1 in 3 Democrats believe Trump faked assassination attempt. I talked to one

One out of three Democrats thought Dementia Joe won the debate...


Coincidence? I don't think so.
its better than the divide we have now Then we could really see which system works and which one destroys a people.
It would be a tough thing to accomplish - setting up separate military forces, government agencies, etc. - but I don’t think that we can pretend to be the same people any longer: a) one side is for weakening the country via the importation of lower-caliber foreigners and putting lesser qualified or incompetent people (Kamala, KJP, SS Chief, etc.) in important roles because….diversity!!, and b) the other side wants America to be the best it can be by blocking scofflaws and criminals from storming the border and choosing people for jobs based on merit.

How about we break it into the Country of Transformers and the Country of American Patriots according to the results of the 2024 election? Most likely, Transformers Country will be California, New York, Maryland, Illinois, Hawaii, and Vermont (about half the population, considering these states have the three most populous cities), and the American Patriots Country will be the other 45 states?
Given Trump's rising up, shaking his fist and staging a photo op, I fully believe Trump could have staged this.

Would he care that someone died - not for a second. He didn't care when half a million people died of covid while he was President. He never even mentioned the dead.
You still pissed the shooter missed eh?
Oh, you know Pootey has that tape. It would be hysterical to watch, even for you. :)

There isn't a mountain of evidence against Biden (just ask Comer and Jordan if you don't believe me), Smollett lied and was dispatched.
Ronny's little "woke" rant against people who are different came back to bite him in the ass. As I recall, he was one of the cucks who bowed and kissed the ring
last week. There goes his shot in 2028.
What is it with Dems/ Socialists and their conspiracy theories and fascination with pee tapes? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are really, really disturbing.
What is it with Dems/ Socialists and their conspiracy theories and fascination with pee tapes? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are really, really disturbing.
Again, you can stop with the projection, hon. We don't obsess over mythical pedos hiding in every closet, or phantom cross-dresser shows corrupting our sensitive youth, or secret, in the dead of night gender re-assignment surgeries (that don't happen).

We'll leave that nonsense to you whackos to froth over. :)
Again, you can stop with the projection, hon. We don't obsess over mythical pedos hiding in every closet, or phantom cross-dresser shows corrupting our sensitive youth, or secret, in the dead of night gender re-assignment surgeries (that don't happen).

We'll leave that nonsense to you whackos to froth over. :)
Actually, pumpkin, you do obsess over pedos, cross dressers and mutilating surgeries for children. It’s your “party of the diseased” that promotes such things.

Trump now leads Biden 46-44 percent in the Detroit area.

In 2020 Biden carried the region 56-40 percent.

BQ: And how could this be?

A: The black vote that the left say are not leaving the Democrat party.

That's how... :thup:

Actually, pumpkin, you do obsess over pedos, cross dressers and mutilating surgeries for children. It’s your “party of the diseased” that promotes such things.
No. We don't. We don't see shadows everywhere. That's your mental illness shining through.

Again, stop the projection. It's not healthy to have delusions. :)

Only the uniformed believe your BS.

Besides you are an idiot Canuck with Fascist Trudeu tattooed on your ass.

What I am is irrelevant. It's not my nation that's going to become an authoritarian hell-hole where only the rich get any say in anything.

Trump has already said he's going to get rid of the Constitution, and he won't accept the results of this election unless he wins.

My rights won't be terminated, like yours will. My economy won't be crashed like yours, and when you come to your senses and try to throw these authoritarians out of office, you won't be able to.

Trump has made it clear he plans to take full control of the DOJ and prosecute Democrats. He tried to do that in his first term and the couldn't get anyone to indict Democrats on no evidence.

So please, take your "lawfare" bullshit and shove it up your ass. Trump is the guy who INVENTED lawfare, and honed it to a fine art with over 4000 civil lawsuits over the years. Grinding his opposition into dust was his only successful business tactic, and he did the same thing to House oversight for 4 years, and federal prosecutions for the last 4 years.

Trump now leads Biden 46-44 percent in the Detroit area.

In 2020 Biden carried the region 56-40 percent.

BQ: And how could this be?

A: The black vote that the left say are not leaving the Democrat party.

That's how... :thup:

The election isn't until November. Who leads at this point is irrelevant, given that Republicans have just had their convention.
No. We don't. We don't see shadows everywhere. That's your mental illness shining through.

Again, stop the projection. It's not healthy to have delusions. :)
Of course you do. The “Party of the Diseased” is perfectly fine with dangerous drugs and mutilating surgeries for children. Take responsibility for the results of your disease.
The election isn't until November. Who leads at this point is irrelevant, given that Republicans have just had their convention.

You had better get those (Johnson's words) 'uppity blacks' back onto the Democrat plantation.


Nice tandem.
Of course you do. The “Party of the Diseased” is perfectly fine with dangerous drugs and mutilating surgeries for children. Take responsibility for the results of your disease.
Which doesn't happen. Not without a whole lot of input from psychologists, doctors, and yes..parents if the child is underage.

Obsessing over this really isn't healthy. And stay out of alt-right media sites. All they do is lie to you, gin you up, and keep you outraged. :)
What is it with Dems/ Socialists and their conspiracy theories and fascination with pee tapes? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are really, really disturbing.
Have you had a look at some of them? I think the incels are mostly in the Democrat Party

Another Soros DEI agent bites the dust.

And still the stupid left don't see the trending. :rofl:
What I am is irrelevant. It's not my nation that's going to become an authoritarian hell-hole where only the rich get any say in anything.

Trump has already said he's going to get rid of the Constitution, and he won't accept the results of this election unless he wins.

My rights won't be terminated, like yours will. My economy won't be crashed like yours, and when you come to your senses and try to throw these authoritarians out of office, you won't be able to.

Trump has made it clear he plans to take full control of the DOJ and prosecute Democrats. He tried to do that in his first term and the couldn't get anyone to indict Democrats on no evidence.

So please, take your "lawfare" bullshit and shove it up your ass. Trump is the guy who INVENTED lawfare, and honed it to a fine art with over 4000 civil lawsuits over the years. Grinding his opposition into dust was his only successful business tactic, and he did the same thing to House oversight for 4 years, and federal prosecutions for the last 4 years.
The election isn't until November. Who leads at this point is irrelevant, given that Republicans have just had their convention.
And you think that the Democrats will poll higher after Biden mumbles and gaffes his way through a teleprompter reading and then stands there dumbfounded looking for how to exit the stage, or Kamala talks to people like they’re in 3rd grade, only breaking for weird laughter and exaggerated arm movements? That is one weird chick!

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