*Democrats Support This, "I Screwed My Way To The Top!*


i know dem voters have short memories but the rest of us don't.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well, she did it.
2. Saddleback Harris made it, she's planed and plotted her path, to the, BIG CHAIR!
3. She's so close to getting there, Democrats all over the Counrtry want her in there.
4. A ground swell of support, they just love her, so thrilled, she is so close to taking a seat in the, White House.
5. Sleeping in the bed, with her first gentle-dude.
6. But one word, TRUMP.

Imagine how they raise their daughters.
Actually it appears this tactic of endorsing this slut veep for president is just a backroom tit for tat betweem the joe faction and the barack faction for backstabbing the former. THAT is why we are in this situation with a failed, incompetent, unqualified hobag for president. own it y'all and for once in your low info voter lives be honest.

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