500,000 Condoms distributed to Paris Olympic Athletes: Beyond Despicable.

Some of you really believe there isn’t a lot of fucking going on at a gathering of some of the most in shape athletes on the planet?
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I'm not at all surprrised that people here attack Mashmont/the Catholic Faith. It has been a long and grueling 500 years since all Christians were called Catholic. Thanks again, Luther. :rolleyes:

The True Faith Jesus gave us has always taught that artificial b control is a moral evil. And even the fake popes (last 6) have not changed this teaching, that I know of, although I wouldn't put it past francis to try..

Well, 500 years of false beliefs is a rather long time.. not to God, to whom one day is as 1000 and 1000 as one day. But to us idiot humans who never seem to learn from our mistakes...
Using a condom for sex is very responsible. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy and catching a STD.
Educate yourself. For once, just educate yourself so that you could at least give the appearance of knowing what it is you're talking about...

The U.S. Olympic Team relies almost exclusively on sponsorships, charity, revenue from programming and memberships, and broadcast fees. Athletes without sponsorships often work as many as four jobs to make ends meet, all while training.
The US Olympic Committee gets tax-exempt status. There's your government subsidy. For once, just educate yourself that you could at least give the appearance of knowing what you're talking about.
Using a condom for sex is very responsible. It helps prevent unwanted pregnancy and catching a STD.

and abstinance is FAR more trustworthy, as condoms break and artificial b control fails. Enter abortion for the hedonists

Evdr heard of the Church's teaching against fornication and artificial b control?

Ignore the Church at your own peril.

Jesus said in effect that most people end up in Hell

Mt 7
Lk 13
Most are college age kids and if you have been to college where there are thousands of young in shape people with bright futures they tend to hook up with other young in shape people with bright futures. What's the big deal? You guys make me laugh.
I notice it's the atheists and leftists who support this garbage. Who is surprised? Study after study after study has shown the harm sex outside marriage does to future relationships, but these folks have no use for science or logic. You might think on at least one issue, they would display some common sense. But alas, there are none.
I notice it's the atheists and leftists who support this garbage. Who is surprised? Study after study after study has shown the harm sex outside marriage does to future relationships, but these folks have no use for science or logic. You might think on at least one issue, they would display some common sense. But alas, there are none.
Obviously you’ve never been a young in shape person with lots of prospects. It’s not for everyone but I’ll just say you missed out.
Obviously you’ve never been a young in shape person with lots of prospects. It’s not for everyone but I’ll just say you missed out.
Let me just set this stuff straight once and for all. A lot of you leftwing guys who have never done much hear about these orgies and think "Hot damn. That sounds like the greatest thing that could ever be. I sure wish I could have gotten in on that". You think it's something glamorous and great. It's not. I know. I played college football. I was part of a D-1 program. I've seen this stuff up close. I'm certain I have had more offers of sex than all you leftwingers put together. And having done so, I see it for what it is. It's dehumanization. It's numbing of authentic relationships. It's brokenness. It's disappointment. It's depression.
I am relieved to say I never fell into the trap of these girls and the temptation. I was lucky enough to find my future wife who was like-minded, and we waited until marriage. I see my former teammates now who openly did this stuff. Most are divorced, their families broken up. Some got it together and had long-term marriages, but the majority did not. So in reality, it's the "incels" who think this orgy stuff sounds like the greatest thing ever.
Obviously you’ve never been a young in shape person with lots of prospects. It’s not for everyone but I’ll just say you missed out.
I've been celibate for more than 2 decades and I can GUARANTEE that I have not "missed out"

If a relationship is messed up and you are not married to the person but having sex

you are headed toward misery in this life and in the next. And in the next, it never ends..

Have some charity toward others. Help Jesus to help them avoid such a catastrophic end.
Let me just set this stuff straight once and for all. A lot of you leftwing guys who have never done much hear about these orgies and think "Hot damn. That sounds like the greatest thing that could ever be. I sure wish I could have gotten in on that". You think it's something glamorous and great. It's not. I know. I played college football. I was part of a D-1 program. I've seen this stuff up close. I'm certain I have had more offers of sex than all you leftwingers put together. And having done so, I see it for what it is. It's dehumanization. It's numbing of authentic relationships. It's brokenness. It's disappointment. It's depression.
I am relieved to say I never fell into the trap of these girls and the temptation. I was lucky enough to find my future wife who was like-minded, and we waited until marriage. I see my former teammates now who openly did this stuff. Most are divorced, their families broken up. Some got it together and had long-term marriages, but the majority did not. So in reality, it's the "incels" who think this orgy stuff sounds like the greatest thing ever.
what the devil is an incel?
Let me just set this stuff straight once and for all. A lot of you leftwing guys who have never done much hear about these orgies and think "Hot damn. That sounds like the greatest thing that could ever be. I sure wish I could have gotten in on that". You think it's something glamorous and great. It's not. I know. I played college football. I was part of a D-1 program. I've seen this stuff up close. I'm certain I have had more offers of sex than all you leftwingers put together. And having done so, I see it for what it is. It's dehumanization. It's numbing of authentic relationships. It's brokenness. It's disappointment. It's depression.
I am relieved to say I never fell into the trap of these girls and the temptation. I was lucky enough to find my future wife who was like-minded, and we waited until marriage. I see my former teammates now who openly did this stuff. Most are divorced, their families broken up. Some got it together and had long-term marriages, but the majority did not. So in reality, it's the "incels" who think this orgy stuff sounds like the greatest thing ever.
I’ve never been to an orgy. That sounds like a 1970s thing and I’m not that old. But I’ve been in a college lunch room and seen a girl I want to date and started chatting her up which is 100% how people end up dating. Orgies? That’s just silly.
what the devil is an incel?
I’ve never been to an orgy. That sounds like a 1970s thing and I’m not that old. But I’ve been in a college lunch room and seen a girl I want to date and started chatting her up which is 100% how people end up dating. Orgies? That’s just silly.
Did you not read the article about what goes on in the Olympic Village?
This isn't about chatting up a girl and going out for a root beer.
Let me just set this stuff straight once and for all. A lot of you leftwing guys who have never done much hear about these orgies and think "Hot damn. That sounds like the greatest thing that could ever be. I sure wish I could have gotten in on that". You think it's something glamorous and great. It's not. I know. I played college football. I was part of a D-1 program. I've seen this stuff up close. I'm certain I have had more offers of sex than all you leftwingers put together. And having done so, I see it for what it is. It's dehumanization. It's numbing of authentic relationships. It's brokenness. It's disappointment. It's depression.
I am relieved to say I never fell into the trap of these girls and the temptation. I was lucky enough to find my future wife who was like-minded, and we waited until marriage. I see my former teammates now who openly did this stuff. Most are divorced, their families broken up. Some got it together and had long-term marriages, but the majority did not. So in reality, it's the "incels" who think this orgy stuff sounds like the greatest thing ever.

what orgies?

What evidence do you have that there are big groups of people having sex together at the Olympics?
Did you not read the article about what goes on in the Olympic Village?
This isn't about chatting up a girl and going out for a root beer.

yes, people are having sex...nothing about massive groups doing it all together.

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