1 in 3 Democrats believe Trump faked assassination attempt. I talked to one

Nope. 3 years your corrupt DOJ attacked True the Vote. Trying to prosecute them with Lawfare. You lost and now anyone can challenge voter rolls based on change of address.

True the Vote is a right wing hate group that tries to delete Democrats from the voting rolls within weeks of an election, by eliminating multiple names from the same address. Instead of following a process of notification, with a time to remedy, and a last chance notification, they simple delete voters without adequate notice - and always in "Democratic" neighbourhoods.

The only thing they won is the right to question the voter rolls. None of their attempts to prove voter fraud have ever been successful:

It never ceases to amaze me how many American right wingers cheer for voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Republicans hate democracy.
True the Vote is a right wing hate group that tries to delete Democrats from the voting rolls within weeks of an election, by eliminating multiple names from the same address. Instead of following a process of notification, with a time to remedy, and a last chance notification, they simple delete voters without adequate notice - and always in "Democratic" neighbourhoods.

The only thing they won is the right to question the voter rolls. None of their attempts to prove voter fraud have ever been successful:

It never ceases to amaze me how many American right wingers cheer for voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Republicans hate democracy.
True the vote was attacked by gov agencies under Biden.

Huh? We haven’t kicked ANYBODY out yet, but we will.

You leftists are so blinded by hate that you don’t even make sense.
MAGA world has been kicking out their young for decades. Where do you think those weirdos in the city come from? They weren’t born there. They were LGBTQ+ before they got here, thank you. :cool-45:

Though I realize that watching Maddow, Joy Reid, MSNBC in general and such educational sources as The View does imply a less than stellar assessment of your cognitive competitiveness, this is still a shocking result.

I've watched interviews of people in California and it breaks my heart. As a young pup my view of California was gleaned through the video of David Lee Roths cover of "California Girls". Sunshine and fun. The types of opinions I heard during a few recent street interviews threw me for a confounded loop.. Some of these brain surgeons being interviewed wished that Trump had died, others said "RIP to the shooter" etc. Just morbid expressions that transcended politics.

There were also repeated claims that Trump had staged the attack. One man was thoroughly convinced it was fake, expressing anger at the mere suggestion it could be legitimate.

California can still recover, but some sanity and logic has to be reconstituted in that beautiful state. A state full of beautiful people who are often social libertarians. I can see the appeal even with all of the challenges, I love their spirit. However, this spirit is not relegated to California alone, they do not have a monopoly on this. It is also found in places such as Austin, Texas without an overabundance of tinfoil hats and lack of empathy. California better be careful or they will lose a great deal to Texas in particular. Musk has already sounded the alarm loud and clear. Hopefully some are listening.

If some polls are to be believed, one in three Democrats think that Donald Trump faked his own assassination attempt. When I read that, I thought, could this possibly be true? But this weekend on my drive home to West Virginia from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, I got the theory first hand. And it's a fascinating doozy.

Station Square Ristorante, just off of I-80 in Liberty, Ohio, is an absolute gem. Ottavio and Bridget Musumeci have somehow managed to create a legitimate fine-dining experience attached to the Super 8 motel. And no, I’m not kidding. In the wood-paneled bar, as I ordered oysters and antipasto for a late lunch, I met Mark, originally from northern New Jersey, which his accent revealed before he did. And Mark, well, he had some very interesting things to say.

As is my way, I turned the conversation to politics and the assassination came up.

"That whole thing was a setup," Mark told me.
There are rabid Trump haters on this board who believe the assassination attempt was "staged" to give Trump "the sympathy vote". They live in world of delusion and nothing will bring them out sadly.
MAGA world has been kicking out their young for decades. Where do you think those weirdos in the city come from? They weren’t born there. They were LGBTQ+ before they got here, thank you. :cool-45:

Still not making sense. Are you saying that conservative parents, who raised their children with the old-fashioned values of self-sufficency, think they should be out of the house by 25, at the very latest?
Type of think the leader of North Korea would do: silence anyone who would reveal the truth.
They dont care about the truth. Lener back during Obama attacked them along wirh OSHA, ATF, FBI, etc.

Lerner got early retirement for it. No charges for using govt to attack the other party.

DNC is scum now
Which doesn't happen. Not without a whole lot of input from psychologists, doctors, and yes..parents if the child is underage.

Obsessing over this really isn't healthy. And stay out of alt-right media sites. All they do is lie to you, gin you up, and keep you outraged. :)
It doesn’t happen? Another of your diseased conspiracy theories.

Keep away from children. You have no business imposing your dugs, ideologies and perversions on them.
It doesn’t happen? Another of your diseased conspiracy theories.

Keep away from children. You have no business imposing your dugs, ideologies and perversions on them.
I get you're a mindless drone who repeats anything their alt-right media masters and politicians relay to them as gospel, but you really need to start thinking for yourself.
You belong to a cult, and deprogramming is one of the hardest things cult members have to endure.

You obsess over the weirdest things. :)
What were you expecting from Maddow or/and Reid? Nothing more than conspiratorial rhetorics from the MSM. They are biased on so many levels. It shows their true character. :)
I get you're a mindless drone who repeats anything their alt-right media masters and politicians relay to them as gospel, but you really need to start thinking for yourself.
You belong to a cult, and deprogramming is one of the hardest things cult members have to endure.

You obsess over the weirdest things. :)
Spoken like a good Hitler youth.
I get you're a mindless drone who repeats anything their alt-right media masters and politicians relay to them as gospel, but you really need to start thinking for yourself.
You belong to a cult, and deprogramming is one of the hardest things cult members have to endure.

You obsess over the weirdest things. :)
I get you’re a mindless promoter of child abuse. You mindlessly repeat the slogans you’re fed. What sick fascination do you derive from children being treated with dangerous drugs, mutilating surgeries and tranny story time? Your psycho-sexual fantasies are your own to seek help for.

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