Some of you have a problem with evidence

Evaluating and (dis)believing evidence is a common problem on the Board,

It transcends political and religious and cultural beliefs.

Most of your conspiracy theorists fall into this group, because you want to believe so much.

Examples include Covid, QAnon, Kennedy, Stolen Election.

View attachment 985243
Your OP is super unspecific. You arent saying much of anything. You certainly arent defending your position effectively.

Elections can and are stolen, frequently. What does "stolen" mean to you? Does that ONLY include fake ballots? What about the FBI making up fake stories about a candidate being a Russian agent and the left wing press running that story 24/7? How about illegally changing voting rules in states where LATER they are slammed by the courts, but its way too late to do anything about it? How about the FBI covering up the Hunter laptop story? That would have had a big impact on peoples votes. You have Biden saying its all a lie when it was 100% true. Voters would weigh that that lie when voting, if they knew about it.

COVID conspiracy theory? Which fucking one?!!! A lot of those "conspiracies" turned out to be true. In fact, almost every single one of them turned out to be true. Democrats were wrong at EVERY SINGLE FRONT when it came to COVID.

QAnon? Ive never even seen a QAnon article before. It almost seems like a mythical creature that no one really ever sees. Who gives a flying fuck about QAnon and why is it important?
Lefties claim that Man Made Global Warming is a fact but it's based mostly on theories and disputed "evidence". Democrats claimed that they had the "evidence" to impeach Trump but it was based on a faked "dossier". My point is that before y'all lefties start lecturing the rest of us about "evidence" you need to get to the heart of whether "evidence" is accepted because you want it to be true.
Evaluating and (dis)believing evidence is a common problem on the Board,

It transcends political and religious and cultural beliefs.

Most of your conspiracy theorists fall into this group, because you want to believe so much.

Examples include Covid, QAnon, Kennedy, Stolen Election.

View attachment 985243
The FBI experimented in gaslighting.

They put one citizen and 17 agents into a room and showed them two cards. One had both a triangle and a square on it. They passed this card around to everyone.

They then passed a card that was just a triangle. Each of the FBI agents claimed it was a square. The lone citizen also claimed it was a square, knowing it was a triangle.

This is what the Main Stream Media, those who are working in conjunction with the Democrats, have been doing to the American people.

They making untrue claims to gaslight those who know better.

They then name-call, destroy reputations, and threaten those who disagree with the utter destruction of their reputation and the ruination of their lives.

So, how about you take a few decades and examine your level of brainwashing...

And the ballot boxes were stuffed by Unicorns wearing Pink Chiffon Tu-Tus.
Please stop lying so damned much. When you I(hardly) do tell a truth it's buried in your lies so no one can find it. Stop lying, you MAGAt Criminal Terrorist and Traitor.
Lefties claim that Man Made Global Warming is a fact but it's based mostly on theories and disputed "evidence". Democrats claimed that they had the "evidence" to impeach Trump but it was based on a faked "dossier". My point is that before y'all lefties start lecturing the rest of us about "evidence" you need to get to the heart of whether "evidence" is accepted because you want it to be true.

Except there WAS Russian interference that tRump benefited from. And global warming is a fact. I mean, damn, things are melting, snow fall at the higher altitudes are lower, the water levels are completely wacko and more. Now, shoot up your Clorox so you can't get Covid. And yes, that does work. Dead People can't get covid. But you need to follow your Orange Deity and shoot up or drink the clorox.
Covid as believed by the Biden Cultists was done to America by Donald Trump. This conspiracy is disproved. The Conspiracy about Qanon is way overblown. So far they have not plummeted a city into disaster as happened when BLM did it to Portland and other cities. Yes John Kennedy did commit adultery. But try to get Democrats to make that claim. Aha, the old Stolen election. This comes at us after Democrats tell this whopper all the time. That voters get suppressed. Here is the simple truth about voters. A third of America simply does not vote. The few who win, essentially control America as is what happened to us when Biden took over. And the claim the Judges ruled against Trump is wrong. They ruled against citizens the courts said lacked standing to sue.
You are confused, as usual.
Except there WAS Russian interference that tRump benefited from. And global warming is a fact. I mean, damn, things are melting, snow fall at the higher altitudes are lower, the water levels are completely wacko and more. Now, shoot up your Clorox so you can't get Covid. And yes, that does work. Dead People can't get covid. But you need to follow your Orange Deity and shoot up or drink the clorox.
That's still not true and it makes my case. Global Warming might be happening but evidence indicates that the nuclear reactor in the sky is the source and there is no real "evidence" to blame global warming on fossil fuel use. More young kids might have been killed by the Covid jab than government created "evidence" indicates. The point is that mostly left wingers rely on Orwellian dogma rather than their own senses to determine how they judge "evidence" .
Your OP is super unspecific. You arent saying much of anything. You certainly arent defending your position effectively.

Elections can and are stolen, frequently. What does "stolen" mean to you? Does that ONLY include fake ballots? What about the FBI making up fake stories about a candidate being a Russian agent and the left wing press running that story 24/7? How about illegally changing voting rules in states where LATER they are slammed by the courts, but its way too late to do anything about it? How about the FBI covering up the Hunter laptop story? That would have had a big impact on peoples votes. You have Biden saying its all a lie when it was 100% true. Voters would weigh that that lie when voting, if they knew about it.

COVID conspiracy theory? Which fucking one?!!! A lot of those "conspiracies" turned out to be true. In fact, almost every single one of them turned out to be true. Democrats were wrong at EVERY SINGLE FRONT when it came to COVID.

QAnon? Ive never even seen a QAnon article before. It almost seems like a mythical creature that no one really ever sees. Who gives a flying fuck about QAnon and why is it important?
I have pointed evidentiary problems on several problems. You have no evidence for American "Elections can and are stolen, frequently." None. None one covid conspiracy turned out to be true. Good on you staying away from QAnon articles. So many do not.
The FBI experimented in gaslighting.

They put one citizen and 17 agents into a room and showed them two cards. One had both a triangle and a square on it. They passed this card around to everyone.

They then passed a card that was just a triangle. Each of the FBI agents claimed it was a square. The lone citizen also claimed it was a square, knowing it was a triangle.

This is what the Main Stream Media, those who are working in conjunction with the Democrats, have been doing to the American people.

They making untrue claims to gaslight those who know better.

They then name-call, destroy reputations, and threaten those who disagree with the utter destruction of their reputation and the ruination of their lives.

So, how about you take a few decades and examine your level of brainwashing...
A lot of wind blowing above.
We see the kind of confused logic above, this time by Darkwind.

He misused and misdefined by description just what is gaslighting.

The electorate, enough of it, seems to be waking up to the problems with Trump (again) this time around.
That's still not true and it makes my case. Global Warming might be happening but evidence indicates that the nuclear reactor in the sky is the source and there is no real "evidence" to blame global warming on fossil fuel use. More young kids might have been killed by the Covid jab than government created "evidence" indicates. The point is that mostly left wingers rely on Orwellian dogma rather than their own senses to determine how they judge "evidence" .

My senses tells me that we are 7 degrees hotter today where I am than normal. And it's just getting hotter even by a fraction of a degree per year. Most of the Southwest depends on our water but with low snowfall, early runnoffs and such, there is less water. Lake Powell feeds a lot of people in the southwest but it's about 150 feet down. It's happening for those that pay attention.
Evaluating and (dis)believing evidence is a common problem on the Board,
Evidence must be corroborated with facts that can be tested, and by a chain of evidence protocol to a specific time and place or it's just official hearsay. It also has to make some sense. I think if you just accept any "evidence" wafted at you your convenience your conclusions are mostly self serving bullshit.
My senses tells me that we are 7 degrees hotter today where I am than normal. And it's just getting hotter even by a fraction of a degree per year. Most of the Southwest depends on our water but with low snowfall, early runnoffs and such, there is less water. Lake Powell feeds a lot of people in the southwest but it's about 150 feet down. It's happening for those that pay attention.
My senses tell me that we are in a relatively cooling trend in the Mid Atlantic states for late July and it feels fine. The freaking reality is that the Fukashima earthquake actually shifted the axis of the Earth a slight degree for the first time in geological history. It has to impact the weather but the experts don't acknowledge it because there is no money in blaming a natural disaster while the Global Warming crowd continues to extort money from good old Uncle.

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