Zone1 No Christian can vote for Kamala

Nobody has presented yet a credible reason to vote for either party. Irrefutable fact.

Donald Trump is a criminal who tried to overtake the USA with violent and intrigant methods. He created the weird myth he is still president of the USA.

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Donald Trump is a criminal who tried to overtake the USA with violent and intrigant methods. He created the weird myth he is still president of the USA.

Oh, look, another liberal who has not watched, nor could care less, about bribum's pay to play scheme and money laundering..

ho hum... Another candidate for Ignore

Imagine this. Ad a Christian i cannot vote for Harris or Trump. So there is that. And don't try and sell me on one or the other.
You are not a Christian. A Christian tries to evangelize the world he lives in. Jesus said to spread the Gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. If you sit back and refuse to vote for the only candidate who is pro-Christian

You are actually anti-Christian
Donald Trump is a criminal who tried to overtake the USA with violent and intrigant methods. He created the weird myth he is still president of the USA.

I'm guessing your IQ is something like below normal.. maybe 80 or something.

If God wanted to cut Trump down, He had an EXCELLENT opportunity to do so

Ever heard of Butler, PA?

Oh, look, another liberal

I'm a German. "Liberal" and "liberal" are in case of the USA and Germany totally different words.

who has not watched, nor could care less, about bribum's pay to play scheme and money laundering..

ho hum... Another candidate for Ignore

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What I said means something else: Even when Donald Trump will become again president of the USA - he tried to do a putsch, a revolt. Same tried to do Hitler. I do not compare Trump and Hitler but I think it is from my Christian point of view correct to say that someone who tried to overtake a country in such a way never will be able to be ... ¿how to say this? ... to be someone who will ever rule in harmony with God's purposes.
I'm guessing your IQ is something like below normal.. maybe 80 or something.

You disqualified yourselve with this comment.

If God wanted to cut Trump down,

He will cut down Donald Trump. He will cut down you. He will cut down me. And some billion others. His assistant, Death, is a very busy man.

He had an EXCELLENT opportunity to do so

Ever heard of Butler, PA?


Two people died and two had been wounded. I think the main reason for this is a brutalisation of good manners in the USA - and, more importantly, a brutalisation of the culture of political debate.
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Two people died and two had been wounded. I think the main reason for this is a brutalisation of good manners in the USA - and, more importantly, a brutalisation of the culture of political debate.
wow, brilliant! I didn't know that...
You are not a Christian. A Christian tries to evangelize the world he lives in. Jesus said to spread the Gospel to the 4 corners of the earth. If you sit back and refuse to vote for the only candidate who is pro-Christian

You are actually anti-Christian
Oh OK I will be sure to run this by my pastor since it's you who knows all about being a good Christian. I truly don't believe Jesus would approve of either candidate. God does not exactly agree with garnering tremendous wealth.
I'm a German. "Liberal" and "liberal" are in case of the USA and Germany totally different words.

What I said means something else: Even when Donald Trump will become again president of the USA - he tried to do a putsch, a revolt. Same tried to do Hitler. I do not compare Trump and Hitler but I think it is from my Christian point of view correct to say that someone who tried to overtake a country in such a way never will be able to be ... ¿how to say this? ... to be someone who will ever rule in harmony with God's purposes.
I do not consider you a Christian at all. A Christian supports the candidate who supports Christians.

End of Sentence
Oh OK I will be sure to run this by my pastor since it's you who knows all about being a good Christian. I truly don't believe Jesus would approve of either candidate. God does not exactly agree with garnering tremendous wealth.
You are so clueless. I guess you don't know anything about Roe v Wade and how TRUMP was the one who led to its demise?

Or maybe unborn babies being butchered every day in this once Christian country doesn't bother you?

That kind of apathy is FAR from being Christian.
Below are the words of Bill Donahue, writing for Newsmax, along with some parts being paraphrased somewhat by yours truly:

[Kamala Harris] has.. 1) tried to force states that restrict abortions to obtain federal approval from the DOJ

2) [As CA’s AG] she "bludgeoned" pro-life activist David Daleiden [who] used undercover videos to expose how abortion operatives harvest and sell aborted fetal organs. 3) She authorized her office to raid his home: they seized his camera equipment and copies of revealing videos that implicated many of those who work in the abortion industry. 4) [She] sought to cripple crisis pregnancy centers with draconian regulations, supporting a bill that would force these centers to inform clients where they could obtain an abortion. She was sued and lost in the Supreme Court 3 years later. 5) Even when [children survive an abortion] she is OK with letting [them] die. . 6) Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, a bill that would “prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.” .. When it comes to convicted serial rapists and mass shooters, she wants to spare their lives. In 2019, she was.. 7) asked if she opposed the death penalty for acts of treason. She said she did [oppose that].

[Donahue continues:] There we have it. Harris says that those who endanger the safety of all Americans by attempting a violent overthrow of the government, or spying on the military for a foreign enemy, should have their lives spared, but innocent children who are moments away from being born are not entitled.. children who survive an abortion, but are in need of medical attention, can be left to die.. and no one will be held accountable.

The D Party is the proud party of homosexual activists and transgender radicals. Harris… actually performed “marriages” between gay couples in 2004. 8) She also opposed Proposition 8, the California initiative barring gay marriage. The people spoke—they voted for it—but she 9) does not believe in “power to the people”: 10) she believes in power to the ruling class (which won in the Supreme Court). When.. DeSantis supported 11) a bill that would prohibit teachers in the early grades, K-3rd grade, from being indoctrinated with gay and transgender propaganda, she opposed it [showing] her contempt for parental rights... Harris’ enthusiasm for transgender rights includes 12) allowing females who claim to be men to join the military and males who claim to be female to compete against girls and women in sports. Religious liberty is a 1st Amendment right, but her deeds suggest she is not supportive of it. As a U.S. senator, she 13) co-sponsored the “Do No Harm Act” that would force religious institutions to violate their doctrinal prerogatives. Harris even 14) co-sponsored the most anti-religious liberty bill ever introduced, the Equality Act. It would coerce Catholic doctors and hospitals to perform abortions and to mutilate the genitals of young people seeking to transition to the opposite sex. This bill would sideline the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a 1993 bill that ensures that the government does not encroach on religious rights. In 2018, the Catholic League was among the first organizations in the nation to protest 15) her attack on a Catholic nominee for a federal district judge post. She badgered Brian Buescher at a hearing, simply because he was a member of the Knights of Columbus, a male entity... Harris has never objected to Jewish women groups or the League of Women Voters. Just a Catholic male group. What really got her goat is Buescher’s membership in a Catholic organization that is pro-life and pro-marriage, rightly understood. 16) In other words, she was invoking a religious test for public office, which is unconstitutional. The one incident where Harris proved to be religion-friendly was a stunt she pulled that violated separation of church and state. In 2021, 17) she created a video to be played in Virginia Black churches urging everyone to vote for D gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe. The video aired in 300 churches for several weeks. Harris starred in it, beckoning congregants to vote for him

(The entire article can be found here )

So there you have


No true Christian can vote for Donald Trump, who has broken every one of the 10 Commandments. 3 marriages, adultery, lies, cheating people in business, failing to keep the Sabbath, blashemy.

It is ridiculous for anyone who calls themselves a Christian and then votes for this amoral asshole.

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