The “Party of Democracy” has bypassed the democratic process and installed Kamala Harris without an election

There is a dynamic going on that MAGA stupids will never be capable of figuring it out.

This is it in a nutshell.

Stupid MAGA has very few Gen XYZ

Anti-MAGA has most of the Gen XYZ

GEN XYZ is very liberal and progressive.

GEN XYZ was depressed and were uninterested in an election between two old white men Joe could not win without Gen XYZ It is as simple as that.

MAGA stupids love seeing two old white men in a rematch.

Joe saw it and made the most democratic move of his incredibly successful for the people career.

Joe passed the baton to Gen XYZ and they love him for it.

Stupid MAGA is fucked - They have a stupid old man in cognitive decline against a monumental replay of 2008 on top of a lot of pissed off and activated millions of women who don’t want Jesus Republican sticking their MAGA noses into every pregnant woman’s uterus.
Yes I understand, your Party is indefensible so you just start ranting about this group or that group. See what you've become by becoming a faithful Democrat minion? So sad.
Kind of like how the republicans made up a new rule about not appointing a supreme court judge nine months before an election.

Right before then breaking the rule as soon as it was convenient to do so.

Because it's not actually a rule.

With me so far?
You don't seem to remember that rule was originally implemented by Joe Biden as the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I don't recall that he was Republican.
She's still not "Picked" although she has garnered support for the most EC voters for the Democrat Primary. You think that tRump did anything different except he threatened, bribed and intimidated. The Democrats are still going to have a primary but Harris is the presumptive leader. You want it changed? Then you forget your criminal MAGAt ways, file as a democrat and come up with your own leader to garner the majority of the voting stock for the Democratic Primary. Otherwise, you are just another sobbing, scared, criminal MAGAt.

WTF is that? EC has nothing to do with the f-ing primary!

I seem to recall I voted in a Republican primary that had several candidates other than Trump.
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In fact, Harris was never put in charge of the border or immigration policy. Nor was she involved in overseeing law-enforcement efforts or guiding the federal response to the crisis. Her mandate was much narrower: to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions in the Northern Triangle of Central America—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—which has been racked by decades of poverty, war, chronic violence, and political instability. The strategy relied on allocating billions for economic programs and stimulating private-sector investment in the region in hopes that these programs would ultimately lead fewer migrants to make the dangerous journey north.

It was the first high-profile assignment in Harris' tenure as Vice President, and it was an especially thankless one. At best, addressing the “push factors” that spur migration would lead to incremental improvements and take a generation to yield results. At worst, it would make Harris the face of the border crisis, one of the Biden administration's biggest political vulnerabilities. "To the extent that this was a useful assignment, she did reasonably well in getting the private sector to invest in Central America," says Muzaffar Chishti, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. "But it was an assignment that could not produce results anytime soon."

Blah blah blah, ignore evidence brainwashed cuck
Yes I understand,
Watch the Senate race in Florida.

I wrote the following last April but then I was not feeling good about the polls so I lost hope Biden could win Florida.

But now I’m feeling the Energy and I think Kam can:

i. Embryos and Personhood 240424 {post•445}

NotfooledbyW Aor’24 Veapyz: The timeframe voted into the Constitution of Ohio is 24 weeks which is the original limit set in Roe v Wade based on fetal viability if separated from its mother.

Florida will have a near identical ballot initiative on their ballots in November and I expect it will pass because the Republican Catholic white Evangelical Party’s Six Week ban goes into effect shortly and that pisses a lot of Americans off nationwide.

If the Democrats win Florida; Biden wins Florida; the Republican Party will be pronounced dead. Vladimir Putin will suffer a mental break down if that happens to him.

nfbw 240424 Veapyz00445
WTF is this? The Democrats just made up another new election rule because they are so f**d up as a Party they staged their own coup to kick the incumbent out of the race? Bullshit! Have the convention as the Constitution dictates and pick your Nominee PER THE PROCESS. This "Virtual Roll Call Vote" subverting the centuries old convention process is another example of Democrat ELECTION TAMPERING.
The democrats, who seem very concerned about our democracy haven’t run a democratically elected nominee since obie.
Abortion best left to voters of each state. Ending Roe established this. So now nobody can lose on the issue.

The problem I see here is, Congress has not done their job. They should set a minimum and then allow the states to rule on it. The problem we have right now is, we have a dysfunctional House of Representatives who are too busy trying to impeach or sue anyone they can think of and can't do their real jobs.
Blah blah blah, ignore evidence brainwashed cuck
the GOP named her Border Czar? :auiqs.jpg:

WASHINGTON D.C. –– Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) was joined by Homeland Republicans and other Conference members in condemning ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Kamala Harris’ refusal to secure our borders and protect Americans. Following their remarks, the House of Representatives passed, on a bipartisan vote, H.Res. 1371, a resolution strongly condemning the Biden administration’s failure to secure America’s borders and condemning Harris specifically for her catastrophic handling of the unprecedented border crisis.

Blah blah blah, ignore evidence brainwashed cuck
On a visit to Guatemala in 2021, her first foreign trip as vice president, she said the United States would work to investigate corruption in the country but warned migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border.

“Do not come,” she said.

Republicans have sought to blame Ms. Harris for the high numbers of migrant crossings, branding her the “border czar.”

“We are very clear, and I think most Americans are clear, that we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it,” Ms. Harris said in March.

She recently endorsed a bipartisan border security proposal that was killed by Republican lawmakers at Mr. Trump’s urging. The deal would have closed the U.S. border with Mexico if crossings hit a fixed number and would have funded more Border Patrol agents and asylum officers.
the GOP named her Border Czar? :auiqs.jpg:

WASHINGTON D.C. –– Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) was joined by Homeland Republicans and other Conference members in condemning ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Kamala Harris’ refusal to secure our borders and protect Americans. Following their remarks, the House of Representatives passed, on a bipartisan vote, H.Res. 1371, a resolution strongly condemning the Biden administration’s failure to secure America’s borders and condemning Harris specifically for her catastrophic handling of the unprecedented border crisis.

On a visit to Guatemala in 2021, her first foreign trip as vice president, she said the United States would work to investigate corruption in the country but warned migrants hoping to reach the U.S. border.

“Do not come,” she said.

Republicans have sought to blame Ms. Harris for the high numbers of migrant crossings, branding her the “border czar.”

“We are very clear, and I think most Americans are clear, that we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it,” Ms. Harris said in March.

She recently endorsed a bipartisan border security proposal that was killed by Republican lawmakers at Mr. Trump’s urging. The deal would have closed the U.S. border with Mexico if crossings hit a fixed number and would have funded more Border Patrol agents and asylum officers.
7:00 minute mark

It is clear you make shit up as you go along. The Bidens have been upfront about what transpired and when. The DNC did not do anything as it is controlled by Biden -- as the GOP is controlled by Trump.

FOX News called Harris the Border Czar, but then again FOX News told you 2020 was stolen by machines and paid out a billion dollars for lying.
Numerous outlets touted her as the Border Czar, Simp.
In fact, Harris was never put in charge of the border or immigration policy. Nor was she involved in overseeing law-enforcement efforts or guiding the federal response to the crisis. Her mandate was much narrower: to focus on examining and improving the underlying conditions in the Northern Triangle of Central America—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—which has been racked by decades of poverty, war, chronic violence, and political instability. The strategy relied on allocating billions for economic programs and stimulating private-sector investment in the region in hopes that these programs would ultimately lead fewer migrants to make the dangerous journey north.

It was the first high-profile assignment in Harris' tenure as Vice President, and it was an especially thankless one. At best, addressing the “push factors” that spur migration would lead to incremental improvements and take a generation to yield results. At worst, it would make Harris the face of the border crisis, one of the Biden administration's biggest political vulnerabilities. "To the extent that this was a useful assignment, she did reasonably well in getting the private sector to invest in Central America," says Muzaffar Chishti, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. "But it was an assignment that could not produce results anytime soon."

And the number of illegals from those countries skyrocketed.

Worst Border Czar ever.

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