graduated.
Why wouldn't a son's father help in business.
Where Obama's { supposed } Daddy { Barack Obama Sr. } went off
to Harvard where he lasted a couple years before being asked to
leave for his habit of womanizing on campus.Plus he was not
an American Citizen.This lazy Mainstream media is never gonna
tell ya that.
Trump bullied NATO deadbeats into paying their commitments and was thanked for it. All democrats have are lies.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​

Plus Democrats are ALL Extremists by both casual and
technical definition.Lying just so happens to come
very easy for Democrats.They are to a person literally soulless.
" You can't weigh the Soul of a man with a bar
of pig-iron. "
-- Samuel Gompers

The Trumpanzee misogynist view of a woman having sex.

Keep that asshole mouth a'runnin'...
she was Willie Brown's whore when she was 29 and he was 60 and married, she got where she got politically by screwing powerful men, that is a simple fact. You may not like to hear that about your female messiah, but you are going to hear the truth about her until november then she will fade back into history.
You don't seem to understand that these kinds of names this time around are only going to boost Harris' standing, not hurt her.
This is not 2016, and she is not Hillary Clinton.
calling a spade a spade is always the right thing to do. BTW, indian and jamaican is not African. you lefties have been calling Trump and his supporters names for years. practice what you preach, fool.
You are in for a rude awakening.
nope, that would be you. the cackling idiot could not get a single delegate vote in the dem primary but now she is your female messiah????????????? and transferring Biden's campaign funds to her is probably illegal.
she was Willie Brown's whore when she was 29 and he was 60 and married, she got where she got politically by screwing powerful men, that is a simple fact. You may not like to hear that about your female messiah, but you are going to hear the truth about her until november then she will fade back into history.
I was wondering how long before that went viral.
Where not that long ago it was everywhere in the news.
How San Fran Mayor had a clandestine relationship with a gal
half his age.That was Harris.Who also got a major league promotion
in the process.
Willie Brown managed two political appointments
to enhance Kamala Harris career in the aftermath of
exposing her extramarital affair with the Mayor and
California State Assembly Speaker half her age.
Oh bullshit! Obama's economy was so weak for his entire two terms the Fed had to keep interest rates at near zero. Barry gave us "The Great Recession"! Then Trump came in and the Fed did 5 interest rate hikes before the pandemic because he had the economy booming! Covid allowed Democrats to shut down the economy and blame it all on Trump. That got us Joe Biden and the disaster that he's been for the economy!
“Barry gave us the Great Recession”??

REPUBLICANS gave us the Great Recession idiot.

Obama got us out of it… with Republicans kicking and screaming
“Barry gave us the Great Recession”??

REPUBLICANS gave us the Great Recession idiot.

Obama got us out of it… with Republicans kicking and screaming
Obama did no such thing of the kind.He was a lazy bullcrapper.
Had little political insight and learned from Chicago-style
ways of how to bully his weight around.
The Chicago way.Plus he partnered around with a confirmed
terrorist and his wife { Bernardine Dohrn } who launched the
careers of the Obama's in their Chicago brownstone { Hyde Park }.
The Obamas lived not far away.Bill Ayers was the guy who
married Bernardine Dohrn and worked closely with Barack at
both The Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
As Harvards first Black Harvard Law Review President,
Barack was asked why he Never submitted a Harvard Law
Review paper.His answer ... He was too busy editing others
law reviews.
Obama did no such thing of the kind.He was a lazy bullcrapper.
Had little political insight and learned from Chicago-style
ways of how to bully his weight around.
The Chicago way.Plus he partnered around with a confirmed
terrorist and his wife { Bernardine Dohrn } who launched the
careers of the Obama's in their Chicago brownstone { Hyde Park }.
The Obamas lived not far away.Bill Ayers was the guy who
married Bernardine Dohrn and worked closely with Barack at
both The Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
As Harvards first Black Harvard Law Review President,
Barack was asked why he Never submitted a Harvard Law
Review paper.His answer ... He was too busy editing others
law reviews.
We get it you hate Obama.

Good for you.

That changes nothing.

Republicans gave us the Great Recession and Obama lead the way out… with Republicans kicking and screaming
There will be a Trump/Harris debate.

And Trump will fuck it up royally. The moment he feels like she has skewered him -- and such moments will come early and often -- he will degenerate into the real Trump and start tossing out the misogynist and racist memes that his supporters thrive on.
There will be a Trump/Harris debate.
And Trump will fuck it up royally. The moment he feels like she has skewered him -- and such moments will come early and often -- he will degenerate into the real Trump and start tossing out the misogynist and racist memes that his supporters thrive on.
You mean like Kamala's code name is "Deep Throat"?

Trump won't need to do that and alienate women voters.
He can make the case against Kamala with policy differences.
Open border
The cost of groceries and runaway inflation
Parental rights
Kamala's coddling of criminals
Flash mobs and store closings
Fear of walking the streets or taking public transportation
Illegals all over the place getting everything free

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