1 in 3 Democrats believe Trump faked assassination attempt. I talked to one

I get you’re a mindless promoter of child abuse. You mindlessly repeat the slogans you’re fed. What sick fascination do you derive from children being treated with dangerous drugs, mutilating surgeries and tranny story time? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are your own to seek help for.
I know you are but what am I?
Back to 4chan with you. :)
You really are hopeless. You can’t defended your child abuse so you’re left to schoolboy babbling.
And you are a deviant. Obsessed with and expressing just and righteous outrage over shadowy things you believe happen.

You are a warrior for God. :)...but there's no saving you.

I'm out, hon. You get the last worthless word here.
And you think that the Democrats will poll higher after Biden mumbles and gaffes his way through a teleprompter reading and then stands there dumbfounded looking for how to exit the stage, or Kamala talks to people like they’re in 3rd grade, only breaking for weird laughter and exaggerated arm movements? That is one weird chick!

Do you think any sane or reasonable person is going to vote for the overthrow of the Constitution, restrictions on their rights and freedoms, and hatred of all non-whites, and non-Christians.

There are 8 million more women voters than men. No woman with any level of intelligence is going to vote against health care for their daughters and granddaughters.

No one with any sanity is going to vote for a party which is banning care for women having miscarriages.

Only a total idiot would vote for the party which has crashed the US economy 3 times since 1980, and which is promising a further CORPORATE tax cut upon election, given that every tax cut has been followed by yet another economic crash. Of course the tax cuts and the crashes both benefit their wealthiest donors and impoverish the working and middle class, so these crashes are a feature not a bug of Republican economics.
I get you’re a mindless promoter of child abuse. You mindlessly repeat the slogans you’re fed. What sick fascination do you derive from children being treated with dangerous drugs, mutilating surgeries and tranny story time? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are your own to seek help for.

I get that you don't know you ass from a hole in the ground, and you've been brainwashed by the idiocracy.

You believe that it's OK for crazy people to have guns to shoot school children. You keep insisting that EVERYONE should have access to fire arms. 1500 children are shot and killed every year and still you believe everyone needs a gun.

What is WRONG WITH YOU???????
I get that you don't know you ass from a hole in the ground, and you've been brainwashed by the idiocracy.

You believe that it's OK for crazy people to have guns to shoot school children. You keep insisting that EVERYONE should have access to fire arms. 1500 children are shot and killed every year and still you believe everyone needs a gun.

What is WRONG WITH YOU???????
Don't tell me you have guns.
I get that you don't know you ass from a hole in the ground, and you've been brainwashed by the idiocracy.

You believe that it's OK for crazy people to have guns to shoot school children. You keep insisting that EVERYONE should have access to fire arms. 1500 children are shot and killed every year and still you believe everyone needs a gun.

What is WRONG WITH YOU???????

This ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ is called "Confession by Accusation".


Leftists aren't the ones who refuse to give up their fantasies, and lies.

According to you fools, Trump was a great president who created the greatest economy ever, and who is being falsely prosecuted, and nothing in that sentence is true at all.

Trump was a walking talking disaster for the nation, who bankrupted the treasury, killed half a million Americans with his failed covid response, destroyed your balance of trade, and offshored all of the manufacturing gains since 2009, and then crashed the economy with tax cuts that did nothing for the American people.

And we haven't even started on the increase in violent crime, and hate crimes under his watch. The race riots he instigated and promoted, or the continuing murder of unarmed civilians by the police.

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