‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris

You mean the bi-partisan bill that Trump killed…
About THE Only thing that Donald J. Trump ever killed
was sappy Publicity and/or those cheating at cards or
Gambling Casinos.
Whether or not the Movie - Casino - { 1995 } could have
benefitted with a high roller like Trump.
I doubt Trump gambled in the usual sense.
He always gambled with new ideas and some
products with his name ... Front & Center.
Like Trump's { 2005 } Designer VODKA.Tested in
the Neatherlands then Germany then the States.
I only wish I had a bottle NOW.
No way on God's Green Earth it would have been
NOT worth a small fortune.
That Vodka according to The Don used the slogan
" Success Distilled ". Mr. Trump predicting it would
outsell Grey Goose Vodka.
The guy was a Maverick.
Just as the Olympics are the proper venue of
human physical aspirations so too with Trumpism
as The right of passage for developing personality
traits in common with our Founding.
Shows that you are full of it. The dems have blocked border security

As usual.........You're FOS.

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: 'I think it's ...​

The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › senate › 4459861-tru...

Feb 9, 2024 — Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took ...

Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for President Biden in the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees.

The bill’s failure comes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued earlier this week that the deal would crack down on the huge flow of migrants across the border and possibly would be the last chance for years to reform immigration law.
MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.

With Harris gaining massive popularity practically overnight, it’s important to know if the enthusiasm shared on social media is reflected by people planning to hit the polls in November. If MSNBC’s focus group is anything to go by, the vice-president-turn-presumptive-nominee has a lot to fear.

Political analyst Elise Jordan asked the women how Harris compares to President Joe Biden, who was encouraged to drop out of the race by his own party.

“How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”

“I think she’s worse,” one of the women said. “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing and in charge of. I mean as a school teacher if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn’t. Not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion.”

“I would never consider voting for her,” another voter responded as the rest of the panel murmured similar sentiments.

“I would consider RFK Jr. way before voting for her,” a third voter added.

Jordan then noted that Harris isn’t the first female to run for the Oval Office, so her gender likely wouldn’t sway the group to vote for her based on the historical implications of the first woman president.

“When do you think America will have a female president?” she wondered.

“When there is a competent one,” one lady said.

“I don’t get a good feel for her,” another mentioned.

“I think she’s an idiot,” piped up a third.

“Why do you think she’s not that bright?” Jordan grilled.

“Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had,” the voter responded. “We don’t know anything about her, as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart.”

BJ -

wow and that is MSNBC people.

Dems are going to cry so hard

The media is remaking her as fast as they can, but -

These are trump voters they're interviewing :lol:
As usual.........You're FOS.

Trump praises collapse of bipartisan border deal: 'I think it's ...

View attachment 984992
The Hill
https://thehill.com › homenews › senate › 4459861-tru...
Feb 9, 2024 — Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took ...

Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for President Biden in the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees.

The bill’s failure comes after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argued earlier this week that the deal would crack down on the huge flow of migrants across the border and possibly would be the last chance for years to reform immigration law.
What about the bill from May 2023?
It might be possible that some Dems are realizing that 2024 will be lost, and will just focus on 2028.

And in 2028, the Rs will primary Vance. I’d like to see either Rubio or Youngkin, but I’m getting ahead of myself,

The focus now is to stop the Dems’ destruction of America in its tracks. Go Trump!

In what ways are democrats destroying America? :lol:
In what ways are democrats destroying America? :lol:
Oh, let me count the ways…..

Let’s start with enticing lowlife illegals to swarm in, bringing down the caliber of the country. The property values and caliber of the schools where they settle have plummeted, making things much worse for working class people and where needed resources are being spent on illegals instead of law-abiding Americans.

What about a president so eager to defend the illegals invading our country that he objects to one who raped, tortured, and murdered a girl being referred to as an “animal”? How dare we disrespect illegal murderers!

Or how about holding back the most capable and talented people in order to bring about “equity”? The TJ School of Science dropped their challenging entry exam because too many Asians were succeeding and not enough blacks.

Or what about choosing Blacks over better qualified whites because race is the first priority, and merit secondary? By doing so, you get the best qualified only 12% of the time. A country doesn’t succeed like that. The Dems are so eager to elevate blacks over whites that they capitalize the former and lowercase the latter to send a subliminal message.

What about throwing non-violent political opponents in prison, including a grandma undergoing cancer treatment, but allocating only a handful of cops to a violent mob of Jew-haters while they spray warnings to American Jews that they plan to murder them? And saying thst calls to genocide Jews “can be OK depending on context”? That bitch is still esrning $900,000 at HARVARD because of her Female Blackness.

What about bogus lawsuits against the #1 political rival, with a biased judge and jury - and brought by biased prosecutors?

What about a president who ignores the Supreme Court and looks for workarounds to push through unconstituional edicts?

What about removing the nominee because he’s doing poorly in the polls, and putting in an incompetent Female Black whom 99% of primary voters did NOT want - and who was in the VP slot only due to her Female Blackness? (Biden told us as much.)

What about the coordination between the White House and the complicit media, now scrubbing the truth from the voters about the Female Black’s horrific anti-American, radical record because they - and particularly Obama - want the new puppet installed? As soon as she proved she could lie about her meeting with Netanyahu, throwing Israel under the bus, Obama was convinced she would side with Muslims against Jews, even lying to voters - and he endorsed her the next day.

OK….that’s it for now.

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