Another video of Kamala Harris that proves she is unfit to be President

You are soooo triggered by the Prosecutor.
She scares you, huh?

But there is this:

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible." djt
The cackling cockholster doesn't scare me. I am enjoying watching you Cultists clap and cheer 14 million voters being disenfranchised. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The cackling cockholster doesn't scare me. I am enjoying watching you Cultists clap and cheer 14 million voters being disenfranchised. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
As asked and NOT answered by any trump cultist.

What is your "Democratic" solution to replacing biden.
Seriously, do you have a viable solution for the (D) party when biden dropped out or was even forced out?

What is your suggestion/solution SIMP?
Another cheap fake.

We had Trump once. He was a miserable failure. He's running to pardon himself. We don't need another 4 years of his bullshit. So if you want to be around trump so badly go join mir a ago.

As asked and NOT answered by any trump cultist.

What is your "Democratic" solution to replacing biden.
Seriously, do you have a viable solution for the (D) party when biden dropped out or was even forced out?

What is your suggestion/solution SIMP?
Why would I care about a solution to your clusterfuck?

I'm LMFAO at it.
Breaking: Kamala's Hezbollah pals just fired rockets onto a socker field in Israel killing children.
Horrific. Deliberate murder of Jewish children. But the antisemites will ignore it.

It does seem that the leftists have a hierarchy of which lives are most valuable, and thus most anguish and tears are spread:

1. Blacks who are violent ex-felons, for which statues are erected and a state funeral fit for a king is held. Say his name!

2. Palestinian children under 6, whom I feel sympathy for (By age 6, they already play “Kill the Jew” games and by age 10 are helping in the massacre of Jews).

2. Blacks with a rap sheet of violent crime who threaten innocent people in a subway care

3. Muslims who support the massacre of Jews, because the Muslims are oppressed victims who are completely innocents

4. Dogs

5. Cats

6. Goldfish

7. White women and girls raped and murdered by illegal aliens, whose name isn’t even mentioned in many instances (just “the individual”’

8. Whites and/or Christians

9. Jewish children on a soccer field, or in their cribs

Because you are suggesting a "Coup"
Bitching about "Democracy"
Are you not?

Yet you have NO SOLUTION, just triggered bitching, as usual.

Bring something worthwhile SIMP, then we can talk.
Once again, I don't care about a solution to your clusterfuck.

Another cheap fake.

We had Trump once. He was a miserable failure. He's running to pardon himself. We don't need another 4 years of his bullshit. So if you want to be around trump so badly go join mir a ago.

Like the 'cheap fakes' you claimed regarding Biden's cognitive decline?
She claims
Trump cult losers, you know that nobody outside of your crybaby cult pays any attention to your whiny propaganda, right?

But then, you Trump cult loser aren't trying to make any converts outside of your cult. You're trying to show your fellow cultists how loyal to the cult you are.

And I can see why, given how rabid, violent and unstable your fellow cultists are. You really need to stay in the cult's good graces.
You know, it's tiring reading yur shit. You are a white female, the number 1 beneficiary of Affirmative Action. You are the picture child for DEI. You are incompetant. Where has Harris said she sides with Hamas. Don't run you mouth, show us whwre she has said it. Then understand that Harris woud run laps around your ignorant racist ass. How many women have been state Attorney Generals woman? Let me answer because your inept ass doesn't know. 41 women in the HISTORY of this country have seved as AG. Only 1 in the history of California.

Its an elected position dumb ass. So she won based on the merits of her ideas, not because she is a bolack woman. She was elected twice to that position. She was elected by the stateof Califrnia to the senate and now she serves as VP. Her credentials are far superior to anything the Republican ticket has to offer, even as Trunp was once president. And it is damn sure far supieror to yours. She is one of the most qualifed candidates in our history. Se is damn sure more quaified than the inheritace baby whose you've been fantasizing about when he decided to run in 2016.

It is apparent that you have never hired anyone in your life because if you did, then you would look at the resumes here and you would not question her competency. But you do and it's because you are a racist that automatically assumes that every black person is dumb and unqualified. But it is YOU who is dumb and unqualified.

According to the Declaration of Independence, white racism is un American. And that means we should do everything to stop Trump anmd his unamerocan white racist agenda. That's what is going to happen. Because we ain't electing a convict for president and we ain't going back to Jim Crow. And you can take that to the bank.
No lying old white man. We're tired of reading YOUR racist bullshit. Harris is an Anti-Semite who supports Hamas. You're dumb and unqualified to speak about anything. Harris slept with Willie Brown to get appointed to her positions. Fact. Harris failed with the border. Fact. Harris is more left than Communist Bernie. Fact. Harris will lose badly to Trump. Fact.
Trump cult losers, you know that nobody outside of your crybaby cult pays any attention to your whiny propaganda, right?

But then, you Trump cult loser aren't trying to make any converts outside of your cult. You're trying to show your fellow cultists how loyal to the cult you are.

And I can see why, given how rabid, violent and unstable your fellow cultists are. You really need to stay in the cult's good graces.
You know your lying gaslighting doesn't work because we're just smarter than you and the facts are on our side. But then again, you Anti-Semitic losers have to show your loyalty to your cult. We know you're an uninformed sheep.
Like the 'cheap fakes' you claimed regarding Biden's cognitive decline?
Bidens cognitive decline? Like the inabity to say the word origin? Walking off in a bill signing ceremony forgetting to sign the bill? Not remembering what your first wife looked like? Calling Nikki Haley Nancy Pelosi? Talking about beating Obama? None of these things were edited to mae trump look like he was n cognitive decline. The stuff I said were cheap fakes WERE cheap fakes.
As asked and NOT answered by any trump cultist.

What is your "Democratic" solution to replacing biden.
Seriously, do you have a viable solution for the (D) party when biden dropped out or was even forced out?

What is your suggestion/solution SIMP?
Hey dumbfuck. You obviously were no "teacher" or you'd know the Dems would just run an open convention and have the delegates make their choice. IDIOT.

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