Biden Withdrawing from Presidential Race

I've never expressed my position on abortion on this board. Nor will I.

What I'm saying is that the Republican position on abortion from a political standpoint is very unpopular.
Oh you are 100% right.
Totally unpopular to remind people that support abortion are actually supporting nearly 60% of abortions are 2nd time are irresponsible!
That number is NOT at all mentioned in any pro-abortion speeches, etc. and why? Do the speakers approve killing babies JUST because the woman is irresponsible? Now anyone who kills a person in a car accident because they were drunk including a woman is held responsible for it! Do they give the woman in the car accident... ok you are not guilty because you are too young? So why do we hold women who have had an abortion and now having another which again 60% of the abortions are for women who've had a previous abortion not responsible? If anything these women who FAILED to be responsible and had sex that caused the pregnancy they should be responsible. Responsible to provide money for educating young women.
Responsible for "public service" to comprehend their irresponsibility!

AGAIN... I'm not against Rape or health of the mother abortions or the first abortion!
But folks killing 60% of humans simply because of irresponsibility is like excusing the Nazis for
the extermination of 6 million jews!
That's true, but it was also true for Trump. Trump had more people who came in and out of the White House than other President in my lifetime.
That's true! While Biden hasn't had ANYone Jen Psaki of his immediate staff! Why?
Remember the famous line by Trump on the "Apprentice"??/ "YOU'RE FIRED!"
And that's because they weren't doing their jobs!
  1. Abortion/young woman's rights - every red state like a jackass ran out and tried to BAN abortion the day after the SC decision like an IDIOT.
  3. Trump is a DICTATOR.
  4. Trump is an INSURRECTIONIST.
  5. Trump is a danger to DEMOCRACY.
  6. Trump ignores SCIENCE (climate change).
  7. Trump is controlled by PUTIN.
  8. Trump committed crimes against HUMANITY (Covid).
  9. Trump is an ELECTION DENIER.
  10. Trump's own party calls him UNQUALIFIED.
Just for starters. Expect ALL of these. Worth pointing out that Trump provided ALL of these to the Democrats.
That is mostly a Deep State lie.

Many of them had only Old Laws on the books regarding abortion and reverted back to those when SCOTUS sent the issue back to the States. They were old and didn't reflect modern values. Some of them DID get out of control with new laws but the People of those States will straighten it out. One way or the other.

I think the Law should read: "Any dim that wants an abortion should get one free of charge. And $10 from Crime Stop."
Coming across the wires is Biden is not going to run for 2nd term.
So the Democrats are thinking more about their party than the country.
Now watch the BIASED MSM make whoever replaces the hero or heroine, and so much better Style than Trump.
Which will be true! The problem is the Democrats and some Republicans think "style" is more important that "substance".
To me I'll probably like the Democrat candidate "STYLE" i.e. politically correct. BUT I personally have been affected by Trump's "SUBSTANCE"! When I go to the gas station under Trump's "substance" I paid $2.57 average/gallon.
Under the "STYLE" of Biden and any Democrat I paid 40% more. To me give me substance!
To me give the substance of an inflation rate under Trump of 1.03% Vs Style of Biden:4.37% nearly 3.2 times MORE!
Substance vs style affects me hence whatever Democrat is named... "style" VS Trump and "substance"!
/——/ Another interesting footnote.
In October 1964, Nikita Khrushchev was removed from power in a palace coup

Brezhnev conspired against him while he was on vacation and forced his resignation

Brezhnev took power

Khrushchev was placed under house arrest until his death
Apparently, you are the one with intellectual challenges since you hurl insults instead of providing any rationale for your contrary opinion.

On May 24th, I posted...

"He will be asked to step aside. He will be offered to do so gracefully for health reasons. This will be done after the next debate where he will not have a teleprompter or cue cards."

Biden will not be finishing his first presidential term.

These things are obvious. It is you who has been in denial. [Funny link from June 21 where you think Joe is going to win, LOL]
I never said I thought Joe would win. I was giving polling data.
Should not pardon Hunter. I would not blame Joe for commuting all of Hunter's sentences after they are pronounced.
Trouble is: the elections may be over and we might be into a new administration before the tax trial is done or gets to sentence.
I think he will genuinely be too old by that point. The torch will pass to one of his sons.

I think so too. But he will.

Why wouldn't he? He has the party in a vice grip and he brings in hundreds of millions of dollars. He has convinced his supporters of an alternative reality that has made him richer than anything he's ever done in his life and made one of two American political parties his own cult of personality.

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