James Hansen Wishes he Wasn’t So Right about Global Warming

BTW, he Sun output has been measured directly for more than 50 years.
It has not increased, yet the Ocean, Air and land temps have.
Welcome to AGW.
I haven't argued the sun's output has increased, dummy. Quite the opposite, I have argued the sun's output is remarkably constant especially when compared to other comparable suns.

It's how heat is distributed by the ocean that determines if the planet is warming or cooling. The sun's output stays constant whether the planet is warming or cooling.
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Lying, it's what you do.....
I've asked you to substantiate that charge many times Dementia guy.
You NEVER have.
You make it in lieu of being able to substantially discuss anything at all!
You are just a one phrase Piss Pot Partisan jerk/cheerleader with Zero substance.
And after that do the other right thing for the country.

What has changed is GHG Trapped heat in direct contact with the ocean surface .. as well as warmer water coming off the land every time it rains anywhere on land or thru the warmer air.
Incorrect. The planet has been warming up since the last glacial maximum. Whatever climate fluctuations that have occurred since were natural and due to the unique NH landmass distribution in the Arctic. Climate fluctuations are a hallmark of our bipolar glaciated planet because the landmass configuration of the NH makes it so. But make no mistake, until the AMOC switches off (which should be within 2C) the planet will continue to naturally warm like it does in every interglacial period before triggering a glacial period due to density changes in the ocean which alter the ocean's currents.
Scores of CLOWN DENIER OPs posted here from decades old Newspapers Mocking various/any source, yet few from the main one:
NASA's James Hansen who was RIGHT.

NEW YORK (AP) — James Hansen wishes he was wrong. He wasn’t.​
NASA’s top climate scientist in 1988, Hansen warned the world on a record hot June day 30 years ago that global warming was here and worsening. In a scientific study that came out a couple months later, he even forecast how warm it would get, depending on emissions of heat-trapping gases.​
The hotter world that Hansen envisioned in 1988 has pretty much come true so far, more or less. Three decades later, most climate scientists interviewed rave about the accuracy of Hansen’s predictions given the technology of the time.​
Hansen won’t say, “I told you so.”​
“I don’t want to be right in that sense,” Hansen told The Associated Press, in an interview is his New York penthouse apartment. That’s because being right means the world is warming at an unprecedented pace and ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland are melting.​
Hansen said what he really wishes happened is “that the warning be heeded and actions be taken.”​
This has been a very cool summer where I live, much to the embarrassment of the greenies who want to replace cars with bicycles and trollies

Global doomsday should have been here by now according to hysterical libs

But its not
This has been a very cool summer where I live, much to the embarrassment of the greenies who want to replace cars with bicycles and trollies

Global doomsday should have been here by now according to hysterical libs

But its not
LINK? (and this is a Global Temp/Climate debate, not your backyard or region/season you IDIOT!)
LINK? (and this is a Global Temp/Climate debate, not your backyard or region/season you IDIOT!)
Last time I looked the earth was still functioning normally in spite of what the brain damaged Swedish teenager predicted we would see
Last time I looked the earth was still functioning normally in spite of what the brain damaged Swedish teenager predicted we would see

So no answer you 12 IQ fool.

You are TOO STUPID to Debate here, tho normal for USMB and the other posters in the section.

Here's the new Normal though you Blind Idiot.



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You are behaving like a religious fanatic defending his religion.
Telling you, correctly, that your hypothesis doesn't work is not defending his religion. It's telling you that you are, deeply, demonstrably, science-illiterate.
The only ones acting like this is a religion, the people who refuse to challenge their dogma are people like you, Crick mamooth otto105 Fort Fun Indiana and Procrustes Stretched
Pout-stalking like that is generally taken by everyone as an admission by the stalker that those being stalked have whupped the stalker over and over in the past.

Given the magnitude of your butthurt here, that clearly is the correct explanation for the motivation behind your post there.

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