Trump says if he wins, this will be last election.

Yes, and I am intelligent enough to understand what is meant. He doesn't always express his thoughts fully. It isn't polished. He isn't really a politician. The MSM intentionally deciphers his quotes in the most negative way possible and the lesser informed and lazy people eat it up, thus why we have TDS in the first place. Some still believe Trump called white nationalists "good people" in Charlottesville. Some people still believe Trump said they should inject bleach.

Trump said they should look into injecting disinfectants.

Trump is a moron. He's severely dyslectic and cannot read. He has little education and compensated by knowing everything about everything and behaving like a bully. Check yourself.
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

No, he didn’t say that.
When they're telling you what they are....
Seriously Mac? You keep saying you’re not a liberal but even when you see this and you know it’s not true, you still jump on the band wagon.

If you’re going to pretend to be middle of the road then at least be reasonable. You know that trump never meant that he was going to end elections, look at the video and be honest…..
Trump tried to delay the 2020 election indefinitely.

Then when he lost, he tried to steal it.

We don't have to take bad actors like this guy ^^ seriously. The facts show who Trump is, and the words that pour out of his mouth that show the same cannot be wished away by his cult.
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not as stupid as the people that voted for Briben in the primaries and then finding out later he isn't even running ..
That narrative just isn't going to wor on me. Or on Democrats generally.
Seriously Mac? You keep saying you’re not a liberal but even when you see this and you know it’s not true, you still jump on the band wagon.

If you’re going to pretend to be middle of the road then at least be reasonable. You know that trump never meant that he was going to end elections, look at the video and be honest…..
Stop defending Trump. He tried to stop the last election. ;

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