Trump says if he wins, this will be last election.

Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

Context - you might try it sometime
MAGArats are strange folks

This is a grown woman, almost 60, and she doesn't know her own history. She thinks she celebrated Kwanzaa as a baby, for just one chuckle. And can't pronounce her own name.

I cannot take her seriously. I never have.
You are just talking about of your ass. Trump is old. How will will be named. Are you left wingers claiming Vance will take over with no election?

Will you cheat again?

I am not the one pushing this as the last election, that is your god doing it.

Ask him your questions
This is a grown woman, almost 60, and she doesn't know her own history. She thinks she celebrated Kwanzaa as a baby, for just one chuckle. And can't pronounce her own name.

I cannot take her seriously. I never have.

Kwanzaa started in 1966, she would have been 2 or 3. Most people still consider that age to be a baby
Keep your head stuck in the sand. Trump tried to stay in power after he lost the last election. Now he has immunity for any act he would do as president. You don't want to see the danger in that.
Well take presidential immunity away, Obama would be in jail for droning an innocent unarmed American.
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

This is the kind of propaganda that a gullible low IQ voting population with anyone who has a personal grudge over lapping common sense would listen to and have. Just one example is having men wearing dresses reading pro Islam literature in public schools to 6-year-old children and that is more important than any haters who decide to have a heterosexual marriage in which feminism created.
This is the kind of propaganda that a gullible low IQ voting population with anyone who has a personal grudge over lapping common sense would listen to and have. Just one example is having men wearing dresses reading pro Islam literature in public schools to 6-year-old children and that is more important than any haters who decide to have a heterosexual marriage in which feminism created.

So now Trump's own words are propaganda?

Well, if you say so.
Is he joking in that video? What does he mean "you won't have to vote?" Not sure how to take this other than it had to be a joke.
Is he joking in that video? What does he mean "you won't have to vote?" Not sure how to take this other than it had to be a joke.

That will be one of the many excuses you Trump cult members will come up with.
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

project 2025.jpg
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

Wow. He got my vote when Harris was named the Democrat replacement for. Iden, but this just makes me like him even more.
I can't tell if you people are just posturing, or if you really believe the bilge you put forth. Either way, you shouldn't get a say in the election process.

You need to start paying attention to what's going on instead of sitting there with your ears stuffed shut and your eyes closed.

Trump is attempting to "finish the coup" he started on January 6th. He's been very clear in saying it. The Heritage Society is being very clear in saying it, too. They published a 900 page manifesto.

The Supreme Court is busy deconstructing the Administrative State. Courts will now decide regulations, medical treatments, and every facet of American life, not scientists, doctors or experts, and certainly not individual Americans based on their own beliefs of needs/

But keep pretending it's not happening. That's working really well for you fools.

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