Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

So Trump didn't do anything with those multiple peace accords? Gee, whiz...Frigid...how many peace accords has Joe Biden gotten signed between Israel and other Arab nations?

Russia was in Ukraine because Putin invaded it during BARACK OBAMA'S TIME IN OFFICE!!! Did Putin invade anything else during Trump's time in office? Nope!!!

Of course the wall works. What doesn't work is an open border. Regular illegals could care less about the wall now...they're turning themselves in at border crossings so they can get a plane ticket to where they want to end up! The only people that are jumping the wall are terrorists, criminals and drug runners. We've got so many "got aways" now God only knows who's come into the country and what they've brought with them!

Biden also hasn't done anything that will stand the test of time. I didn't say he had.

The point is that someone said Trump had a record he could stand on. He doesn't.

People overestimate the power of Presidents. And don't realize a president's impact might not be seen for decades.

Jim Chilton complaining about immigrants on his ranch to the RNC convention... he has a border wall.
Huh, why don’t you lefties ever do the same with Trump or any other Repub? You all always use insults and personal attacks, and never talk about policies, unless of course you fabricate them like “project 2025”.
31 of the 38 people at the Heritage Foundation that created project 2025 were in the Trump administration.... JD Vance wrote the Forward for the head leader of project 2025s new book coming out...

Pretty please stop being so blind!

31 of the 38 people at the Heritage Foundation that created project 2025 were in the Trump administration.... JD Vance wrote the Forward for the head leader of project 2025s new book coming out...

Pretty please stop being so blind!

31 of the 38 people at the Heritage Foundation that created project 2025 were in the Trump administration....

How many people were in the Trump administration?

JD Vance wrote the Forward for the head leader of project 2025s new book coming out...

So what?
Biden also hasn't done anything that will stand the test of time. I didn't say he had.

The point is that someone said Trump had a record he could stand on. He doesn't.

People overestimate the power of Presidents. And don't realize a president's impact might not be seen for decades.

Jim Chilton complaining about immigrants on his ranch to the RNC convention... he has a border wall.

Trump has a great record he can stand on, Frigid! Before Covid he gave the US some of the best Economic numbers we've had in decades. Inflation was low...wages were increasing...unemployment was low...energy prices were low...mortgage rates were low...credit card debt was way down.
With foreign policy he'd held our NATO "partners" feet to the fire and got them to start living up to their defense spending agreements. He had sanctions in place against Iran and was keeping them cash poor. By producing so much oil and natural gas he was keeping the prices low which was keeping Putin and Russia cash poor. He was playing hardball with the Chinese on trade.
On the border he implemented a "Stay in Mexico" policy that was stopping the migrant caravans and was steadily building the border wall despite stubborn resistance from the Democrats. Ranchers like Jim Chilton are complaining about immigrants on his ranch because while Border Patrol is tied up dealing with the millions of illegals turning themselves in at border check points...bad people are coming across an undefended border bringing in cartel members and large amounts of drugs. That wasn't happening under Trump.
Trump has a great record he can stand on, Frigid! Before Covid he gave the US some of the best Economic numbers we've had in decades. Inflation was low...wages were increasing...unemployment was low...energy prices were low...mortgage rates were low...credit card debt was way down.
With foreign policy he'd held our NATO "partners" feet to the fire and got them to start living up to their defense spending agreements. He had sanctions in place against Iran and was keeping them cash poor. By producing so much oil and natural gas he was keeping the prices low which was keeping Putin and Russia cash poor. He was playing hardball with the Chinese on trade.
On the border he implemented a "Stay in Mexico" policy that was stopping the migrant caravans and was steadily building the border wall despite stubborn resistance from the Democrats. Ranchers like Jim Chilton are complaining about immigrants on his ranch because while Border Patrol is tied up dealing with the millions of illegals turning themselves in at border check points...bad people are coming across an undefended border bringing in cartel members and large amounts of drugs. That wasn't happening under Trump.
Trump coasted on the economy Left to him by Obama and then along came Covid and he screwed the pooch
31 of the 38 people at the Heritage Foundation that created project 2025 were in the Trump administration.... JD Vance wrote the Forward for the head leader of project 2025s new book coming out...

Pretty please stop being so blind!

So? It’s not his agenda. President Trump has his own. You can’t attack his real platform because it’s so awesome. So you have to deflect and lie about this other stuff.
Trump has a great record he can stand on, Frigid! Before Covid he gave the US some of the best Economic numbers we've had in decades. Inflation was low...wages were increasing...unemployment was low...energy prices were low...mortgage rates were low...credit card debt was way down.
With foreign policy he'd held our NATO "partners" feet to the fire and got them to start living up to their defense spending agreements. He had sanctions in place against Iran and was keeping them cash poor. By producing so much oil and natural gas he was keeping the prices low which was keeping Putin and Russia cash poor. He was playing hardball with the Chinese on trade.
On the border he implemented a "Stay in Mexico" policy that was stopping the migrant caravans and was steadily building the border wall despite stubborn resistance from the Democrats. Ranchers like Jim Chilton are complaining about immigrants on his ranch because while Border Patrol is tied up dealing with the millions of illegals turning themselves in at border check points...bad people are coming across an undefended border bringing in cartel members and large amounts of drugs. That wasn't happening under Trump.

No, he doesn't. What he does have is people who don't understand politics pointing to things that are nothing and saying they're the greatest achievement ever, simply because Trump did it. Had Biden done it, they'd say it was rubbish.

NATO didn't give a damn about Trump. PUTIN made people give a damn about NATO.
Trump coasted on the economy Left to him by Obama and then along came Covid and he screwed the pooch
There is one abject fact that one { anyone } can fact check.
No where in the Life of Donald Trump has he ever " coasted "
in any endeavor.Not even when attending High school where
he went to a Military Academy { New York Military Academy }
where entering as a 13 year old managed to rise to the role of
Captain his senior year.Competittiveness drove the young man.
Still does in his senior years.
No one with half a brain tied behind their back can
accuse let alone try and prove how Donald Trump is some
slouch.He's the opposite of a slouch.
That is what attracts him to many.
Of course these Scumbags in the Media are too
lazy to remind Citizens how Trump donated his Presidential
salary each fiscal calendar year to a charity he feels needs
Fox has offered a debate. Has Kamala Harris agreed?
Trump was given his daddys businsess. He has coasted his entre life.

Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris

Within hours of President Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris to run in his stead, Donald Trump had a response: It was all very unfair.

It’s his classic MO, leaning wantonly into personal grievance when nothing else will do. Biden, Trump suggested, was lying about having COVID. The Republican Party, he said, should “be reimbursed for fraud” because it had been so grossly misled.

And, Trump added, he would no longer agree to the terms of the next debate. He’d rather it be held on friendly turf – Fox News – effectively signaling that he’s dropping out of the next debate as currently scheduled.

My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT

Faux is not biased? Or is this a way to back out of debating Harris? Maybe he doesn't want to be on stage with a woman after he was found liable for sexual assault (rape in many states) for finger fucking Carroll against her will. Or because his party wants to force women to carry a fetus to term against their will.

When Kamala is nominated officially, there should be a debate, this time, trump gets to set the rules.

Held on Fox News, moderated by Tucker Carlson and mark levin.

Sounds good to me!
Just saw an interview with Frank Luntz, who pointed out that Harris had a similar surge in popularity back when she was running for President. Her momentum stopped when she debated Biden, so a debate here would be a pretty important thing to see.

The problem, of course, is that her current opponent doesn't debate in any traditional sense, because he somehow doesn't know how to. It may simply be impossible to look good after a debate with him. What's the saying: Don't wrestle with pigs -- you only get dirty and the pig likes it.

But too bad. This is what she signed up for. There really should be at least one debate.
Trump coasted on the economy Left to him by Obama and then along came Covid and he screwed the pooch
Oh bullshit! Obama's economy was so weak for his entire two terms the Fed had to keep interest rates at near zero. Barry gave us "The Great Recession"! Then Trump came in and the Fed did 5 interest rate hikes before the pandemic because he had the economy booming! Covid allowed Democrats to shut down the economy and blame it all on Trump. That got us Joe Biden and the disaster that he's been for the economy!
Trump was given his daddys businsess. He has coasted his entre life.
He took a successful real estate empire located entirely in Queens and turned it into a worldwide empire! Coasted? That's the dumbest thing anyone will post on this board today!
No, he doesn't. What he does have is people who don't understand politics pointing to things that are nothing and saying they're the greatest achievement ever, simply because Trump did it. Had Biden done it, they'd say it was rubbish.

NATO didn't give a damn about Trump. PUTIN made people give a damn about NATO.
It's a good thing that Trump embarrassed other NATO nations into increasing their defense spending, Frigid or they wouldn't have had the resources to give to Ukraine to fight Putin! Biden's energy policies gave Putin billions of dollars to finance his war against Ukraine and then clueless Joe gave him the OK to invade by Biden telling him he'd be OK with a "minor" incursion into Ukraine! THAT diplomatic blunder cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people that didn't need to die!
It's a good thing that Trump embarrassed other NATO nations into increasing their defense spending, Frigid or they wouldn't have had the resources to give to Ukraine to fight Putin! Biden's energy policies gave Putin billions of dollars to finance his war against Ukraine and then clueless Joe gave him the OK to invade by Biden telling him he'd be OK with a "minor" incursion into Ukraine! THAT diplomatic blunder cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people that didn't need to die!

But he didn't.

"NATO countries agreed in 2014 to spend 2% of their GDP on defense,"

Who was president in 2014? Not Trump.

"with the goal of all members meeting that target within a decade. "

That decade is this year. What happened in 2014? Oh yeah, Putin annexed part of the Ukraine.

"Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, European allies have increased defense spending by 11%."

Yeah, let's pretend Trump annoying people by saying stupid stuff was the cause of all of this, instead of the agreement they had in 2014 and Putin playing his stupid games.

Hey, let's also pretend that Trump is Jesus too, and that he build the Great Wall of China.
"NATO countries agreed in 2014 to spend 2% of their GDP on defense," Who was president in 2014? Not Trump.
"with the goal of all members meeting that target within a decade. "
That decade is this year. What happened in 2014? Oh yeah, Putin annexed part of the Ukraine.
"Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, European allies have increased defense spending by 11%."
Yeah, let's pretend Trump annoying people by saying stupid stuff was the cause of all of this, instead of the agreement they had in 2014 and Putin playing his stupid games. Hey, let's also pretend that Trump is Jesus too, and that he build the Great Wall of China.
Trump bullied NATO deadbeats into paying their commitments and was thanked for it. All democrats have are lies.

Secretary General thanks President Trump for his commitment to NATO​


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