Trump says if he wins, this will be last election.

I did not realise you were a paid - up member of the Gullibles Club .
It is the Scottish bit of him that you are seeing — part of British humour that Americans fail to see or understand

Do not worry . He is firmly under our control .
I expected excuses to be made for his statements, but I didn't expect them to be that dumb.
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

That's what you got out of that?
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

This is the kind of propaganda that a gullible low IQ voting population with anyone who has a personal grudge over lapping common sense would listen to and have. Just one example is having men wearing dresses reading pro Islam literature in public schools to 6-year-old children and that is more important than any haters who decide to have a heterosexual marriage in which feminism created.
Propaganda? It's what the dumb SOB said.
What context eliminates the need to vote?
If you watch several minutes before that, and several minutes afterward - instead of carefully constructed clips by the borg - then you would know he was talking about how they wouldn't need to vote out all of the problems we have because he will fix them all. He was talking about how bad everything is now, and how critically important it is to vote right now. But after he gets in office, and fixes all of Bidens hell-hole policies - they won't need to.
It is an odd way of making a point, this is typical "Trump speak".
But - as usual - the borg is going to make it about something else - and the borg members will obediently, and mindlessly fall into line.
Trump told Turning Point Action, a Christian group, that if they vote for him this time, that in four years he will have it fixed so there wouldn't be any more reason to vote. He has already said he would be a dictator on day one and made references to being president for life, so with project 2025 and his newly gifted ability to be immune for anything he might do, I don't see how we can do anything but take him at his word. If, on the other hand, he was just off on another indecipherable rant, he's not mentally stable enough to be elected anyway. I believe he intends to do exactly what he says.

Talk about saying the quiet part out loud...
I did not realise you were a paid - up member of the Gullibles Club .
It is the Scottish bit of him that you are seeing — part of British humour that Americans fail to see or understand

Do not worry . He is firmly under our control .

It is the bullshit I am reading. Trump doesn't have a sense of humour, but he does prove the old adage that a man who is incapable of laughing at himself, will have no shortage of people who will do it for him.

Trump has never been "under control". Two impeachments proved that. He is incapable of controlling himself, much less of being controlled by others. His whole term as President was proof positive of his lack of any sort of control over his behaviour. Having the SC give him ANY immunity, will remove any remaining vestiges of control of his behaviour.
If you watch several minutes before that, and several minutes afterward - instead of carefully constructed clips by the borg - then you would know he was talking about how they wouldn't need to vote out all of the problems we have because he will fix them all. He was talking about how bad everything is now, and how critically important it is to vote right now. But after he gets in office, and fixes all of Bidens hell-hole policies - they won't need to.
It is an odd way of making a point, this is typical "Trump speak".
But - as usual - the borg is going to make it about something else - and the borg members will obediently, and mindlessly fall into line.
I can't tell if you people are just posturing, or if you really believe the bilge you put forth. Either way, you shouldn't get a say in the election process.
Already disenfranchising people I see.

You do realize that that's helping the OP make his point, right?
Probably that he recognizes it's an impactful book that has changed the world. Imagine that. Imagine appreciating some views that you do not hold yourself.

Impossible for too many.
Yea, & millions of people have died in wars etc from believing the ignorant superstitious drivel found in the first testament.

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