Trump says if he wins, this will be last election.

Are you really so ideologically captured that you can't figure it out? Really? Are you just being intentionally stupid to shore up your online persona? If that's the case I'm out because it's boring. He's obviously talking about him fixing all the problems and then they won't have to worry about voting once his term is up. It's painfully obvious that's what he's saying. Do you really believe that his secret plan is to become a dictator, and so he's filming videos saying that knowing they will end up on the internet so as to keep it a secret?
That’s all it is: talk – we’ve already witnessed Trump’s incompetence; he is in fact unfit to be president.

The problems Trump wants to fix aren’t actually problems, just the implementation of more failed Republican policies.

And as to actual problems, Trump’s solutions won’t fix anything and will likely make matters worse.

Trump was appropriately voted out of office the consequence of his failure and incompetence – it would be madness to return Trump to power.
Trump's shtick was to gain the religmo vote by telling them he'd take care of their needs, that they only need to vote for him once to do so

There is nothing to imply he'd become a dictator (nor would our government structure allow it) to do so

Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

You are a citizen of Canada, correct? What worries me is today Democrats do not think we need to vote for Trump, only vote for them. This you claim is your fear.
Trump's shtick was to gain the religmo vote by telling them he'd take care of their needs, that they only need to vote for him once to do so

There is nothing to imply he'd become a dictator (nor would our government structure allow it) to do so

Plus, he needed to make it sound newsworthy, after Harris kicked him off of the top story about his fucking ear.
He had your vote from day one because you're so full of hatred towards women and non-whites that you would never vote for either
He didn’t have my vote versus Biden. As soon as Harris became the presumptive nominee he got my vote. Once her nomination is official, his national campaign will also get a $1000 check from me. Race means very little to me as long as as their ideology is Right.
You don't want to know. I didn't watch the whole video myself, but it only took maybe 30 seconds of FFWD till I got to the part.
Do your own research or pay me to do it for you
It's your claim. I'm not going to try to prove it for you.

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