The plot to kill Trump

I think they're also truly (and I'm not running smack here) at how everyone pretty much just shrugged and went back to what they were doing.

I lost my spouse a while back. And that was the hardest thing for me to "get over" people just went on with their lives. I really think that many (if not most) of the blobbers here can't get over how little the rest of us cared.
The response from Trump’s opponents was perfectly appropriate: glad Trump wasn’t killed, acknowledged the irony of Trump being subject to gun violence, not surprised that the shooter was a rightwing gun nut loon, and rejecting the right’s ridiculous conspiracy theories and lies.
We have 43,000 people killed and 70,000 injured with guns in this country every year.

We've all decided we love our guns more than we love our children.

I wish you guys got as upset about a room full of slaughtered preschoolers as you are about Trump's Ear Tampon.
Yes suicide is a thing someone does to them self you can never prevent. But be dishonest.
I have my guns to protect my grand children
No, it was spot on. You willingly pour poison Iminto your own brain. And it has caused an intellectual decline that I have witnessed over my 7 years, here.
You are the one hoping against hope that there was only one shooter
You curious about a few hundred thousand who died from Covid because of that sociopath Trump?

Thats been fully vetted and trump was not to blame

Are you saying he deserved to die because of covid?
A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member (through suicide, accident, or domestic argument) than a bad guy.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?
That's a lie. The 1986 Kellerman study, the source of the famous "43 to 1" ratio, is deceptive in several ways. The basis for comparison in this study is the ratio of "firearm-related deaths" of household members vs. deaths of criminals killed in the home (justifiable homicides). The "firearm-related deaths" in the study include suicides and accidents, neither of which are randomly distributed throughout the population, as the 43 to 1 "risk ratio" would imply. Both suicides and accidents are more likely to occur in specific categories of people than they are in the general population. Of the 398 "firearm-related deaths" included in the study, the vast majority (333, or, 84%) were suicides. The number of fatal firearms accidents in the study was 12 (or 3% of the studied deaths). Since sometimes a "gun cleaning accident" is actually a suicide reported under a name less likely to deny payment from a life insurance company, there may in fact have been even fewer accidents than are apparent from the reporting. When only the criminal homicides are considered, rather than including suicides and accidents, the "43 to 1" ratio disappears, and the ratio is far less dramatic, more like "4.5 to 1". There were 41 criminal homicides reported in the Kellerman study, and 9 instances of justifiable or self-defense homicide. People who are violent, unbalanced, or involved in a life of crime are much more likely to use their home gun unwisely, and their chances of using it to harm another (or themselves) are higher than would be expected for the majority of the population.

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